School of Medicine Monthly Faculty Publications

September 2021

Ranked by Impact Factor

  • Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields.
  • Veterinary medical publications are kept on a separate list.
  • Full impact factors cannot be displayed due to license agreements. Also, note that impact factors are not available for all publications.

AuthorsJournalArticleImpact FactorPlumXAltmetric
Davidson, K. W., Barry, M. J., Mangione, C. M., Cabana, M., Caughey, A. B., Davis, E. M., Donahue, K. E., Doubeni, C. A., Krist, A. H., Kubik, M., Li, L., Ogedegbe, G., Pbert, L., Silverstein, M., Simon, M. A., Stevermer, J., Tseng, C. W., Wong, J. B.JAMA - Journal of the American Medical AssociationScreening for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement63.XXX
Koppisetti, R. K., Fulcher, Y. G., Van Doren, S. R.Journal of the American Chemical SocietyFusion Peptide of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Rearranges into a Wedge Inserted in Bilayered Micelles14.XXX
Fernandez, K., Long, K. A., Zhang, A., Shumway, N. K.Journal of the American Academy of DermatologyClinical features of idiopathic anogenital pruritus in adult men: A case-control study12.XXX
Lukowiak, T. M., Perz, A. M., Veerabagu, S. A., Lee, M. P., Neal, D., Aizman, L., Miller, C. J., Golda, N., Albertini, J. G., Holmes, T., Bar, A., Leitenberger, J., Maher, I. A., Sobanko, J. F., Chen, D., Aasi, S., Sutton, A., Higgins, H. W. Ii, Shin, T. M., Weinberger, C., Mattox, A., Wysong, A., Etzkorn, J. R.JAMA DermatologyPatient Quality of Life after Interpolated Flap Repair of Nasal Mohs Surgery Defects: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study11.XXX
Foster, A., Nigam, S., Tatum, D. S., Raphael, I., Xu, J., Kumar, R., Plakseychuk, E., Latoche, J. D., Vincze, S., Li, B., Giri, R., McCarl, L. H., Edinger, R., Ak, M., Peddagangireddy, V., Foley, L. M., Hitchens, T. K., Colen, R. R., Pollack, I. F., Panigrahy, A., Magda, D., Anderson, C. J., Edwards, W. B., Kohanbash, G.EBioMedicineNovel theranostic agent for PET imaging and targeted radiopharmaceutical therapy of tumour-infiltrating immune cells in glioma9.XXX
Zhu, Z., Parikh, P., Zhao, H., Givens, N. T., Beck, D. B., Willson, C. M., Bai, Q., Wakefield, M. R., Fang, Y.Cancer LettTargeting immunometabolism of neoplasms by interleukins: A promising immunotherapeutic strategy for cancer treatment9.XXX
Stauffer, E., Poutrel, S., Gozal, D., Germain, M., Prudent, M., Fort, R., Gauthier, A., Bertrand, Y., Hot, A., Connes, P.Archivos de BronconeumologiaReduced Lung Diffusion Capacity Caused by Low Alveolar Volume and Restrictive Disease Are Common in Sickle Cell Disease8.XXX
Yogendrakumar, V., Ramsay, T., Menon, B. K., Qureshi, A. I., Saver, J. L., Dowlatshahi, D.NeurologyHematoma Expansion Shift Analysis to Assess Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage Treatments7.XXX
Toyoda, K., Yoshimura, S., Fukuda-Doi, M., Qureshi, A. I., Martin, R. H., Palesch, Y. Y., Ihara, M., Suarez, J. I., Okada, Y., Hsu, C. Y., Itabashi, R., Wang, Y., Yamagami, H., Steiner, T., Sakai, N., Yoon, B. W., Inoue, M., Minematsu, K., Yamamoto, H., Koga, M., the, Atach Trial Investigators, the, Samurai InvestigatorsInternational Journal of StrokeIntensive blood pressure lowering with nicardipine and outcomes after intracerebral hemorrhage: An individual participant data systematic review6.XXX
Rosen, G. H., Hargis, P., Murray, K. S.J Urol SKOPE-Study of Ketorolac vs Opioid for Pain after Endoscopy: A Double-Blinded Randomized Control Trial in Patients Undergoing Ureteroscopy. Letter5.XXX
Anadani, M., Qureshi, A. I., Menacho, S., Grandhi, R., Yaghi, S., Jumaa, M. A., de Havenon, A.European Stroke JournalRace/ethnicity and response to blood pressure lowering treatment after intracerebral hemorrhage5.XXX
Miwa, K., Koga, M., Fukuda-Doi, M., Yamamoto, H., Tanaka, K., Yoshimura, S., Ihara, M., Qureshi, A. I., Toyoda, K.Journal of the American Heart AssociationEffect of heart rate variabilities on outcome after acute intracerebral hemorrhage: A post hoc analysis of atach-25.XXX
Sugimoto, J., Choi, S., Sheridan, M., Koh, I., Kudo, Y., Schust, D. J.International Journal of Molecular SciencesCould the human endogenous retrovirus?derived syncytialization inhibitor, suppressyn, limit heterotypic cell fusion events in the decidua?4.XXX
Laffey, K. G., Du, J., Schrum, A. G., Ackerman, S. J.International Journal of Molecular SciencesTranscriptional regulation of the human il5ra gene through alternative promoter usage during eosinophil development4.XXX
Cortes-Perez, N. G., de LeBlanc, A. M., Gomez-Gutierrez, J. G., Leblanc, J. G., Bermudez-Humarin, L. G.BiomoleculesProbiotics and trained immunity4.XXX
Yeh, H. I., Yu, Y. C., Kuo, P. L., Tsai, C. K.,Huang , H.T., Hwang, T. C.Journal of PhysiologyFunctional stability of CFTR depends on tight binding of ATP at its degenerate ATP-binding site4.XXX
Goswami, L. N., Chakravarty, S., Cai, Q. Y., Shapiro, E. M., Hawthorne, M. F., Ma, L.ACS Applied Bio MaterialsAmphiphilic DTPA Multimer Assembled on Icosahedral Closo-Borane Motif as High-Performance MRI Blood Pool Contrast Agent4.XXX
Hao, F., Wang, C., Sholy, C., Cao, M., Kang, X.Frontiers in Cell and Developmental BiologyStrategy for Leukemia Treatment Targeting SHP-1,2 and SHIP4.XXX
Khalyfa, A., Trzepizur, W., Gileles-Hillel, A., Qiao, Z., Sanz-Rubio, D., Marin, J. M., Martinez-Garcia, M. A., Campos-Rodriguez, F., Almendros, I., Farre, R., Sanchez-De-la-torre, M., Garcia-Rio, F., Gozal, D.CancersHeterogeneity of melanoma cell responses to sleep apnea-derived plasma exosomes and to intermittent hypoxia4.XXX
Gudeman, A. S., Hinckel, B. B., Oladeji, L., Ray, T. E., Gersoff, W., Farr, J., Sherman, S. L.American Journal of Sports MedicineEvaluation of Commercially Available Knee Cartilage Restoration Techniques Stratified by FDA Approval Pathway4.XXX
Narindrarangkura, P., Ye, Q., Boren, S. A., Khan, U., Simoes, E. J., Kim, M. S.Journal of Diabetes Science and TechnologyAnalysis of Healthy Coping Feedback Messages from Diabetes Mobile Apps: Validation Against an Evidence-Based Framework4.XXX
Sperk, M., Ambikan, A. T., Ray, S., Singh, K., Mikaeloff, F., Diez, R. C., Narayanan, A., Vesterbacka, J., Nowak, P., Sönnerborg, A., Neogi, U.Journal of VirologyFecal metabolome signature in the HIV-1 elite control phenotype: Enrichment of dipeptides acts as an HIV-1 antagonist but a Prevotella agonist4.XXX
Fabricius, M. M., Hitchcock, N. M., Reuter, Z. C., Simon, M. E., Pierce, R. P.Journal of Community HealthImpact of the COVID-19 Pandemic & Telehealth Implementation in a Student Run Free Clinic3.XXX
Gregory, D. A., Wieberg, C. G., Wenzel, J., Lin, C. H., Johnson, M. C.VirusesMonitoring sars-cov-2 populations in wastewater by amplicon sequencing and using the novel program sam refiner3.XXX
Korasick, D. A., Christgen, S. L., Qureshi, I. A., Becker, D. F., Tanner, J. J.Archives of Biochemistry and BiophysicsProbing the function of a ligand-modulated dynamic tunnel in bifunctional proline utilization A (PutA)3.XXX
Tang, C. Y., Segovia, K., McElroy, J. A., Li, T., Guan, M., Zhang, X., Misra, S., Hang, J., Wan, X. F.VirusesCell-adapted mutations and antigenic diversity of influenza b viruses in missouri, 2019–2020 season3.XXX
Campbell, A. C., Tanner, J. J., Krause, K. L.VirusesOptimisation of neuraminidase expression for use in drug discovery by using hek293-6e cells3.XXX
Salinas, M., Lopez-Garrigos, M., Flores, E., Martin, E., Leiva-Salinas, C.Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory MedicineThe clinical laboratory: A decision maker hub3.XXX
Smith, A. L., Robinson, C., Taylor, A. B., Panagiotopoulou, O., Davis, J., Ward, C. V., Kimbel, W. H., Alemseged, Z., Ross, C. F.Interface FocusComparative biomechanics of the Pan and Macaca mandibles during mastication: Finite element modelling of loading, deformation and strain regimes3.XXX
McBride, M., Appling, C., Ferguson, B., Gonzalez, A., Schaeffer, A., Zand, A., Wang, D., Sam, A., Hart, E., Tosh, A., Fontcha, I., Parmacek, S., Beversdorf, D.PsychopharmacologyEffects of stimulant medication on divergent and convergent thinking tasks related to creativity in adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder3.XXX
Duarte, R. L. M., Magalhaes-Da-Silveira, F. J., Gozal, D.Journal of Clinical Sleep MedicineAre there sex-related differences in therapeutic CPAP levels in adults undergoing in-laboratory titration?3.XXX
Umeda, A., Ishizaka, M., Ikeda, A., Miyagawa, K., Mochida, A., Takeda, H., Takeda, K., Fukushi, I., Okada, Y., Gozal, D.SensorsRecent insights into the measurement of carbon dioxide concentrations for clinical practice in respiratory medicine3.XXX
Ali, A. H., Petroski, G. F., Diaz-Arias, A. A., Al Juboori, A., Wheeler, A. A., Ganga, R. R., Pitt, J. B., Spencer, N. M., Hammoud, G. M., Rector, R. S., Parks, E. J., Ibdah, J. A.Journal of Clinical MedicineA model incorporating serum alkaline phosphatase for prediction of liver fibrosis in adults with obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease3.XXX
Farré, R., Gozal, D., Montserrat, J. M.Journal of Clinical MedicineAlternative procedure to individual nasal pressure titration for sleep apnea3.XXX
Martinot, J. B., Le-Dong, N. N., Cuthbert, V., Denison, S., Gozal, D., Lavigne, G., Pepin, J. L.Nature and Science of SleepArtificial intelligence analysis of mandibular movements enables accurate detection of phasic sleep bruxism in osa patients: A pilot study3.XXX
Niedbalski, P. J., Hall, C. S., Castro, M., Eddy, R. L., Rayment, J. H., Svenningsen, S., Parraga, G., Zanette, B., Santyr, G. E., Thomen, R. P., Stewart, N. J., Collier, G. J., Chan, H. F., Wild, J. M., Fain, S. B., Miller, G. W., Mata, J. F., Mugler, J. P., III, Driehuys, B., Willmering, M. M., Cleveland, Z. I., Woods, J. C.Magnetic Resonance in MedicineProtocols for multi-site trials using hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI for imaging of ventilation, alveolar-airspace size, and gas exchange: A position paper from the 129Xe MRI clinical trials consortium3.XXX
Gozal, D.Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal MedicineDiagnostic approaches to respiratory abnormalities in craniofacial syndromes2.XXX
Zmistowski, B., Carpenter, D. P., Chalmers, P. N., Smith, M. J., Keener, J. D.Journal of Shoulder and Elbow SurgerySymptomatic aseptic loosening of a short humeral stem following anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty2.XXX
Kaser, E. C., Zhao, L., D'Mello K, P., Zhu, Z., Xiao, H., Wakefield, M. R., Bai, Q., Fang, Y.Med Oncol The role of various interleukins in acute myeloid leukemia2.XXX
D'Mello K, P., Zhao, L., Kaser, E. C., Zhu, Z., Xiao, H., Wakefield, M. R., Bai, Q., Fang, Y.Med OncolThe role of interleukins and the widely studied TNF-? in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma2.XXX
Campbell, C., McColl, E., McDermott, M. P., Martens, W. B., Guglieri, M., Griggs, R. C., Straub, V., Childs, A. M., Ciafaloni, E., Shieh, P. B., Spinty, S., Butterfield, R. J., Horrocks, I., Roper, H., Maggi, L., Baranello, G., Flanigan, K. M., Kuntz, N. L., Manzur, A. Y., Darras, B. T., Kang, P., Mah, J. K., Mongini, T., Ricci, F., Morrison, L., Krzesniak-Swinarska, M., von der Hagen, M., Finkel, R. S., Kumar , A., Wicklund, M., McDonald, C. M., Henricson, E. K., Schara-Schmidt, U., Wilichowski, E., Barohn, R. J., Statland, J., Kirschner, J., Vita, G., Vita, G. L., Howard, J. F., Jr., Hughes, I., McMillan, H. J., Pegoraro, E., Bello, L., Burnette, W. B., Thangarajh, M., Chang, T., The Muscle Study, Group, Treat, N. M. D.Neuromuscular DisordersHealth related quality of life in young, steroid-naĂŻve boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy2.XXX
Hoernschemeyer, D. G., Boeyer, M. E., Tweedy, N. M., Worley, J. R., Crim, J. R.European Spine JournalA preliminary assessment of intervertebral disc health and pathoanatomy changes observed two years following anterior vertebral body tethering2.XXX
Aizman, L., Barbieri, J. S., Feit, E. M., Lukowiak, T. M., Perz, A. M., Shin, T. M., Miller, C. J., Golda, N., Leitenberger, J. J., Carr, D. R., Nijhawan, R. I., Hasan, A., Eisen, D. B., Etzkorn, J. R.Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.]Preferences for Prophylactic Oral Antibiotic Use in Dermatologic Surgery: A Multicenter Discrete Choice Experiment2.XXX
McCrae, C. S., Mazurek, M. O., Curtis, A. F., Beversdorf, D. Q., Deroche, C. B., Golzy, M., Sohl, K. A., Ner, Z. H., Davis, B. E., Stearns, M. A., Nair, N.BMJ OpenProtocol for targeting insomnia in school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder without intellectual disability: A randomised control trial2.XXX
Anderson, C. L., Evans, V., Gorham, L., Liu, Z., Johnson, C. R., Carney, P. R.Epilepsy and BehaviorSeizure frequency, quality of life, behavior, cognition, and sleep in pediatric patients enrolled in a prospective, open-label clinical study with cannabidiol2.XXX
Mata, J., Guan, S., Qing, K., Tustison, N., Shim, Y., Mugler, J. P., III, Altes, T., Huaromo, J., Mehrad, B.TomographyEvaluation of regional lung function in pulmonary fibrosis with xenon-129 mri2.XXX
Wittauer, M., Burch, M. A., McNally, M., Vandendriessche, T., Clauss, M., Rocca, G. J. D., Giannoudis, P. V., Metsemakers, W. J., Morgenstern, M.InjuryDefinition of long-bone nonunion: A scoping review of prospective clinical trials to evaluate current practice2.XXX
Mazurek, M. O., Sadikova, E., Cheak-Zamora, N., Hardin, A., Huerta, I., Sohl, K., Malow, B. A.Research in Autism Spectrum DisordersThey deserve the “same level of care that any other person deserves”: Caregiver perspectives on healthcare for adults on the autism spectrum2.XXX
Bailey, J., Rosen, G. H., Murray, K. S.Urology Show Me How Video: Straight-Up Approach to Bedside Ureteral Stents2.XXX
Brewster, G. S., Molinari, V., McCrae, C., Beckstead, J., D?Aoust, R., Rowe, M.Western Journal of Nursing ResearchCognitive Function and Sleep in Caregivers of Persons Living with Dementia2.XXX
Qureshi, A. I., Huang, W., Lobanova, I., Ishfaq, M. F., French, B. R., Siddiq, F., Gomez, C. R.World NeurosurgeryRepeat Revascularization over 10 Years Following Carotid Endarterectomy or Carotid Stent Placement: An Analysis of Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy Versus Stenting Trial1.XXX
Tanaka, T., Bradford, T., Litofsky, N. S.World NeurosurgerySeverity of Preoperative HbA1c and Predicting Postoperative Complications in Spine Surgery1.XXX
Stensby, J. D., Pringle, L. C., Crim, J.Clinics in Sports MedicineMRI of the Meniscus1.XXX
Weber, T., Ge, B., Tanaka, T., Litofsky, N. S.Journal of Clinical NeuroscienceThe impact of poor post-operative glucose control on neurosurgical surgical site infections (SSI)1.XXX
French, J., Weber, T., Ge, B., Litofsky, N. S.World NeurosurgeryPostoperative Delirium in Patients After Brain Tumor Surgery1.XXX
Leary, E., Zachary, I., Kyeong, N. Y.Community Mental Health JournalRegional Differences in Serious Psychological Distress and Overall Physical and Mental Health1.XXX
Saak, J. C., Mannix, A., Stilley, J., Sampson, C.AEM Education and TrainingDiversity begets diversity: Factors contributing to emergency medicine residency gender diversity1.XXX
Cook, J. L., Rucinski, K., Crecelius, C. R., Cunningham, S., Guess, T. M.Journal of Knee SurgeryProspective, Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing a Novel Motion-Assistive Device to Standard Physical Therapy for Initial Management of Knee Range of Motion after Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty1.XXX
Wolfe, P. N., Campfield, B. D., Crist, B. D., Keeney, J. A., Smith, M. J., Cook, J. L., Stoker, A. M.Journal of OrthopaedicsBacterial DNA screening to characterize surgical site infection risk in orthopaedic patients1.XXX
Hassan, A. E., Ringheanu, V. M., Preston, L., Tekle, W. G., Qureshi, A. I.Interventional NeuroradiologyAcute intracranial stenting with mechanical thrombectomy is safe and efficacious in patients diagnosed with underlying intracranial atherosclerotic disease1.XXX
Bedewi, M. A., Alhariqi, B. A., Aldossary, N. M., Gaballah, A. H., Sandougah, K. J.MedicineShear wave elastography of the scalene muscles in healthy adults: A preliminary study1.XXX
Grubbs, C., 3rd, Morris, L., Jarrett, J. B.The Journal of family practiceThis is not the time to modify a HTN regimen1.XXX
Beversdorf, D. Q., Nagaraja, H. N., Bornstein, R. A., Scharre, D. W.Cognitive and Behavioral NeurologyThe Effect of Donepezil on Problem-solving Ability in Individuals with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Study1.XXX
Tassone, P., Galloway, T., Dooley, L., Zitsch, R., IIIAnnals of Otology, Rhinology and LaryngologyOrocutaneous Fistula After Oral Cavity Resection and Reconstruction: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis1.XXX
Reken, J., Gardner, M., Acton, J., Nevel, R. J.Clinical PediatricsElevated Alkaline Phosphatase in a 10-Year-Old With Cystic Fibrosis1.XXX
Hooshmand, S. J., Govindarajan, R., Bostick, B. P.American Journal of Case ReportsCardiomyopathy, proximal myopathy, camptocormia, and novel filamin c (Flnc) variant: A case report1.XXX
Tarun, T., Kumar, S., Johnson, J., Chockalingam, A.European Heart Journal - Case ReportsA case report on transient cardiomyopathy with cytokine storm in SARS-CoV-20.XXX
Zhao, L., Huang, L., Signaigo, N. J., Zhai, K., Zhu, Z., Sarris, M. D., Wakefield, M. R., Yang, W., Fang, Y.Clinical LaboratoryA COVID-19 young male patient with pneumonia and liver injury0.XXX
Perkins, T., McDonald, K., Clem, D.Journal of Diagnostic Medical SonographyCase Study of a Rare Incidence of a Leiomyosarcoma Mass Occluding the Distal Femoral Vein0.XXX
Katyal, N., Singla, P., Idiculla, P. S., Narula, N., Govindarajan, R.Journal of clinical neuromuscular diseaseDichlorphenamide for Refractory Hyperkalemic Periodic ParalysisNone
Mateo, K. F., Hirai, T., Isaac, D., Ko, F., Hung, W., Ngai, G.Journal of Clinical Outcomes ManagementRemdesivir Reduces Time to Recovery in Adults Hospitalized with COVID-19: A Meaningful Step in Therapeutic DiscoveryNone
Aggarwal, A., Lindegaard, V.Psychopharmacology bulletinCan a 'Shot' Help Prevent Youth Re-Incarceration? Case Report on Use of a Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotic in Incarcerated YouthNoneNoneNone