School of Medicine Monthly Faculty Publications

October 2020

Ranked by Impact Factor

  • Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields.
  • Veterinary medical publications are kept on a separate list.
  • Full impact factors cannot be displayed due to license agreements. Also, note that impact factors are not available for all publications.

AuthorsJournalArticleImpact FactorPlumXAltmetric
Zelnick, L. R., Batacchi, Z. O., Ahmad, I., Dighe, A., Little, R. R., Trence, D. L., Hirsch, I. B., de Boer, I. H.Diabetes careContinuous Glucose Monitoring and Use of Alternative Markers To Assess Glycemia in Chronic Kidney Disease14.XXX
Hainsworth, D. P., Gao, X., Bebu, I., Das, A., Olmos de Koo, L., Barkmeier, A. J., Tamborlane, W., Lachin, J. M., Aiello, L. P., Diabetes, Control, Complications, Trial, Follow-up Epidemiology of Diabetes, Interventions, Complications Research, GroupOphthalmologyRefractive Error and Retinopathy Outcomes in Type 1 Diabetes: The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Study13.XXX
Tafti, S., Garrison, W. J., Mugler, J. P., III, Michael Shim, Y., Altes, T. A., Mata, J. F., de Lange, E. E., Cates, G. D., Jr., Ropp, A. M., Wang, C., Miller, G. W.RadiologyEmphysema index based on hyperpolarized 3He or 129Xe diffusion MRI: Performance and comparison with quantitative CT and pulmonary function tests12.XXX
Teti, M., Bauerband, L. A., Rolbiecki, A., Young, C.Int J Transgend Health Physical activity and body image: Intertwined health priorities identified by transmasculine young people in a non-metropolitan area10.XXXNoneNone
Kassotis, C. D., Harkness, J. S., Vo, P. H., Vu, D. C., Hoffman, K., Cinnamon, K. M., Cornelius-Green, J. N., Vengosh, A., Lin, C. H., Tillitt, D. E., Kruse, R. L., McElroy, J. A., Nagel, S. C.Sci Total Environ Endocrine disrupting activities and geochemistry of water resources associated with unconventional oil and gas activity8.XXX
Qureshi, A. I., Huang, W., Lobanova, I., Hanley, D. F., Hsu, C. Y., Malhotra, K., Steiner, T., Suarez, J. I., Toyoda, K., Yamamoto, H.StrokeSystolic Blood Pressure Reduction and Acute Kidney Injury in Intracerebral Hemorrhage7.XXX
Shah, B. M., Palakurthi, S. S., Khare, T., Khare, S., Palakurthi, S.International Journal of Biological MacromoleculesNatural proteins and polysaccharides in the development of micro/nano delivery systems for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease7.XXX
Durante, W.AntioxidantsTargeting heme oxygenase-1 in the arterial response to injury and disease6.XXX
Dos Santos, H. T., Nam, K., Brown, C. T., Dean, S. M., Lewis, S., Pfeifer, C. S., Lei, P., Petris, M. J., Andreadis, S. T., Baker, O. J.Journal of Dental ResearchTrimers Conjugated to Fibrin Hydrogels Promote Salivary Gland Function5.XXX
Majumder, K., Boftsi, M., Whittle, F. B., Wang, J., Fuller, M. S., Joshi, T., Pintel, D. J.PLoS PathogensThe NS1 protein of the parvovirus MVM Aids in the localization of the viral genome to cellular sites of DNA damage5.XXX
Lennikov, A., Mukwaya, A., Saddala, M. S., Huang, H.Laboratory InvestigationDeficiency of C-X-C chemokine receptor type 5 (CXCR5) gene causes dysfunction of retinal pigment epithelium cells5.XXX
Kempuraj, D., Thangavel, R., Kempuraj, D. D., Ahmed, M. E., Selvakumar, G. P., Raikwar, S. P., Zaheer, S. A., Iyer, S. S., Govindarajan, R., Chandrasekaran, P. N., Zaheer, A.BioFactorsNeuroprotective effects of flavone luteolin in neuroinflammation and neurotrauma5.XXX
Huang, H.International Journal of Molecular SciencesPericyte-endothelial interactions in the retinal microvasculature4.XXX
Waters, J. K., Mawhinney, T. P., Emerich, D. W.International Journal of Molecular SciencesNitrogen assimilation and transport by ex planta nitrogen-fixing bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens bacteroids is modulated by oxygen, bacteroid density and l-malate4.XXX
Mamun, M. A., Sakib, N., Gozal, D., Bhuiyan, A. I., Hossain, S., Bodrud-Doza, M., Al Mamun, F., Hosen, I., Safiq, M. B., Abdullah, A. H., Sarker, M. A., Rayhan, I., Sikder, M. T., Muhit, M., Lin, C. Y., Griffiths, M. D., Pakpour, A. H.Journal of Affective DisordersThe COVID-19 pandemic and serious psychological consequences in Bangladesh: A population-based nationwide study4.XXX
Castorena?gonzalez, J. A., Li, M., Davis, M. J.BiomoleculesEffects of elevated downstream pressure and the role of smooth muscle cell coupling through connexin45 on lymphatic pacemaking4.XXX
Elmohr, M. M., Blair, K. J., Menias, C. O., Nada, A., Shaaban, A. M., Sandrasegaran, K., Elsayes, K. M.American Journal of RoentgenologyThe Lesser Sac and Foramen of Winslow: Anatomy, Embryology, and CT Appearance of Pathologic Processes4.XXX
Fletcher, A., Moore, K. J., Stensby, J. D., Hulbert, A., Saemi, A. M., Davis, R. M., Bhat, A. P.AJR Am J Roentgenol4.XXX
Crim, J.AJR. American journal of roentgenologyProblems With Open Access Publishing in Radiology4.XXX
Cubillos-Zapata, C., Martínez-García, M. Á, Díaz-García, E., Toledano, V., Campos-Rodríguez, F., Sánchez-de-la-Torre, M., Nagore, E., Martorell-Calatayud, A., Hernández Blasco, L., Pastor, E., Abad-Capa, J., Montserrat, J. M., Gozal, D.FASEB JournalProangiogenic factor midkine is increased in melanoma patients with sleep apnea and induces tumor cell proliferation4.XXX
Waters, J. K., Kelley, S. P., Mossine, V. V., Mawhinney, T. P.PharmaceuticalsStructure, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of the (4R)-and (4S)-epimers of s-carboxymethyl-l-cysteine sulfoxide4.XXX
Gruenke, P. R., Alam, K. K., Singh, K., Burke, D. H.RNA2'-fluoro-modified pyrimidines enhance affinity of RNA oligonucleotides to HIV-1 reverse transcriptase4.XXX
Silva, K. A. S., Leary, E. V., Olver, T. D., Domeier, T. L., Padilla, J., Rector, R. S., Emter, C. A.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiologyTissue-specific small heat shock protein 20 activation is not associated with traditional autophagy markers in Ossabaw swine with cardiometabolic heart failure4.XXX
Johnson, M. C., Lyddon, T. D., Suarez, R., Salcedo, B., LePique, M., Graham, M., Ricana, C., Robinson, C., Ritter, D. G.Journal of VirologyOptimized Pseudotyping Conditions for the SARS-COV-2 Spike Glycoprotein4.XXX
Aziz, F., Bath, J., Smeds, M. R.Journal of Vascular Surgery Implications of the severe acute respiratory syndrome associated with the novel coronavirus-2 on vascular surgery practices3.XXX
Xie, Q., Yoshioka, C. K., Chapman, M. S.VirusesAdeno-associated virus (AAV-DJ)—Cryo-EM structure at 1.56 Å resolution3.XXX
Almeida, F. A., Passamani, L. Z., Santa-Catarina, C., Mooney, B. P., Thelen, J. J., Silveira, V.Journal of Proteome ResearchLabel-Free Quantitative Phosphoproteomics Reveals Signaling Dynamics Involved in Embryogenic Competence Acquisition in Sugarcane3.XXX
Barik, S., Cattin-Roy, A. N., Ukah, T. K., Miller, M. M., Teixeiro, E., Zaghouani, H.Journal of ImmunologyType II cytokines fine-Tune thymic T cell selection to offset murine central nervous system autoimmunity3.XXX
Pierce, R. P., Stevermer, J. J.J Telemed Telecare Disparities in use of telehealth at the onset of the COVID-19 public health emergency3.XXXNoneNone
Morishima, T., Padilla, J., Tsuchiya, Y., Ochi, E.Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)Maintenance of endothelial function following acute resistance exercise in females is associated with a tempered blood pressure response3.XXX
Mishra, A. K., Skubic, M., Popescu, M., Lane, K., Rantz, M., Despins, L. A., Abbott, C., Keller, J., Robinson, E. L., Miller, S.BMC Medical Informatics and Decision MakingTracking personalized functional health in older adults using geriatric assessments3.XXX
Kao, M. H., Wu, J. S., Cheung, W. M., Chen, J. J., Sun, G. Y., Ong, W. Y., Herr, D. R., Lin, T. N.NeuroMolecular MedicineClinacanthus nutans Mitigates Neuronal Death and Reduces Ischemic Brain Injury: Role of NF-κB-driven IL-1β Transcription3.XXX
Thomen, R. P., Woods, J. C., Sturm, P. F., Jain, V., Walkup, L. L., Higano, N. S., Quirk, J. D., Varisco, B. M.PLoS ONELung microstructure in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis before and after posterior spinal fusion2.XXX
Lyu, P., Yoo, K. W., Yadav, M. K., Atala, A., Aartsma-Rus, A., Van Putten, M., Duan, D., Lu, B.PLoS ONESensitive and reliable evaluation of single-cut sgRNAs to restore dystrophin by a GFPreporter assay2.XXX
Ferdous, M. Z., Islam, M. S., Sikder, M. T., Mosaddek, A. S. M., Zegarra-Valdivia, J. A., Gozal, D.PloS oneKnowledge, attitude, and practice regarding COVID-19 outbreak in Bangladesh: An online-based cross-sectional study2.XXX
Katyal, N., Narula, N., Acharya, S., Govindarajan, R.Frontiers in NeurologyNeuromuscular Complications With SARS-COV-2 Infection: A Review2.XXX
Pentecost, G. S., Kesterson, J.American Journal of Emergency MedicinePyogenic liver abscess and endogenous endophthalmitis secondary toKlebsiella pneumoniae2.XXX
Rains, J., Kesterson, J.American Journal of Emergency Medicine2.XXX
Huang, Z. X., Chen, L. H., Xiong, R., He, Y. N., Zhang, Z., Zeng, J., Cai, Q., Liu, Z.Risk Management and Healthcare PolicyEssen stroke risk score predicts carotid atherosclerosis in Chinese community populations2.XXX
Roberts, H. J., Albright, P. D., Shearer, D. W., Won, N., MacKechnie, M. C., Richard Coughlin, R., Miclau, T., III, Morshed, S., Sabharwal, S., Dawson, J., Davis, B., Daniels, A., Little, M., Garlich, J., Coles, C., Leighton, R., Kfuri, M.American Journal of SurgeryMotivations and impact of international rotations in low- and middle-income countries for orthopaedic surgery residents: Are we on the same page?2.XXX
Sharma, R., Sahota, P., Thakkar, M. M.Brain ResearchShort-term sleep deprivation immediately after contextual conditioning inhibits BDNF signaling and disrupts memory consolidation in predator odor trauma mice model of PTSD2.XXX
Hsu, A. L., Finlinson, A., Warncke, K.Reproductive SciencesMechanisms by Which SARS-CoV-2 May Impact Male Fertility2.XXX
Sharma, R., Sharma, A., Sahota, P., Thakkar, M. M.Neuroscience LettersOrexin gene expression is downregulated in alcohol dependent rats during acute alcohol withdrawal2.XXX
Ken, K. M., Johnson , M. M., Leitenberger, J. J., Neal, D. E., Etzkorn, J. R., Govas, P., Carroll, B. T., Badawi, A. H., Mudigonda, T., Council, M. L., Avila, C., Carr, D. R., Sasaki, J., Blalock, T. W., Golda, N. J.Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.]Postoperative Infections in Dermatologic Surgery: The Role of Wound Cultures2.XXX
Golda, N., Black, W., Patel, V., Neal, D., Etzkorn, J.Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.]How Patients Value Scar Length Versus Scar Appearance and the Effect of Income Level on Willingness to Pay: Results From a Multicenter Discrete Choice Experiment2.XXX
Vlachos, A., Atsidaftos, E., Lababidi, M. L., Muir, E., Rogers, Z. R., Alhushki, W., Bernstein, J., Glader, B., Gruner, B., Hartung, H., Knoll, C., Loew, T., Nalepa, G., Narla, A., Panigrahi, A. R., Sieff, C. A., Walkovich, K., Farrar, J. E., Lipton, J. MPediatric Blood and CancerL-leucine improves anemia and growth in patients with transfusion-dependent Diamond-Blackfan anemia: Results from a multicenter pilot phase I/II study from the Diamond-Blackfan Anemia Registry2.XXX
Sharma, R., Sahota, P., Thakkar, M. M.Physiology and BehaviorRats exposed to chronic alcohol display protracted insomnia and daytime sleepiness-like behavior during alcohol withdrawal✰2.XXX
Karagozoglu, K. H., Helder, M., Bot, J., Kamp, O., Forouzanfar, T., Brand, H. S., Cha, S., Weisman, G., Bartelink, I., Vissink, A., Jager, D. H. J.BMJ openIntraoperative visualisation and treatment of salivary glands in Sjögren's syndrome by contrast-enhanced ultrasound sialendoscopy (CEUSS): protocol for a phase I single-centre, single-arm, exploratory study2.XXX
Nagykaldi, Z., Scheid, D., Zhao, Y. D., Mishra, B., Greever-Rice, T.Journal of the American Board of Family MedicineA sustainable model for preventive services in rural counties: The healthier together study2.XXX
Bollig, C. A., Newberry, C. I., Galloway, T. L. I., Zitsch, R. P., Hanly, E. K., Zhu, V. L., Pagedar, N., Nallani, R., Bur, A. M., Spanos, W. C., Jorgensen, J. B.LaryngoscopePrognostic Impact of Metastatic Site and Pattern in Patients with Metastatic Head and Neck Cancer2.XXX
Kulkarni, G., Yarasi, N., Deshmukh, P.Current Developmental Disorders ReportsPrescribing Trends in Adult ADHD and Co-occurring Substance Use Disorders2.XXX
Sapontis, J., Hirai, T., Patterson, C., Gans, B., Yeh, R. W., Lombardi, W., Karmpaliotis, D., Moses, J., Nicholson, W. J., Pershad, A., Wyman, R. M., Spaedy, A., Cook, S., Doshi, P., Federici, R., Thompson, C. R., Nugent, K., Gosch, K., Grantham, J. A., SCatheterization and Cardiovascular InterventionsIntermediate procedural and health status outcomes and the clinical care pathways after chronic total occlusion angioplasty: A report from the OPEN-CTO (outcomes, patient health status, and efficiency in chronic total occlusion hybrid procedures) study2.XXX
LePage, E. C., Stoker, A. M., Kuroki, K., Cook, J. L.Journal of Orthopaedic ResearchEffects of cyclic compression on intervertebral disc metabolism using a whole-organ rat tail model2.XXX
O?Connor, J. J., Deroche, C. B., Wipke-Tevis, D. D.Western Journal of Nursing ResearchFoot Care Self-Management in Non-Diabetic Older Adults: A Pilot Controlled Trial2.XXX
Stensby, J., Long, J., Hillen, T., Jennings, J.Skeletal RadiologySafety of bone marrow aspiration and biopsy in severely thrombocytopenic patients1.XXX
Campbell, C., Barohn, R. J., Bertini, E., Chabrol, B., Comi, G. P., Darras, B. T., Finkel, R. S., Flanigan, K. M., Goemans, N., Iannaccone, S. T., Jones, K. J., Kirschner, J., Mah, J. K., Mathews, K. D., McDonald, C. M., Mercuri, E., Nevo, Y., Péreón, Y.,Journal of Comparative Effectiveness ResearchMeta-analyses of ataluren randomized controlled trials in nonsense mutation Duchenne muscular dystrophy1.XXX
Singh, S., Govindarajan, R.Clinical Neurology and NeurosurgeryPresentation and management of congenital myasthenic syndrome with a homozygous Agrin variant (Pro1448Leu)1.XXX
Sherwood, R. J., Oh, H. S., Valiathan, M., McNulty, K. P., Duren, D. L., Knigge, R. P., Hardin, A. M., Holzhauser, C. L., Middleton, K. M.Anatomical RecordBayesian approach to longitudinal craniofacial growth: The Craniofacial Growth Consortium Study1.XXX
Yin, F., Xie, H., Lai, J., Chen, Y., Dong, J., Zhang, X., Liu, X.Anticancer ResearchDouble negativity for expression of YAP1 and CDX2 defines an aggressive type of colitis-associated cancer1.XXX
Lee, J. H. Y., Cook, J. L., Wilson, N., Rucinski, K., Stannard, J. P.Journal of Knee SurgeryOutcomes after Multiligament Knee Injury Reconstruction using Novel Graft Constructs and Techniques1.XXX
Lewis, M., Myhra, L., Smith, B., Holcomb, S., Erb, J., Jimenez, T.AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous PeoplesTribally specific cultural learning: the Remember the Removal program1.XXX
Cook, J. L., Cook, C. R., Bozynski, C. C., Bezold, W. A., Stannard, J. P.Journal of Knee SurgeryDevelopment and assessment of novel multiligament knee injury reconstruction graft constructs and techniques1.XXX
Rolbiecki, A. J., Oliver, D. P., Teti, M., Washington, K. T., Benson, J. J., Kruse, R. L., Smith, J., Demiris, G., Ersek, M., Mehr, D. R.American Journal of Hospice and Palliative MedicineCaregiver Speaks Study Protocol: A Technologically-Mediated Storytelling Intervention for Hospice Family Caregivers of Persons Living With Dementia1.XXX
Street, M. E., Muzaffar, A. R., Tanaka, T.Child's Nervous SystemA case report: resolution of Chiari I malformation after helmet therapy for deformational brachycephaly1.XXX
Popejoy, L. L., Wakefield, B. J., Vogelsmeier, A. A., Galambos, C. M., Lewis, A. M., Huneke, D., Petroski, G., Mehr, D. R.J Nurs Care Qual Reengineering Skilled Nursing Facility Discharge: Analysis of Reengineered Discharge Implementation1.XXX
Atkins, N. K., Marjara, J., Kaifi, J. T., Kunin, J. R., Saboo, S. S., Davis, R. M., Bhat, A. P.Journal of Clinical Imaging ScienceRole of computed tomography-guided biopsies in the era of electromagnetic navigational bronchoscopy: A retrospective study of factors predicting diagnostic yield in electromagnetic navigational bronchoscopy and computed tomography biopsies1.XXX
Nance, M. E., Tarim, A. O., Nguyen, V., Malhotra, K., Davis, R. M., Bhat, A. P.Journal of Clinical Imaging ScienceRisk factors for major hemorrhage following percutaneous image-guided renal biopsy: What is the ⇜core⇠of the problem? a retrospective case-control study1.XXX
Yasin, J. T., Daghlas, S. A., Hamid, A., Gaballah, A. H.Journal of Clinical Imaging SciencePrimary pulmonary chondrosarcoma: A case report and literature review1.XXX
Patil, S. M., Beck, P. P., Patel, T. P., Hunter, M. P., Johnson, J., Acevedo, B. A., Roland, W.IDCasesCytomegalovirus pneumonitis-induced secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and SIADH in an immunocompetent elderly male literature review1.XXX
Dang, H., Sun, J., Wang, G., Renner, G., Layfield, L., Hilli, J.World Journal of Clinical CasesManagement of pembrolizumab-induced steroid refractory mucositis with infliximab: A case report1.XXX
Nagarajan, E., Yerram, S. Y., Digala, L. P., Bollu, P. C.Journal of Neurosciences in Rural PracticePrimary Central Nervous System Lymphoma Presenting as Parkinsonism with Atypical MRI Findings and Elevated 14-3-3 Protein0.XXX
Krajina Kmoni?ek, I., Kvolik, S., Pinoti?, K., I?tvani?, T., Mraovic, B., Marjanovic, K.Clinical Case ReportsEpidural analgesia for acute ischemic pain after intra-arterial zolpidem injection in opioid-addicted patient—A case report0.XXX
Idiculla, P. S., Govindarajan, R.Case Reports in NeurologyA Case of Cervical Spondylotic Amyotrophy Mimicking Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis0.XXX
Safiullah, S., Kabra, S., Anwar, T., Vazmitsel, M., Laziuk, K., Pokala, N.Urology Case ReportsFirst reported case of penile epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma0.XXX
Akin, R., Wentland, C., Namin, A. W., Rivera, A.Otolaryngology Case ReportsDermacentor variabilis: An Unusual foreign body of the external ear canal0.XXX
Salinas, M., Leiva-Salinas, M., Flores, E., López-Garrigós, M., Leiva-Salinas, C.Advances in HematologyAlopecia and Iron Deficiency: An Interventional Pilot Study in Primary Care to Improve the Request of FerritinNone
Maziero, J. S., Thipe, V. C., Rogero, S. O., Cavalcante, A. K., Damasceno, K. C., Ormenio, M. B., Martini, G. A., Batista, J. G. S., Viveiros, W., Katti, K. K., Karikachery, A. R., Mohandoss, D. D., Dhurvas, R. D., Nappinnai, M., Rogero, J. R., Lugão, A. International Journal of NanomedicineSpecies-specific in vitro and in vivo evaluation of toxicity of silver nanoparticles stabilized with gum Arabic proteinNone
Hirai, T., Grantham, J. A.Interventional Cardiology ClinicsIndications and Patient Selection for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Chronic Total OcclusionsNone
Nevel, R.J., Bichianu, D.C., Ner, Z.H., Vachharajani, A.NeoReviewsCase 3: Term Infant with ApneaNone
Aggarwal, A., Lindegaard, V.Psychopharmacology bulletinThe Use of Prazosin in Treatment of Drug Dreams in Adolescents with Substance Use Disorder: Two Case ReportsNoneNoneNone