School of Medicine Monthly Faculty Publications

October 2019

Ranked by Impact Factor

  • Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields.
  • Veterinary medical publications are kept on a separate list.
  • Full impact factors cannot be displayed due to license agreements. Also, note that impact factors are not available for all publications.

AuthorsJournalArticleImpact FactorPlumXAltmetric
Kelleher, A. M., F. J. Demayo and T. E. SpencerEndocrine ReviewsUterine Glands: Developmental Biology and Functional Roles in Pregnancy22.XXX
Liu, L., Y. Sun, X. Cui, K. Qi, X. He, Q. Bao, W. Ma, J. Lu, H. Fang, P. Zhang, L. Zheng, L. Yu, D. J. Singh, Q. Xiong, L. Zhang and W. ZhengNature CommunicationsBottom-up growth of homogeneous Moiré superlattices in bismuth oxychloride spiral nanosheets14.XXX
Garikipati, V. N. S., S. K. Verma, Z. Cheng, D. Liang, M. M. Truongcao, M. Cimini, Y. Yue, G. Huang, C. Wang, C. Benedict, Y. Tang, V. Mallaredy, J. Ibetti, L. Grisanti, S. M. Schumacher, E. Gao, S. Rajan, J. E. Wilusz, D. Goukassian, S. R. Houser, W. J. Nature CommunicationsCircular RNA CircFndc3b modulates cardiac repair after myocardial infarction via FUS/VEGF-A axis14.XXX
do Vale Martins, L., F. Yu, H. Zhao, T. Dennison, N. Lauter, H. Wang, Z. Deng, A. Thompson, K. Semrau, J. M. Rouillard, J. A. Birchler and J. JiangNature CommunicationsMeiotic crossovers characterized by haplotype-specific chromosome painting in maize14.XXX
Smith, N. E., W. H. Bernskoetter and N. HazariJournal of the American Chemical SocietyThe Role of Proton Shuttles in the Reversible Activation of Hydrogen via Metal-Ligand Cooperation14.XXX
Ji, L., S. M. Mathioni, S. Johnson, D. Tucker, A. J. Bewick, K. Do Kim, J. Daron, R. K. Slotkin, S. A. Jackson, W. A. Parrott, B. C. Meyers and R. J. SchmitzThe Plant cellGenome-Wide Reinforcement of DNA Methylation Occurs during Somatic Embryogenesis in Soybean10.XXX
Zhang, Y., D. C. Castro, Y. Han, Y. Wu, H. Guo, Z. Weng, Y. Xue, J. Ausra, X. Wang, R. Li, G. Wu, A. Vázquez-Guardado, Y. Xie, Z. Xie, D. Ostojich, D. Peng, R. Sun, B. Wang, Y. Yu, J. P. Leshock, S. Qu, C. J. Su, W. Shen, T. Hang, A. Banks, Y. Huang, J. RProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaBattery-free, lightweight, injectable microsystem for in vivo wireless pharmacology and optogenetics9.XXX
Marchetti, L., F. Bonsignore, F. Gobbo, R. Amodeo, M. Calvello, A. Jacob, G. Signore, C. S. Spagnolo, D. Porciani, M. Mainardi, F. Beltram, S. Luin and A. CattaneoProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaFast-diffusing p75NTR monomers support apoptosis and growth cone collapse by neurotrophin ligands9.XXX
Liu, Q., M. Galli, X. Liu, S. Federici, A. Buck, J. Cody, M. Labra and A. GallavottiProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaNEEDLE1 encodes a mitochondria localized ATP-dependent metalloprotease required for thermotolerant maize growth9.XXX
Lipper, C. H., J. T. Stofleth, F. Bai, Y. S. Sohn, S. Roy, R. Mittler, R. Nechushtai, J. N. Onuchic and P. A. JenningsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaRedox-dependent gating of VDAC by mitoNEET9.XXX
Zhong, W., C. Xie, D. Hu, S. Pu, X. Xiong, J. Ma, L. Sun, Z. Huang, M. Jiang and X. LiEcotoxicology and Environmental SafetyEffect of 24-epibrassinolide on reactive oxygen species and antioxidative defense systems in tall fescue plants under lead stress6.XXX
Donaldson, B. and M. T. N. LeAnnals of Allergy, Asthma and ImmunologyThe clinical presentation of alpha-gal allergy among pediatric patients with food allergy in southwest Missouri5.XXX
Niranjan, N., S. Mareedu, Y. Tian, K. Kodippili, N. Fefelova, A. Voit, L. H. Xie, D. Duan and G. J. BabuAmerican Journal of Physiology - Cell PhysiologySarcolipin overexpression impairs myogenic differentiation in Duchenne muscular dystrophy5.XXX
Houghton, H., D. Ash, C. Elder and J. LaurielloBipolar disordersDrug-induced exanthema and resolution in treatment of Bipolar I Disorder with Lamotrigine and Aripiprazole5.XXX
Barroso-García, V., G. C. Gutiérrez-Tobal, L. Kheirandish-Gozal, D. Álvarez, F. Vaquerizo-Villar, P. Núñez, F. del Campo, D. Gozal and R. HorneroComputer Methods and Programs in BiomedicineUsefulness of recurrence plots from airflow recordings to aid in paediatric sleep apnoea diagnosis4.XXX
Crim, J., A. Oserowsky, L. J. Layfield and R. L. SchmidtAmerican Journal of RoentgenologyComparison of radiography and histopathologic analysis in the evaluation of hip arthritis4.XXX
Sul, B., L. Flors, J. Cassani, M. J. Morris, J. Reifman, T. Altes and A. WallqvistRespiratory researchVolumetric characteristics of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis lungs: computational analyses of high-resolution computed tomography images of lung lobes4.XXX
Chong, I., Q. Ostrom, B. Khan, D. Dandachi, N. Garg, A. Kotrotsou, R. Colen and F. MorónCancersWhole tumor histogram analysis using DW MRI in primary central nervous system lymphoma correlates with tumor biomarkers and outcome4.XXX
Ho, K. V., K. L. Schreiber, D. C. Vu, S. M. Rottinghaus, D. E. Jackson, C. R. Brown, Z. Lei, L. W. Sumner, M. V. Coggeshall and C. H. LinFrontiers in PharmacologyBlack Walnut (Juglans nigra) Extracts Inhibit Proinflammatory Cytokine Production from Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Human Promonocytic Cell Line U-9374.XXX
Sheldon, R. D., G. M. Meers, E. M. Morris, M. A. Linden, R. P. Cunningham, J. A. Ibdah, J. P. Thyfault, M. H. Laughlin and R. S. RectorAmerican journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolismeNOS deletion impairs mitochondrial quality control and exacerbates Western diet-induced NASH4.XXX
Mishra, P. K., A. Adameova, J. A. Hill, C. P. Baines, P. M. Kang, J. M. Downey, J. Narula, M. Takahashi, A. Abbate, H. C. Piristine, S. Kar, S. Su, J. K. Higa, N. K. Kawasaki and T. MatsuiAmerican journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiologyGuidelines for evaluating myocardial cell death4.XXX
Rosenfeld, C. S.Frontiers in NutritionEffects of Phytoestrogens on the Developing Brain, Gut Microbiota, and Risk for Neurobehavioral Disorders4.XXX
Dobbs, P. D., G. Chadwick, K. W. Ungar, C. M. Dunlap, K. A. White, M. C. T. Kelly and M. K. CheneyTobacco ControlDevelopment of a tobacco 21 policy assessment tool and state-level analysis in the USA, 2015-20194.XXX
Pan, X., S. A. Sands, Y. Yue, K. Zhang, S. M. Levine and D. DuanHuman Gene TherapyAn Engineered Galactosylceramidase Construct Improves AAV Gene Therapy for Krabbe Disease in Twitcher Mice3.XXX
Poudel, A. N., R. E. Holtsclaw, A. Kimberlin, S. Sen, S. Zeng, T. Joshi, Z. Lei, L. W. Sumner, K. Singh, H. Matsuura and A. J. KooPlant & cell physiology12-Hydroxy-Jasmonoyl-l-Isoleucine Is an Active Jasmonate That Signals through CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 and Contributes to the Wound Response in Arabidopsis3.XXX
Finck, A. and L. MorrisAmerican family physicianThickened Feedings for Infants with Gastroesophageal Reflux3.XXXNoneNone
Reneker, L. W., R. T. Irlmeier, Y. B. Shui, Y. Liu and A. J. W. HuangBritish Journal of OphthalmologyHistopathology and selective biomarker expression in human meibomian glands3.XXX
Naja-Riese, A., K. J. M. Keller, P. Bruno, S. B. Foerster, J. Puma, L. Whetstone, B. Mknelly, K. Cullinen, L. Jacobs and S. SugermanTranslational Behavioral MedicineThe SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework: Demonstrating the impact of a national framework for obesity prevention in low-income populations3.XXX
Mashaqi, S. and D. GozalJournal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep MedicineObstructive Sleep Apnea and Systemic Hypertension: Gut Dysbiosis as the Mediator?3.XXX
Radchenko, C. C., P. K. Cho, L. Kang and T. M. SaetteleRespiratory MedicinePerformance of endobronchial-ultrasound guided miniforceps biopsy of targeted mediastinal and hilar lesions3.XXX
Milanick, W. J., L. Polo-Parada, H. A. Dantzler and D. D. KlineJournal of NeuroendocrinologyActivation of alpha-1 adrenergic receptors increases cytosolic calcium in neurones of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus3.XXX
Wang, F., L. Z. Sun, P. Cai, S. J. Chen and X. XuBiophysical JournalKinetic Mechanism of RNA Helix-Terminal Basepairing—A Kinetic Minima Network Analysis3.XXX
Brimmo, O. A., J. A. Senne and J. CrimEuropean Journal of RadiologyMRI findings of Stener-like lesion of the knee: A case series with surgical correlation3.XXX
Ge, L., Y. Zhou, H. Gu, Q. Wu, Z. Zhou, S. Zheng, D. Stanley and Q. SongFrontiers in PhysiologyMale selenoprotein F-Like (SPF-L) influences female reproduction and population growth in nilaparvata lugens (hemiptera: Delphacidae)3.XXX
Ferguson, B. J., T. Hamlin, J. F. Lantz, T. Villavicencio, J. Coles and D. Q. BeversdorfFrontiers in PsychiatryExamining the association between electrodermal activity and problem behavior in severe autism spectrum disorder: A feasibility study3.XXX
Parker Oliver, D., K. Washington, G. Demiris and P. WhiteJ Pain Symptom Manage Challenges in Implementing Hospice Clinical Trials: Preserving Scientific Integrity While Facing Changing Environments3.XXX
Sharma, C. and C. S. P. OjhaWater (Switzerland)Changes of annual precipitation and probability distributions for different climate types of the world3.XXX
Phadte, A. S., S. Mahalingam, P. Santhoshkumar and K. K. SharmaBiochemistryFunctional Rescue of Cataract-Causing ?a-G98R-Crystallin by Targeted Compensatory Suppressor Mutations in Human ?a-Crystallin2.XXX
Ledbetter, L., R. Cherla, C. Chambers, Y. Zhang and G. ZhangInfection and immunityEosinophils Affect Antibody Isotype Switching and May Partially Contribute to Early Vaccine-Induced Immunity against Coxiella burnetii2.XXX
Nordberg, R. C., L. F. Mellor, A. R. Krause, H. J. Donahue and E. G. LoboaPLoS ONELRP receptors in chondrocytes are modulated by simulated microgravity and cyclic hydrostatic pressure2.XXX
Segovia, M. S., M. A. Palma and R. M. Nayga, Jr.PLoS ONEThe effect of food anticipation on cognitive function: An eye tracking study2.XXX
Shaffer, V. A., J. Bohanek, E. S. Focella, H. Horstman and L. SaffranPLoS ONEEncouraging perspective taking: Using narrative writing to induce empathy for others engaging in negative health behaviors2.XXX
Perez, E., J. M. Dzierzewski, A. T. Aiken-Morgan, C. S. McCrae, M. P. Buman, P. R. Giacobbi, B. L. Roberts and M. MarsiskeAging and Mental HealthAnxiety and executive functions in mid-to-late life: the moderating role of sleep2.XXX
Chastain, K. S., A. M. Stoker, C. C. Bozynski, E. V. Leary and J. L. CookConnective Tissue ResearchMetabolic responses of meniscal tissue to focal collagenase degeneration2.XXX
Akter, S., D. Xu, S. C. Nagel, J. J. Bromfield, K. Pelch, G. B. Wilshire and T. JoshiFrontiers in GeneticsMachine Learning Classifiers for Endometriosis Using Transcriptomics and Methylomics Data2.XXX
Azzawi, A. A., A. Ouadou, J. J. Tanner and J. ChengGenesA super-clustering approach for fully automated single particle picking in cryo-em2.XXX
Wilken, A. T., K. M. Middleton, K. C. Sellers, I. N. Cost and C. M. HollidayJournal of Experimental BiologyThe roles of joint tissues and jaw muscles in palatal biomechanics of the savannah monitor (Varanus exanthematicus) and their significance for cranial kinesis2.XXX
Hayden, M. R.Brain SciencesType 2 diabetes mellitus increases the risk of late-Onset Alzheimer s disease: Ultrastructural remodeling of the neurovascular unit and diabetic gliopathy2.XXX
Holtswarth, J. N., F. E. Rowland, H. J. Puglis, M. L. Hladik and E. B. WebbBulletin of Environmental Contamination and ToxicologyEffects of the Neonicotinoid Insecticide Clothianidin on Southern Leopard Frog (Rana sphenocephala) Tadpole Behavior2.XXX
Jia, C., S. Lucchese, F. Zhang and R. GovindarajanFrontiers in NeurologyThe Role of Onabotulinum Toxin Type A in the Management of Chronic Non-migraine Headaches2.XXX
DiFiori, J. P., C. Quitiquit, A. Gray, E. J. Kimlin and R. BakerJournal of athletic trainingEarly Single Sport Specialization in a High-Achieving US Athlete Population: Comparing National Collegiate Athletic Association Student-Athletes and Undergraduate Students2.XXX
Xia, Q., J. Tan, S. Cheng, Y. Jiang and Y. GuoPhotochemistry and PhotobiologySensing Plant Physiology and Environmental Stress by Automatically Tracking Fj and Fi Features in PSII Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction2.XXX
Shababi, M., C. E. Smith, M. Kacher, Z. Alrawi, E. Villalón, D. Davis, E. C. Bryda and C. L. LorsonBiochemical and Biophysical Research CommunicationsDevelopment of a novel severe mouse model of spinal muscular atrophy with respiratory distress type 1: FVB-nmd2.XXX
Rodrigues, J., N. C. Jordan and N. HansenJournal of Learning DisabilitiesIdentifying Fraction Measures as Screeners of Mathematics Risk Status2.XXX
Mashaqi, S. and D. GozalRespiratory InvestigationThe impact of obstructive sleep apnea and PAP therapy on all-cause and cardiovascular mortality based on age and gender – a literature review2.XXX
Sim, S. A., S. G. Woo, D. Y. Hwang, J. H. Kim, S. S. Lee, C. O. Lim, J. C. Hong and Y. H. SongApplied Biological ChemistryFLOWERING HTH1 is involved in CONSTANS-mediated flowering regulation in Arabidopsis2.XXX
Grobman, M., T. Lever and C. R. ReineroVeterinary JournalDiscrimination between respiratory and non-respiratory sound waveforms in dogs using acoustic wave recordings: An objective metric of cough2.XXX
Masseau, I. and C. R. ReineroVeterinary JournalThoracic computed tomographic interpretation for clinicians to aid in the diagnosis of dogs and cats with respiratory disease2.XXX
Hsu, H. T., E. Rice, J. Wilson, S. Semborski, P. Vayanos and M. MortonThe journal of primary preventionUnderstanding Wait Times in Rapid Re-Housing Among Homeless Youth: A Competing Risk Survival Analysis2.XXX
Alt, M., S. Gray, T. P. Hogan, N. Schlesinger and N. CowanLanguage, speech, and hearing services in schoolsSpoken Word Learning Differences Among Children With Dyslexia, Concomitant Dyslexia and Developmental Language Disorder, and Typical Development2.XXX
Roche, D. J. O., C. J. Trela, M. Argos, F. Jasmine, M. G. Kibriya, H. Ahsan and A. C. KingAlcohol and AlcoholismLack of Association between Opioid-Receptor Genotypes and Smoking Cessation Outcomes in a Randomized, Controlled Naltrexone Trial2.XXX
Patel, N. J., V. Atti, V. Kumar, A. Panakos, M. Anantha Narayanan, B. Bhardwaj, S. Arora, A. J. Deshmukh, N. Patel, M. B. Basir, M. G. Cohen, A. S. Kini, S. K. Sharma, G. Dangas, W. W. O'Neill and C. E. AlfonsoCatheterization and Cardiovascular InterventionsTemporal trends of survival and utilization of mechanical circulatory support devices in patients with in-hospital cardiac arrest secondary to ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation2.XXX
Golda, N., B. Merrill and B. NeillCutisIntraoperative electrosurgical smoke during outpatient surgery: a survey of dermatologic surgeon and staff preferences2.XXXNoneNone
Martinez, D., J. M. Santin, D. Schulz and F. NadimJournal of neurophysiologyThe differential contribution of pacemaker neurons to synaptic transmission in the pyloric network of the Jonah crab, Cancer borealis2.XXX
Ott, E. P., S. E. Baker, W. W. Holbein, J. K. Shoemaker and J. K. LimbergJournal of neurophysiologyEffect of varying chemoreflex stress on sympathetic neural recruitment strategies during apnea2.XXX
Albarrak, A. A., B. S. Romana, S. Uraz, M. H. Yousef, A. A. Juboori and V. TahanEndocrine, Metabolic and Immune Disorders - Drug TargetsClostridium difficile infection in inflammatory bowel disease patients2.XXX
Qureshi, A. I., A. Asif, E. Aytac, J. Liaqat, E. Gurkas, I. Lobanova, O. Saeed, H. Ahsan, F. Siddiq, C. R. Gomez and B. R. FrenchJournal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular DiseasesPreprocedure Intravenous Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator and Risk of Distal Embolization with Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke2.XXX
Liu, Q., B. Wu, Q. Yu and Y. WangDental Materials JournalImmobilization of quaternary ammonium based antibacterial monomer onto dentin substrate by non-thermal atmospheric plasma1.XXX
Cummings, K. J. and M. R. HodgesRespiratory Physiology and NeurobiologyThe serotonergic system and the control of breathing during development1.XXX
Longeri, M., A. Chiodi, M. Brilli, A. Piazza, L. A. Lyons, G. Sofronidis, M. C. Cozzi and C. BazzocchiAnimal GeneticsTargeted genotyping by sequencing: a new way to genome profile the cat1.XXX
Anbari, A. B., A. Wanchai and J. M. ArmerChronic IllnessBreast cancer-related lymphedema and quality of life: A qualitative analysis over years of survivorship1.XXX
Guo, J., G. S. Johnson, J. Cook, O. K. Harris, T. Mhlanga-Mutangadura, R. D. Schnabel, C. A. Jensen and M. L. KatzMolecular Genetics and Metabolism ReportsNeuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis in a German Shorthaired Pointer associated with a previously reported CLN8 nonsense variant1.XXX
Sulistiyani, S., S. Falah, W. Wahyuni, D. Andrianto, A. Lelono, W. Nurcholis, V. Mossine and M. HanninkAsian Pacific Journal of Tropical BiomedicineNrf2-inducing and HMG-CoA reductase inhibitory activities of a polyphenol-rich fraction of Guazuma ulmifolia leaves1.XXX
Leesar, M. A., F. Al Solaiman, A. Azarbal, K. Marmagkiolis and M. CilingirogluCardiovascular Revascularization MedicineA novel fluoroscopic-guided technique with micropuncture needle for the common femoral artery access1.XXX
Albuquerque, J. B. D., F. Pfeiffer, J. P. Stannard, J. L. Cook and M. KfuriJournal of Knee SurgeryOnlay Reconstruction of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament: Biomechanical Comparison of Unicortical and Bicortical Tibial Fixation1.XXX
Chase, J.-A. D., D. Russell, M. Rice, C. Abbott, K. H. Bowles and D. R. MehrJournal of Patient ExperienceCaregivers Experiences Regarding Training and Support in the Post-Acute Home Health-Care Setting1.XXX
Norby, K., M. Young and F. SiddiqInterventional neuroradiology : journal of peritherapeutic neuroradiology, surgical procedures and related neurosciencesUse of stent retriever for treatment of iatrogenic intracranial vasospasm1.XXX
Bergstrom, K., A. B. Lawrence, A. J. Pelissero, L. J. Hammond, E. Maro, H. T. Bunn and C. M. MusibaSouth African Journal of ScienceAerial map demonstrates erosional patterns and changing topography at isimila, Tanzania1.XXX
Jefferson, U. T., I. Zachary and W. MajeeComputers, informatics, nursing : CINEmploying a User-Centered Design to Engage Mothers in the Development of a mHealth Breastfeeding Application1.XXX
Wu, C., X. Yan, Y. Liao, L. Liao, S. Huang, Q. Zuo, L. Zhou, L. Gao, Y. Wang, J. Lin, S. Li, K. Wang, X. Ge, H. Song, R. Yang and F. LuMedicine (United States)Increased perihematomal neuron autophagy and plasma thrombin-Antithrombin levels in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage: An observational study1.XXX
Qi, X., E. Schepers, D. Avella, E. T. Kimchi, J. T. Kaifi, K. F. Staveley-O'Carroll and G. LiJournal of visualized experiments : JoVEAn Oncogenic Hepatocyte-Induced Orthotopic Mouse Model of Hepatocellular Cancer Arising in the Setting of Hepatic Inflammation and Fibrosis1.XXX
Abu Khalaf, S., A. Elkeeb, W. Salzer and H. RegunathIDCasesCircumferential iris lesions in a male with cirrhosis caused by Candida dublinensis endophthalmitis1.XXX
Qureini, A., S. Asif, S. Harry and S. MadhusudhanaThe American journal of case reportsA Case of Rituximab-Induced Acute Thrombocytopenia in a Patient with Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma and Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection1.XXX
Kelley, E. S. and H. GoldsteinSeminars in Speech and LanguageExamining Performance on a Process-Based Assessment of Word Learning in Relation to Vocabulary Knowledge and Learning in Vocabulary Intervention1.XXX
Kuruvilla-Dugdale, M., K. Threlkeld, M. Salazar, G. Nolan and L. HeidrickSeminars in Speech and LanguageA Comparative Study of Auditory-Perceptual Speech Measures for the Early Detection of Mild Speech Impairments1.XXX
Piasecki, T. M., I. R. Gizer and W. S. SlutskeTwin Research and Human GeneticsPolygenic Risk Scores for Psychiatric Disorders Reveal Novel Clues about the Genetics of Disordered Gambling1.XXX
Grobman, M., K. A. Bishop, H. Rindt, L. A. Nafe and C. R. ReineroCanadian Journal of Veterinary ResearchPharmacodynamic assessment of ex-vivo canine t-lymphocyte proliferation: Responses to dexamethasone, cyclosporine, mycophenolic acid, and the active metabolite of leflunomide0.XXXNoneNone
Abolfotouh, S. and D. MooreInternational Journal of Surgery Case ReportsUse of simultaneous traction over a halo ring to achieve reduction of a type 2 odontoid fracture for anterior odontoid screw fixation0.XXX
Baumann, C. A., B. B. Hinckel and M. J. TanakaOperative Techniques in Sports MedicineUpdate on Patellofemoral Anatomy and Biomechanics0.XXX
He, F., D. Wang, Y. Innokenteva, O. Kholod, D. Shin and D. Xu10th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics, ACM-BCB 2019Extracting molecular entities and their interactions from pathway figures based on deep learningNone
Wang, Y. Y., K. Gao, A. M. Kloepper, Y. Zhao, M. Kuruvilla-Dugdale, T. E. Lever and F. Bunyak2019 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, BHI 2019DeepDDK: A deep learning based oral-diadochokinesis analysis softwareNone
Yi, R., M. Enayati, J. M. Keller, M. Popescu and M. Skubic2019 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, BHI 2019Non-invasive in-home sleep stage classification using a ballistocardiography bed sensorNone
Sreeramakavacham, S., J. H. Kim and L. Despins21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2019Measuring Nursing Workload in an Intensive Care Unit Using NGOMSL ModelNone
Al-Ghalibi, M. and A. Al-Azzawi26th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, WSCG 2018Time series social network visualization based on dimension reductionNone
Park, K., K. Meiss, L. Guerdan, E. Cheng, J. Burchard, J. Gillis, D. Weber, P. Calyam and S. AhmadAmerican journal of disaster medicineReal-time geotracking and cataloging of mass casualty incident markers in a search and rescue training simulation: Pilot studyNone
Azarpajouh, S., J. C. Díaz, C. Clifford-Rathert, J. S. Correa and W. LambersonCAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural ResourcesGenetics of footrot resistance in small ruminantsNone
Ahmed, A. A., D. S. Vundamati, M. S. Farooqi and E. GuestHigh-ThroughputPrecision medicine in pediatric cancer: Current applications and future prospectsNone
Shih, H. and S. RajendranJournal of Healthcare Engineering Comparison of Time Series Methods and Machine Learning Algorithms for Forecasting Taiwan Blood Services Foundation's Blood SupplyNone
Moore, Y., E. Shotton, R. Brown, J. Gremmel, S. Lindsey and J. PankeyMEDSURG NursingEffects of incentive spirometry on perceived dyspnea in patients hospitalized with pneumoniaNoneNoneNone
Martha-Paz, A. M., D. Eide, D. Mendoza-Cózatl, N. A. Castro-Guerrero and E. T. Aréchiga-CarvajalMolecular Membrane BiologyZinc uptake in the Basidiomycota: Characterization of zinc transporters in Ustilago maydisNone
Miles, J. H., N. Takahashi, J. Muckerman, K. P. Nowell and M. IthmanNeuropsychiatric Disease and TreatmentCatatonia in down syndrome: Systematic approach to diagnosis, treatment and outcome assessment based on a case series of seven patientsNone
McBroom, L. A. and L. GanongPediatric NursingMothers parenting responsibility after divorceNoneNoneNone
Atkins, N. K., B. M. Kramer and C. A. KitleyRadiology Case ReportsTranscatheter embolization of anticoagulation related pancreatic pseudocyst hemorrhage: A case reportNone