School of Medicine Monthly Faculty Publications

January 2021

Ranked by Impact Factor

  • Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields.
  • Veterinary medical publications are kept on a separate list.
  • Full impact factors cannot be displayed due to license agreements. Also, note that impact factors are not available for all publications.

AuthorsJournalArticleImpact FactorPlumXAltmetric
Atherstone, C., Peterson, M. L., Malone, M., Honein, M. A., MacNeil, A., ONeal, C. S., Paul, S., Harmon, K. G., Goerl, K., Wolfe, C. R., Casani, J., Barrios, L. C., Aukerman, D., Bray, J. E., Bisong, C., Cornelius, J., Czarnik, M., Fershteyn, Z., Terrell, M., Bui, D., Kassinger, C., McCuin, D. C., Daniels, T. P., Helming, B., Millward, D., Porter, D., Clugston, J. R., Courson, R., Randa, A., Divine, J., Duffaut, C., Fahy, K., Hatamiya, N., Honsvall, A., Miller, E., Pocinich, M., Nattiy, A., De St. Maurice, A., Vigil, D., Goodlett, M. D., Hagan, K., Kirk, M., Madaleno, J. A., Merkle, J., Moon, K., Sutherland, J., Pierce, T., Vinson , D., Whitt, S. P., et alMorbidity and Mortality Weekly ReportTime from start of quarantine to SARS-CoV-2 positive test among quarantined college and university athletes - 17 States, June-October 202025.XXX
Khalyfa, A., Ericsson, A., Qiao, Z., Almendros, I., Farré, R., Gozal, D.EBioMedicineCirculating exosomes and gut microbiome induced insulin resistance in mice exposed to intermittent hypoxia: Effects of physical activity9.XXX
Vaquerizo-Villar, F., Alvarez, D., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., Gutierrez-Tobal, G. C., Barroso-Garcia, V., Santamaria-Vazquez, E., Del Campo, F., Gozal, D., Hornero, R.IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health InformaticsA convolutional neural network architecture to enhance oximetry ability to diagnose pediatric obstructive sleep apnea6.XXX
Woods, L. T., Forti, K. M., Shanbhag, V. C., Camden, J. M., Weisman, G. A.Biochemical PharmacologyP2Y receptors for extracellular nucleotides: Contributions to cancer progression and therapeutic implications5.XXX
Naccarelli, G. V., Ruzieh, M., Wolbrette, D. L., Sendra-Ferrer, M., van Harskamp, J., Bentz, B., Caputo, G., McConkey, N., Mills, K., Wasemiller, S., Plamenac, J., Leslie, D., Glasser, F. D., Abendroth, T. W.American Journal of MedicineOral Anticoagulation Use in High-Risk Patients Is Improved by Elimination of False-Positive and Inactive Atrial Fibrillation Cases5.XXX
Ja?arevi?, E., Hecht, P. M., Fritsche, K. L., Geary, D. C., Rivera, R. M., Beversdorf, D. Q.Biology of Sex DifferencesMaternal DHA supplementation influences sex-specific disruption of placental gene expression following early prenatal stress4.XXX
Kapp, J. M., Hall, B., Kemner, A.Preventing chronic diseaseCollecting Early Childhood Obesity Measurements Through a Home Visiting Program: A Proof-of-Concept Study4.XXX
Wu, J., Kong, M., Lou, Y., Li, L., Yang, C., Xu, H., Cui, Y., Hao, H., Liu, Z.Frontiers in PharmacologySimultaneous Activation of Erk1/2 and Akt Signaling is Critical for Formononetin-Induced Promotion of Endothelial Function4.XXX
Qi, X., Yang, M., Stenberg, J., Dey, R., Fogwe, L., Alam, M. S., Kimchi, E. T., Staveley-OCarroll, K. F., Li, G.World Journal of GastroenterologyGut microbiota mediated molecular events and therapy in liver diseases4.XXX
Shammi, U. A., DAlessandro, M. F., Altes, T., Hersman, F. W., Ruset, I. C., Mugler, J., Meyer, C., Mata, J., Qing, K., Thomen, R.Academic RadiologyComparison of Hyperpolarized 3He and 129Xe MR Imaging in Cystic Fibrosis Patients3.XXX
Ellis, R. T., Nettrour, J. F., Keeney, J. A.Journal of ArthroplastyTKA is More Durable Than UKA for Morbidly Obese Patients: A Two-Year Minimum Follow-Up Study3.XXX
Roberts, R. M., Ezashi, T., Schulz, L. C., Sugimoto, J., Schust, D. J., Khan, T., Zhou, J.PlacentaSyncytins expressed in human placental trophoblast3.XXX
Sharma, M., Arora, I., Stoll, M. L., Li, Y., Morrow, C. D., Barnes , S., Berryhill, T. F., Li, S., Tollefsbol, T. O.PLoS ONENutritional combinatorial impact on the gut microbiota and plasma short-chain fatty acids levels in the prevention of mammary cancer in Her2/neu estrogen receptor-negative transgenic mice2.XXX
Gupta, S., Kamil, S., Sinha, P. R., Rodier, J. T., Chaurasia, S. S., Mohan, R. R.Toxicology LettersGlutathione is a potential therapeutic target for acrolein toxicity in the cornea2.XXX
Li, H., Forson, B., Eckshtain-Levi, M., Valentino, H., Martín del Campo, J. S., Tanner, J. J., Sobrado, P.BiochemistryBiochemical characterization of the two-component flavin-dependent monooxygenase involved in valanimycin biosynthesis2.XXX
Kang, S. A., Govindarajan, R.Muscle and NerveAnti-calcitonin gene–related peptide monoclonal antibodies for neuropathic pain in patients with migraine headache2.XXX
Murala, S., Nagarajan, E., Bollu, P. C.Neurological SciencesHereditary spastic paraplegia2.XXX
Syed-Abdul, M. M., Jacome-Sosa, M., Hu, Q., Gaballah, A. H., Winn, N. C., Lee, N. T., Mucinski, J. M., Manrique-Acevedo, C., Lastra, G., Anderson, J. M., Al Juboori, A., Bartholow, B. D., Parks, E. J.AlcoholThe Tailgate Study: Differing metabolic effects of a bout of excessive eating and drinking2.XXX
Cook, J. L., Rucinski, K., Crecelius, C. R., Ma, R., Stannard, J. P.Orthopaedic Journal of Sports MedicineReturn to Sport After Large Single-Surface, Multisurface, or Bipolar Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation in the Knee Using Shell Grafts2.XXX
Syed-Abdul, M. M., McClellan, C. L., Parks, E. J., Ball, S. D.Ageing and SocietyEffects of a resistance training community programme in older adults2.XXX
Hirai, T., Grantham, J. A., Sapontis, J., Nicholson, W. J., Lombardi, W., Karmpaliotis, D., Moses, J., Nugent, K., Gosch, K. L., Salisbury, A. C., The, Open C. T. O. Study GroupCatheterization and Cardiovascular InterventionsDevelopment and validation of a prediction model for angiographic perforation during chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention: OPEN-CLEAN perforation score2.XXX
Travers, S., Bradshaw, D., Siddiq, F.World NeurosurgeryClip Ligation of Midsegment M1 Artery Aneurysm through a Lateral Supraorbital Approach: 2-Dimensional Operative Video1.XXX
Crim, J., Dyroff, S. L., Stensby, J. D., Evenski, A., Layfield, L. J.Skeletal RadiologyLimited usefulness of classic MR findings in the diagnosis of tenosynovial giant cell tumor1.XXX
Lechner, A., Alderson, T., Gautam, S., Flaker, G.PACE - Pacing and Clinical ElectrophysiologyVentricular fibrillation due to coronary spasm after pepper spray1.XXX
Rucinski, K., Stannard, J. P., Crecelius, C., Cook, J. L.KneeChanges in knee range of motion after large osteochondral allograft transplantations1.XXX
Luk, J., Stoker, A. M., Teixeiro, E., Kuroki, K., Schreiner, A. J., Stannard, J. P., Wissman, R., Cook, J. L.Journal of Knee SurgerySystematic Review of Osteochondral Allograft Transplant Immunology: How We Can Further Optimize Outcomes1.XXX
Enezate, T., Gifft, K., Chen, C., Omran, J., Eniezat, M., Reardon, M.Cardiovascular Revascularization MedicinePercutaneous versus surgical revascularization for acute myocardial infarction1.XXX
Bonsall, A., Thullen, M., Stevenson, B. L., Sohl, K.OTJR Occupation, Participation and HealthParental Feeding Concerns for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Family-Centered Analysis1.XXX
Mueller, M. G., Andy, U., Brennaman, L., Dieter, A. A., Kirby, A. C., Shepherd, J., Gregory, W. T., Amundsen, C. L., Developed by the, Augs Junior Faculty Research NetworkFemale pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgeryA Blueprint for Creating Mentored, Collaborative Networks for Early-Career Physician-Scientists1.XXX
Arwikar, D., Baxi, A., Restrepo, C., Bhat, A., Rajiah, P., Saboo, S.Lung IndiaBilateral meandering pulmonary vein complex and unusual associated cardiovascular anomalies and shunt: Extremely rare entity1.XXX
Malik, A., Inayat, F., Goraya, M. H. N., Almas, T., Ishtiaq, R., Malik, S., Tarar, Z. I.Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case ReportsJejunal Dieulafoy’s Lesion: A Systematic Review of Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Management0.XXX
Puckett, H. M., Bossaller, J. S., Sheets, L. R.Addiction Science and Clinical PracticeThe impact of project ECHO on physician preparedness to treat opioid use disorder: a systematic reviewNone
Albers, C., Nair, N., Shankar, R.The primary care companion for CNS disordersAssociation Between Sleep Times and Seclusion and Restraint Events in an Inpatient Pediatric Psychiatric Hospital: A Retrospective Chart ReviewNone
Wells, J., Higbee, D., Doty, J., Louder, E.PRiMERAvoiding Fumbles: Online Patient Handoff TrainingNone