School of Medicine Monthly Faculty Publications

July 2021

Ranked by Impact Factor

  • Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields.
  • Veterinary medical publications are kept on a separate list.
  • Full impact factors cannot be displayed due to license agreements. Also, note that impact factors are not available for all publications.

AuthorsJournalArticleImpact FactorPlumXAltmetric
Zeng, S., Mao, Z., Ren, Y., Wang, D., Xu, D., Joshi, T.Nucleic Acids ResearchG2PDeep: A web-based deep-learning framework for quantitative phenotype prediction and discovery of genomic markers16.XXX
Scallan, J. P., Knauer, L. A., Hou, H., Castorena-Gonzalez, J. A., Davis, M. J., Yang, Y.Journal of Clinical InvestigationFoxo1 deletion promotes the growth of new lymphatic valves13.XXX
Avella Patino, D. M., Radhakrishnan, V., Suvilesh, K. N., Manjunath, Y., Li, G., Kimchi, E. T., Staveley-O Carroll, K. F., Warren, W. C., Kaifi, J. T., Mitchem, J. B.Seminars in Cancer BiologyEpigenetic Regulation of Cancer Immune Cells12.XXX
Li, L.,Chen , S.R., Zhou, M. H., Wang, L., Li, D. P., Chen, H., Lee, G., Jayaraman, V., Pan, H. L.Cell Reportsα2δ-1 switches the phenotype of synaptic AMPA receptors by physically disrupting heteromeric subunit assembly7.XXX
Roland, L. T., Regenberg, A., Luong, A. U., Wise, S. K., Toskala, E., Lam, K. K., Levy, J. M., Franzese, C. B., Smith, K., Kim, J.International Forum of Allergy and RhinologyBiologics for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: Economics and ethics7.XXX
Wu, Y., Li , Y. J., Shi, L. L., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Bao, X., Xu, W., Yao, L. Y., Mbadhi, M. N., Chen, L., Li, S., Li, X. Y., Zhang, Z. F., Zhao, S., Zhang, R. N., Chen, S. Y., Zhang, J. X., Jun, mingTangStem Cell Research and TherapySpatio-temporal model of Meox1 expression control involvement of Sca-1-positive stem cells in neointima formation through the synergistic effect of Rho/CDC42 and SDF-1α/CXCR47.XXX
Pritzl, C. J., Daniels, M. A., Teixeiro, E.Frontiers in ImmunologyInterplay of Inflammatory, Antigen and Tissue-Derived Signals in the Development of Resident CD8 Memory T Cells5.XXX
Naeem, M., Zulfiqar, M., Siddiqui, M. A., Shetty, A. S., Haq, A., Varela, C., Siegel, C., Menias, C. O.RadiographicsImaging manifestations of genitourinary tuberculosis5.XXX
Morton, A. B., Jacobsen, N. L., Segal, S. S.American Journal of Physiology - Cell PhysiologyFunctionalizing biomaterials to promote neurovascular regeneration following skeletal muscle injury5.XXX
Liu, X., Xiao, Y., Zhu, Q., Cui, Y., Hao, H., Wang, M., Cowan, P. J., Korthuis, R. J., Li, G., Sun, Q., Liu, Z.International Journal of Molecular SciencesCirculating endothelial progenitor cells are preserved in female mice exposed to ambient fine particulate matter independent of estrogen4.XXX
Khare, T., Bissonnette, M., Khare, S.International Journal of Molecular SciencesCxcl12-cxcr4/cxcr7 axis in colorectal cancer: Therapeutic target in preclinical and clinical studies4.XXX
Haider, S. P., Qureshi, A. I., Jain, A., Tharmaseelan, H., Berson, E. R., Zeevi, T., Majidi, S., Filippi, C. G., Iseke, S., Gross, M., Acosta, J. N., Malhotra, A., Kim, J. A., Sansing, L. H., Falcone, G. J., Sheth, K. N., Payabvash, S.European Journal of NeurologyAdmission computed tomography radiomic signatures outperform hematoma volume in predicting baseline clinical severity and functional outcome in the ATACH-2 trial intracerebral hemorrhage population4.XXX
Spratt, A. N., Kannan, S. R., Woods, L. T., Weisman, G. A., Quinn, T. P., Lorson, C. L., Sönnerborg, A., Byrareddy, S. N., Singh, K.Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal Evolution, correlation, structural impact and dynamics of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants4.XXX
Gavini, M. P., Mahmood, A., Belenchia, A. M., Beauparlant, P., Kumar, S. A., Ardhanari, S., Demarco, V. G., Pulakat, L.Frontiers in PharmacologySuppression of Inflammatory Cardiac Cytokine Network in Rats with Untreated Obesity and Pre-Diabetes by AT2 Receptor Agonist NP-6A44.XXX
Wenceslau, C. F., McCarthy, C. G., Earley, S., England, S. K., Filosa, J. A., Goulopoulou, S., Gutterman, D. D., Isakson, B. E., Kanagy, N. L., Martinez-Lemus, L. A., Sonkusare, S. K., Thakore, P., Trask, A. J., Watts, S. W., Clinton Webb, R.American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory PhysiologyGuidelines for the measurement of vascular function and structure in isolated arteries and veins4.XXX
Zachary, I., Leary, E.Public HealthBarriers to care for short- and long-term occurrences of non-specific psychological distress3.XXX
Li, J., Chen, S. J.Frontiers in Molecular BiosciencesRNA 3D Structure Prediction Using Coarse-Grained Models3.XXX
Large, E. E., Silveria, M. A., Zane, G. M., Weerakoon, O., Chapman, M. S.VirusesAdeno-associated virus (Aav) gene delivery: Dissecting molecular interactions upon cell entry3.XXX
Stevermer, J. J., Fisher, L., Lin, K. W., Liu, R., Goodenberger, D., Schellhase, K., Vaughan, B., Bird, M. D.Am Fam Physician Pharmacologic Management of COPD Exacerbations: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the AAFP3.XXXNoneNone
Saddala, M. S., Yang, X., Tang, S., Huang, H.GenomicsTranscriptome-wide analysis reveals core sets of transcriptional regulators of sensome and inflammation genes in retinal microglia3.XXX
Alimoradi, Z., Gozal, D., Tsang, H. W. H., Lin, C. Y., Brostrom, A., Ohayon, M. M., Pakpour, A. H.Journal of Sleep ResearchGender-specific estimates of sleep problems during the COVID-19 pandemic: Systematic review and meta-analysis3.XXX
Beversdorf, D. Q., Shah, A., Jhin, A., Noel-MacDonnell, J., Hecht, P., Ferguson, B. J., Bruce, D., Tilley, M., Talebizadeh, Z.Frontiers in PsychiatrymicroRNAs and Gene–Environment Interactions in Autism: Effects of Prenatal Maternal Stress and the SERT Gene on Maternal microRNA Expression3.XXX
Zhou, J., West, R. C., Ehlers, E. L., Ezashi, T., Schulz, L. C., Roberts, R. M., Yuan, Y., Schust, D. J.Biology of ReproductionModeling human peri-implantation placental development and function3.XXX
Qureshi, A. I., Baskett, W. I., Huang, W., Myers, D., Lobanova, I., Ishfaq, M. F., Naqvi, S. H., French, B. R., Chandrasekaran, P. N., Siddiq, F., Gomez, C. R., Shyu, C. R.Neurocritical CareIntracerebral Hemorrhage and Coronavirus Disease 2019 in a Cohort of 282,718 Hospitalized Patients3.XXX
Kick, G. R., Meiman, E. J., Sabol, J. C., Whiting, R. E. H., Ota-Kuroki, J., Castaner, L. J., Jensen, C. A., Katz, M. L.Experimental Eye ResearchVisual system pathology in a canine model of CLN5 neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis3.XXX
Tustison, N. J., Altes, T. A., Qing, K., He, M., Miller, G. W., Avants, B. B., Shim, Y. M., Gee, J. C., Mugler, J. P., III, Mata, J. F.Magnetic Resonance in MedicineImage- versus histogram-based considerations in semantic segmentation of pulmonary hyperpolarized gas images3.XXX
Saddala, M. S., Lennikov, A., Mukwaya, A., Yang, X., Tang, S., Huang, H.Journal of Biomolecular Structure and DynamicsData mining and network analysis reveals C-X-C chemokine receptor type 5 is involved in the pathophysiology of age-related macular degeneration2.XXX
Tanphaichitr, A., Chuenchod, P., Ungkanont, K., Banhiran, W., Vathanophas, V., Gozal, D.Pediatric PulmonologyValidity and reliability of the Thai version of the pediatric obstructive sleep apnea screening tool2.XXX
Pathikonda, C., Katyal, N., Narula, N., Govindarajan, R.Frontiers in NeurologyDisease and Patient Characteristics Contributing to Diagnostic Delays in Patients With Guillain-Barré Syndrome2.XXX
Jacob, D. W., Harper, J. L., Ivie, C. L., Ott, E. P., Limberg, J. K.Experimental PhysiologySex differences in the vascular response to sympathetic activation during acute hypoxaemia2.XXX
Zhao, L., Willson, C. M., Givens, N. T., Zhu, Z., Wakefield, M. R., Wang, Y., Yang, W., Fang, Y.BMC Pulmonary MedicineA rare case of ciliated muconodular papillary tumor accompanied with adenocarcinoma in situ2.XXX
Taaffe, J. P., Kabbani, L. S., Goltz, C. J., Bath, J., Mattos, M. A., Caputo, F. J., Singh, P., Vogel, T. R.Journal of Surgical EducationFeasibility and Evaluation of Surgical Simulation with Developed Crisis Scenarios: A Comparison of Performance by Vascular Surgery Training Paradigms2.XXX
Sibuyi, N. R. S., Thipe, V. C., Panjtan-Amiri, K.,Meyer , M., Katti, K. V.BJGP OpenGreen Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using Acai Berry and Elderberry Extracts and Investigation of Their Effect on Prostate and Pancreatic Cancer Cells2.XXX
Fleshman, B., Kaiser, K.J Am Board Fam Med Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome in an Athlete2.XXX
Oliveros, H., Lobelo, R., Giraldo-Cadavid, L. F., Bastidas, A., Ballesteros, C., Bernal, R., Patiño, L., Herrera, K., Gozal, D.BMJ OpenBASAN index (Body mass index, Age, Sex, Arterial hypertension and Neck circumference) predicts severe apnoea in adults living at high altitude2.XXX
Rolbiecki, A. J., LeMaster, J. W.Fam PractPhotovoice in primary care settings: a flexible tool for fostering patient-centred care and social action2.XXX
Zitsch, B. P., James, C. R., Crist, B. D., Stoker, A. M., Della Rocca, G. J., Cook, J. L.Journal of Orthopaedic ResearchA prospective randomized double-blind clinical trial to assess the effects of leukocyte-reduced platelet-rich plasma on pro-inflammatory, degradative, and anabolic biomarkers after closed pilon fractures2.XXX
Bechtold, M. L., Regunath, H., Tyler, R., Guenter, P., Barrocas, A., Collins, N. A.Nutrition in Clinical PracticeImpact of a nutrition support therapy on hospital-acquired infections: A value analysis2.XXX
Vaughan, L. A., Quick, J. A.Surgical Clinics of North AmericaEvidence-Based Selection of Surgical Residents2.XXX
Bartick, M., Stehel, E. K., Calhoun, S. L., Feldman-Winter, L., Zimmerman, D., Noble, L., Rosen-Carole, C., Kair, L. R.Breastfeed MedAcademy of Breastfeeding Medicine Position Statement and Guideline: Infant Feeding and Lactation-Related Language and Gender2.XXX
Duarte, R. L. M., Magalhães-da-Silveira, F. J., Gozal, D.Sleep and BreathingGender-related sleep duration perception in a Brazilian sleep clinic cohort2.XXX
Stroder, M., Litt, J. S., Litofsky, S.World NeurosurgeryComplex Multidisciplinary Cranial and Scalp Reconstruction for Patient Salvage1.XXX
Hasan, M. J., Tabassum, T., Sharif, M., Khan, M. A. S., Bipasha, A. R., Basher, A., Islam, M. R., Amin, M. R., Gozal, D.Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and HygieneClinico-epidemiologic characteristics of the 2019 dengue outbreak in Bangladesh1.XXX
Hagerty, M. P., Walker-Santiago, R., Tegethoff, J. D., Stronach, B. M., Keeney, J. A.Journal of Knee SurgeryTobacco Use Is Associated with More Severe Adverse Outcomes Than Morbid Obesity after Aseptic Revision TKA1.XXX
Bai, Q., Hunzeker, Z. E., Zhu, Z., Lequio, M., Willson, C. M., Xiao, H., Wakefield, M. R., Fang, Y.Anticancer ResearchCranberry extract is a potent radiosensitizer for glioblastoma1.XXX
Schuler, A. M., Smith, E. H., Chaudet, K. M., Bresler, S. C., Gudjonsson, J. E., Kroshinsky, D., Nazarian, R. M., Chan, M. P.Journal of Cutaneous PathologySymmetric drug-related intertriginous and flexural exanthema: Clinicopathologic study of 19 cases and review of literature1.XXX
Sham, N., Qin, C., Zhu, Z., Redington, C. G., Xiao, H., Bai, Q., Wakefield, M. R., Kou, L., Fang, Y.Anticancer ResearchRaspberry extract with potential antitumor activity against cervical cancer1.XXX
Lambrechts, M. J., Maryan, K., Whitman, W., Yen, T. C., Li, J., Leary, E. V., Cook, J. L., Choma, T. J.Journal of OrthopaedicsComorbidities associated with cervical spine degenerative disc disease1.XXX
Munger, A. M., Yu, K. E., Li , D.T., Furdock, R. J., Boeyer, M. E., Duren, D. L., Weber, D. R., Cooperman, D. R.Journal of Pediatric OrthopaedicsThe More the Merrier: Integrating Multiple Models of Skeletal Maturity Improves the Accuracy of Growth Prediction1.XXX
Sheckley, H., Malhotra, K., Katyal, N., Narula, N., Govindarajan, R.Journal of Clinical ApheresisClinical experience with maintenance therapeutic plasma exchange in refractory generalized myasthenia gravis1.XXX
Powell, K. R., Popescu, M., Alexander, G. L.Journal of Gerontological NursingExamining social networks in text messages about nursing home resident health status1.XXX
Becevic, M., Smith, E., Golzy, M., Bysani, R., Rosenfeld, A., Mutrux, E. R., Hoffman, K., Wallach, E., McElroy, J. A., Edison, K.Cureus Melanoma Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes: A Feasibility Study of Melanoma Screening Implementation in Primary Care Settings1.XXXNoneNone
Tarar, Z. I., Zafar, M. U., Ghous, G., Farooq, U., Shoukat, H. M. H.Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case ReportsPravastatin-Induced Acute Pancreatitis: A Case Report and Literature Review0.XXX
Morris, L.E.Family Practice ManagementTalking about Vaccines During PregnancyNoneNoneNone
Rockett, J., Nelson, C., Pierce, R. , Van Morlan, A.International Journal of Contemporary PediatricsA case report of Graves disease following SARS-CoV-2 infectionNone