School of Medicine Monthly Faculty Publications

November 2021

Ranked by Impact Factor

  • Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields.
  • Veterinary medical publications are kept on a separate list.
  • Full impact factors cannot be displayed due to license agreements. Also, note that impact factors are not available for all publications.

AuthorsJournalArticleImpact FactorPlumXAltmetric
Ge, E. J., Bush, A. I., Casini, A., Cobine, P. A., Cross, J. R., DeNicola, G. M., Dou, Q. P., Franz, K. J., Gohil, V. M., Gupta , S., Kaler, S. G., Lutsenko, S., Mittal, V., Petris, M. J., Polishchuk, R., Ralle, M., Schilsky, M. L., Tonks, N. K., Vahdat, L. T., Van Aelst, L., Xi, D., Yuan, P., Brady, D. C., Chang , C. J.Nature Reviews CancerConnecting copper and cancer: from transition metal signalling to metalloplasia72.XXX
Davidson, K. W., Mangione, C. M., Barry, M. J., Cabana, M. D., Caughey, A. B., Davis, E. M., Donahue, K. E., Doubeni, C. A., Krist, A. H., Kubik, M., Li, L., Ogedegbe, G., Pbert, L., Silverstein, M., Simon, M., Stevermer, J., Tseng, C. W., Wong, J. B.JAMA - Journal of the American Medical AssociationActions to Transform US Preventive Services Task Force Methods to Mitigate Systemic Racism in Clinical Preventive Services63.XXX
Cai, D., Sun, C., Zhang, G., Que, X., Fujise, K., Weintraub, N. L., Chen, S. Y.Circulation ResearchA Novel Mechanism Underlying Inflammatory Smooth Muscle Phenotype in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm16.XXX
Bordt, E. A., Shook, L. L., Atyeo, C., Pullen, K. M., de Guzman, R. M., Meinsohn, M. C., Chauvin, M., Fischinger, S., Yockey, L. J., James, K., Lima, R., Yonker, L. M., Fasano, A., Brigida, S., Bebell, L. M., Roberts, D. J., Pépin, D., Huh, J. R., Bilbo, S. D., Li, J. Z., Kaimal, A., Schust, D. J., Gray, K. J., Lauffenburger, D., Alter, G., Edlow, A. G.Science Translational MedicineMaternal SARS-CoV-2 infection elicits sexually dimorphic placental immune responses15.XXX
Meyer, N. L., Chapman, M. S.Trends in MicrobiologyAdeno-associated virus (AAV) cell entry: structural insights14.XXX
Dandachi, D., Geiger, G., Montgomery, M. W., Karmen-Tuohy, S., Golzy, M., Antar, A. A. R., Llibre, J. M., Camazine, M., Díaz-De Santiago, A., Carlucci, P. M., Zacharioudakis, I. M., Rahimian, J., Wanjalla, C. N., Slim, J., Arinze, F., Kratz, A. M. P., Jones, J. L., Patel, S. M., Kitchell, E., Francis, A., Ray, M., Koren, D. E., Baddley, J. W., Hill, B., Sax, P. E., Chow, J.Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of AmericaCharacteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes in a Multicenter Registry of Patients With Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Coronavirus Disease 20198.XXX
Abdalla, M., Eltayb, W. A., El-Arabey, A. A., Singh, K., Jiang, X.Computers in Biology and MedicineMolecular dynamic study of SARS-CoV-2 with various S protein mutations and their effect on thermodynamic properties7.XXX
Holliday, Z. M., Earhart, A. P., Alnijoumi, M. M., Krvavac, A., Allen, L. A. H., Schrum, A. G.Frontiers in ImmunologyNon-Randomized Trial of Dornase Alfa for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Secondary to Covid-195.XXX
Jones, B., Debski, A., Hans, C. P., Go, M. R., Agarwal, G.Journal of Thrombosis and HaemostasisStructurally abnormal collagen fibrils in abdominal aortic aneurysm resist platelet adhesion5.XXX
Hartnett, D. A., Milner, J. D., DeFroda, S. F.American Journal of MedicineThe Weekend Warrior: Common Shoulder and Elbow Injuries in the Recreational Athlete5.XXX
Sun, G. Y., Geng, X., Teng, T., Yang, B., Appenteng, M. K., Greenlief, C. M., Lee, J. C.CellsDynamic role of phospholipases A2 in health and diseases in the central nervous system5.XXX
Zhu, Q., Hao, H., Xu, H., Fichman, Y., Cui, Y., Yang, C., Wang, M., Mittler, R., Hill, M. A., Cowan, P. J., Zhang, G., He, X., Zhou, S., Liu, Z.Journal of the American Heart AssociationCombination of antioxidant enzyme overexpression and n-acetylcysteine treatment enhances the survival of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells in ischemic limb in mice with type 2 diabetes5.XXX
Zhou, J., Jiang, Y., Huang, Y., Wang, Q., Kaifi, J. T., Kimchi, E. T., Chabu, C. Y., Liu, Z., Joshi, T., Li, G.Translational OncologySingle-cell RNA sequencing to characterize the response of pancreatic cancer to anti-PD-1 immunotherapy4.XXX
Mraovic, B., Timko, N. J., Simurina, T.European journal of anaesthesiologyAntinociceptive effect of nitrous oxide4.XXX
Smith, P. A., Bezold, W. A., Cook, C. R., Krych, A. J., Stuart, M. J., Wijdicks, C., Cook, J. L.American Journal of Sports MedicineKinematic Analysis of Lateral Meniscal Oblique Radial Tears in the Anterior Cruciate Ligament–Deficient Knee4.XXX
Dashek, R. J., Diaz, C., Chandrasekar, B., Rector, R. S.Frontiers in EndocrinologyThe Role of RECK in Hepatobiliary Neoplasia Reveals Its Therapeutic Potential in NASH3.XXX
Warning, A., Applegren, T., Foster, K.American family physicianCommunity Vision Screening in Older Adults3.XXXNoneNone
Saccon, E., Bandera, A., Sciumè, M., Mikaeloff, F., Lashari, A. A., Aliberti, S., Sachs, M. C., Billi, F., Blasi, F., Gabriel, E. E., Costantino, G., De Roberto, P., Krishnan, S., Gori, A., Peyvandi, F., Scudeller, L., Canetta, C., Lorson, C. L., Valenti, L., Singh, K., Baldini, L., Fracchiolla, N. S., Neogi, U., Group, Covid- Network WorkingMicrobiology SpectrumDistinct metabolic profile associated with a fatal outcome in COVID-19 patients during the early epidemic in Italy3.XXX
Gordon, J. B., Hoffman, M. C., Troiano, J. M., Li, M., Hazelbauer, G. L., Schlau-Cohen, G. S.ACS Chemical BiologyConcerted Differential Changes of Helical Dynamics and Packing upon Ligand Occupancy in a Bacterial Chemoreceptor3.XXX
Miller, M., Koch, S. E., Veteto, A., Domeier, T., Rubinstein, J.Frontiers in PhysiologyRole of Known Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid Channels in Modulating Cardiac Mechanobiology3.XXX
Pierce, R. P., Raithel, S., Brandt, L., Clary, K., Craig, K.J Pain Symptom Manage A Comparison of Models Predicting One-Year Mortality at Time of Admission3.XXX
Patel, S. M., Seravalli, J., Stiers, K. M., Tanner, J. J., Becker, D. F.Amino AcidsKinetics of human pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase in l-thioproline metabolism3.XXX
Mao, Y., Seravalli, J., Smith, T. G., Morton, M., Tanner, J. J., Becker, D. F.BiochemistryEvidence for Proline Catabolic Enzymes in the Metabolism of Thiazolidine Carboxylates2.XXX
Zhu, Z., West, G. R., Wang, D. C., Collins, A. B., Xiao, H., Bai, Q., Mesfin, F. B., Wakefield, M. R., Fang, Y.Medical OncologyAFP peptide (AFPep) as a potential growth factor for prostate cancer2.XXX
Lee, L. E., Chandrasekar, B., Yu, P., Ma, L.NMR in BiomedicineQuantification of myocardial fibrosis using noninvasive T2-mapping magnetic resonance imaging: Preclinical models of aging and pressure overload2.XXX
Bdaiwi, A. S., Niedbalski, P. J., Hossain, M. M., Willmering, M. M., Walkup, L. L., Wang, H., Thomen, R. P., Ruppert, K., Woods, J. C., Cleveland, Z. I.NMR in BiomedicineImproving hyperpolarized 129Xe ADC mapping in pediatric and adult lungs with uncertainty propagation2.XXX
Tarar, Z. I., Zafar, M. U., Farooq, U., Ghous, G., Aslam, A., Inayat, F., Ghouri, Y. A.International Journal of Colorectal DiseaseBurden of depression and anxiety among patients with inflammatory bowel disease: results of a nationwide analysis2.XXX
Kobayashi, M., Morita, Y., Tanaka, K., Hirai, T., Takayama, Y., Muto, M., Ishii, H., Murohara, T., Izawa, H.CJC OpenA Resuscitated Adult With Left Main Coronary Artery Ostial Atresia and Graves’ Disease: 10-Year Follow-up2.XXX
Sillah, A., Watson, N. F., Peters, U., Biggs, M. L., Nieto, F. J., Li, C. I., Gozal, D., Thornton, T., Barrie, S., Phipps, A. I.Cancer EpidemiologySleep problems and risk of cancer incidence and mortality in an older cohort: The Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS)2.XXX
Singh, K., Weitlich, J. D., Zitsch, B. P., Schweser, K. M., Cook, J. L., Crist, B. D.InjuryWhich surgical approach provides maximum visualization and access for open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of femoral neck fractures?2.XXX
Wali, S., Manzar, M., Abdelaziz, M., Alshomrani, R., Alhejaili, F., Al-Mughales, J., Alamoudi, W., Gozal, D.Annals of Thoracic MedicinePutative associations between inflammatory biomarkers, obesity, and obstructive sleep apnea2.XXX
Rosen, G. H., Kanake, S., Golzy, M., Malm-Buatsi, E., Murray, K. S.UrologyAntimicrobial Selection for Transurethral Procedures Across the United States: A State-by-State Antibiogram Evaluation2.XXX
Hanford, J., Mannebach, K., Ohler, A., Patten, M., Pardalos, J.Breastfeeding MedicineRates of Comorbidities in Very Low Birth Weight Infants Fed an Exclusive Human Milk Diet Versus a Bovine Supplemented Diet2.XXX
Dirkes, R. K., Welly, R. J., Mao, J., Kinkade, J., Vieira-Potter, V. J., Rosenfeld, C. S., Bruzina, P. S.Bone ReportsGestational and lactational exposure to BPA, but not BPS, negatively impacts trabecular microarchitecture and cortical geometry in adult male offspring2.XXX
Hardin, F. M., Eskander, P. N., Franzese, C.OTO OpenCost-effective Analysis of Subcutaneous vs Sublingual Immunotherapy From the Payor’s Perspective1.XXX
Bourke, J. M., Fontenot, N., Holliday, C.Anatomical RecordSeptal deviation in the nose of the longest faced crocodylian: A description of nasal anatomy and airflow in the Indian gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) with comments on acoustics1.XXX
Badawy, M., Gaballah, A. H., Ganeshan, D., Abdelalziz, A., Remer, E. M., Alsabbagh, M., Westphalen, A., Siddiqui, M. A., Taffel, M. T., Itani, M., Shaaban, A. M., Elsayes, K. M.British Journal of RadiologyAdrenal hemorrhage and hemorrhagic masses; diagnostic workup and imaging findings1.XXX
Sathi, B. K., Yoshida, Y., Weaver, M. R., Nolan, L. S., Gruner, B., Balasa, V., Altes, T., Leiva-Salinas, C.Acta HaematologicaUnusually High Prevalence of Stroke and Cerebral Vasculopathy in Hemoglobin SC Disease: A Retrospective Single Institution Study1.XXX
Roush, W. P., Peters, A., Vogel, T. R., Balasundaram, N., Bath, J.Annals of Vascular SurgeryBalloon-Assisted Endovascular Thrombectomy for Tibial Thromboembolism1.XXX
Lewton, A. K., Morris, L. E., Hale, K.J Fam Pract Validated scoring system identifies low-risk syncope patients1.XXXNoneNone
Maberry, M., Kesterson, J.Journal of Emergency MedicineOcular Lens Expulsion Secondary to Fusarium Endophthalmitis: A Case Report1.XXX
Hargis, P. A., Henslee, B., Pokala, N., Bhat, A.Journal of Clinical Imaging SciencePercutaneous lymphatic maceration and glue embolization for high-output chylous ascites after robot-assisted laparoscopic nephrectomy and lymphadenectomy1.XXX
Layfield, L. J., Baloch, Z.Diagnostic CytopathologyAtypia in pulmonary cytology: Morphologic spectrum and causes1.XXX
Layfield, L. J., Yang, Z., Vazmitsel, M., Zhang, T., Esebua, M., Schmidt, R.Diagnostic CytopathologyThe international system for serous fluid cytopathology: Interobserver agreement1.XXX
Layfield, L. J., Zhang, T., Esebua, M.Diagnostic CytopathologyDiagnostic sensitivity and risk of malignancy for bile duct brushings categorized by the Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology System for reporting pancreaticobiliary cytopathology1.XXX
Belton, P., Ortiz, M., Litofsky, N. S.American SurgeonEnhanced Recovery After Surgery: Keep the Concepts, Abandon the Term1.XXX
Tarar, Z. I., Zafar, M. U., Farooq, U., Basar, O., Tahan, V., Daglilar, E.Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case ReportsThe Progression of Celiac Disease, Diagnostic Modalities, and Treatment Options0.XXX
Daghlas, S., Gundluru, R., Nada, A., Khan, U.BMJ case reportsIdentification of novel missense mutation in a patient with an asymptomatic para-aortic paraganglioma0.XXX
Gutiérrez-Tobal, G. C., Gomez-Pilar, J., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., Martín-Montero, A., Poza, J., Álvarez, D., del Campo, F., Gozal, D., Hornero, R.Frontiers in NeurosciencePediatric Sleep Apnea: The Overnight Electroencephalogram as a Phenotypic BiomarkerNone
Johnson, S. , Katyal, N., Narula, N., Govindarajan, R.Medical Science MonitorAdverse side effects associated with corticosteroid therapy: A study in 39 patients with generalized myasthenia gravisNone