School of Medicine Monthly Faculty Publications

February 2025

Ranked by Impact Factor

  • Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields.
  • Veterinary medical publications are kept on a separate list.
  • Full impact factors cannot be displayed due to license agreements. Also, note that impact factors are not available for all publications.

AuthorsJournalArticleImpact FactorPlumXAltmetric
Nicholson, W. K., Silverstein, M., Wong, J. B., Chelmow, D., Coker, T. R., Davis, E. M., Jaén, C. R., Krousel-Wood, M., Lee, S., Li, L., Mangione, C. M., Ogedegbe, G., Rao, G., Ruiz, J. M., Stevermer, J., Tsevat, J., Underwood, S. M., Wiehe, S.JAMAScreening for Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement63.XXX
Davis, M. J., Zawieja, S. D., King, P. D.Annual Review of PhysiologyTransport and Immune Functions of the Lymphatic System15.XXX
Zhang, D., Stein, R., Lu, Y., Zhou, T., Lei, Y., Li, L., Chen, J., Arnold, J., Becich, M. J., Chrischilles, E. A., Chuang, C. H., Christakis, D. A., Fort, D., Geary, C. R., Hornig, M., Kaushal, R., Liebovitz, D. M., Mosa, A. S. M., Morizono, H., Mirhaji, P., Dotson, J. L., Pulgarin, C., Sills, M. R., Suresh, S., Williams, D. A., Baldassano, R. N., Forrest, C. B., Chen, Y.JAMA Network OpenPediatric Gastrointestinal Tract Outcomes during the Postacute Phase of COVID-1910.XXX
Rizo, J. A., Ahmad, V., Pru, J. M., Winuthayanon, S., Challa, S., Kim, T. H., Jeong, J. W., Spencer, T. E., Kelleher, A. M.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaUterine organoids reveal insights into epithelial specification and plasticity in development and disease9.XXX
Maiter, A., Alabed, S., Allen, G., Alahdab, F.BMJ Evidence-Based MedicineAI in healthcare: an introduction for clinicians9.XXX
Li, Q., Lv, X., Morotti, A., Qureshi, A. I., Dowlatshahi, D., Falcone, G. J., Sheth, K. N., Shoamanesh, A., Murthy, S. B., Viswanathan, A., Goldstein, J. N.NeurologyOptimal Magnitude of Blood Pressure Reduction and Hematoma Growth and Functional Outcomes in Intracerebral Hemorrhage7.XXX
Nasreldein, A., Asyraf, W., Nguyen, T. N., Martins, S., Lioutas, V. A., Elbassiouny, A., Ton, M. D., Sacco, S., Micdhadhu, M. A., Chen, Y., Akinyemi, R., Kristoffersen, E. S., Huo, X., Miao, Z., Abdalkader, M., Nagel, S., Puetz, V., Thomalla, G., Yamagami, H., Qiu, Z., Demeestere, J., Qureshi, A. I., Michel, P., Strbian, D., Campbell, B. C. V., Yan, B., Olorukooba, A., Masoud, H. E., Haussen, D. C., Frankel, M., Mohammaden, M. H.International Journal of StrokeGlobal challenges in the access of endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke (global MT access)6.XXX
Pilotto, F., Smeele, P. H., Scheidegger, O., Diab, R., Schobesberger, M., Sierra-Delgado, J. A., Saxena, S.Acta Neuropathologica CommunicationsKaempferol enhances ER-mitochondria coupling and protects motor neurons from mitochondrial dysfunction and ER stress in C9ORF72-ALS6.XXX
Kerr, N. R., Dashtmian, A. R., Darvishi, F. B., Brennan, C. D., Ayyagari, S. N., Moore, P. J., Viteri, J. A., Wang, M., Rich, M. M., Clark, B. C., David Arnold, W.GeroScience5-HT2C agonism as a neurotherapeutic for sarcopenia: preclinical proof of concept5.XXX
Yuan, Y., Cao, S., Sun, J., Hou, J., Zhang, M., Qin, Q., Li, G.International Journal of Molecular SciencesSterol Regulatory Element-Binding Protein Sre1 Mediates the Development and Pathogenicity of the Grey Mould Fungus Botrytis cinerea4.XXX
Sedaghat, A. R., Cotter, R. A., Alobid, I., Alsaleh, S., Anselmo-Lima, W. T., Bernal-Sprekelsen, M., Chandra, R. K., Constantinidis, J., Fokkens, W. J., Franzese, C., Gray, S. T., Halderman, A. A., Holbrook, E. H., Hopkins, C., Hwang, P. H., Kuan, E. C., Landis, B. N., Lund, V. J., McCoul, E. D., Niederberger-Leppin, V., O'brien, E. K., Philpott, C. M., Pletcher, S. D., Pynnonen, M. A., Reitsma, S., Rimmer, J., Toppila-Salmi, S., Wang, E. W., Wang, M. B., Wise, S. K., Woodworth, B. A., Yao, W. C., Phillips, K. M.RhinologyNasal endoscopy score thresholds to trigger consideration of chronic rhinosinusitis treatment escalation and implications for disease control4.XXX
Zheng, J., Jiang, B., Biswas, S., Lee, S. Y., Bumann, E. E., Lever, T. E., Kim, J., Park, H.IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation EngineeringAlteration of Mastication Force via Intraoral Closed-Loop Electrical Stimulation4.XXX
Farmer, M. S., Popescu, M., Powell, K.Journal of the American Medical Informatics AssociationDevelopment and evaluation of a 4M taxonomy from nursing home staff text messages using a fine-tuned generative language model4.XXX
Mukherjee, S., Suresh, D., Zambre, A., Yadavilli, S., Ghoshdastidar, S., Upendran, A., Kannan, R.CancersSynergistic Inhibition of Drug Resistant KRAS Mutant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer by Co-Targeting AXL and SRC4.XXX
Shaffer, V. A., Wegier, P., Valentine, K. D., Duan, S., Canfield, S. M., Belden, J. L., Steege, L. M., Popescu, M., Koopman, R. J.Journal of General Internal MedicineThe Impact of an Enhanced Data Visualization Tool for Hypertension in the Electronic Health Record on Physician Judgments About Hypertension Control4.XXX
Royse, L. A., Saparova, D., Boeyer, M. E., Hoernschemeyer, D. G.Clinical Orthopaedics and Related ResearchHow Do Patients Perceive Success and Satisfaction after Vertebral Body Tethering and Fusion for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis? A Qualitative Study4.XXX
Meeks, K. R., Ji, J., Scott, G. K., Campbell, A. C., Nix, J. C., Tadeo, A., Ellerby, L. M., Benz, C. C., Tanner, J. J.Archives of Biochemistry and BiophysicsBiochemical, structural, and cellular characterization of S-but-3-yn-2-ylglycine as a mechanism-based covalent inactivator of the flavoenzyme proline dehydrogenase3.XXX
Yamada, M., Chishima, T., Ishikawa, T., Narui, K., Sugae, S., Tonellato, P. J., Endo, I.BMC CancerBreast cancer risk assessment based on a predictive model: evaluation of risk factors among Japanese women3.XXX
Dhillon, J., Pandey, S., Newman, J. W., Fiehn, O., Ortiz, R. M.Nutrition ResearchAlmond consumption for 8 weeks differentially modulates metabolomic responses to an acute glucose challenge compared to crackers in young adults3.XXX
Tetreault, J., Andres, E. M., Sipsock, D., Tokadjian, H., Layton, K., McCormick, C. E. B., Sheinkopf, S. J.Journal of Autism and Developmental DisordersAffect Expression During Social and Non-Social Contexts in Autistic Young Adults3.XXX
Duan, R., Xu, X., Qiu, L., Zhang, S., Zou, X.Proteins: Structure, Function and BioinformaticsPerformance of Hybrid Strategies Combining MDockPP and AlphaFold2 in CAPRI Rounds 47–553.XXX
Grothoff, W., Khodakivskyi, I., Shin, A., Little, R., Connolly, S., Kabytaev, K.Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Advances in the Clinical LabMRM-based LC-MS method for accurate C-peptide quantitation3.XXX
Andres, E. M., Brady, S. P., Camillone, I., Cragin, C. A., Clark, M. A., Lester, B. M., Puggioni, G., Sheinkopf, S. J.Pediatric ResearchCaregiver report of infant behavior associated with autism likelihood in first year of life3.XXX
Loftis, C. M., Khaleel, M., Resnick, M., Baker, B., Cook, J. L., Nuelle, C. W., Smith, M.Journal of Shoulder and Elbow SurgeryMetal punch vs. drill for rotator cuff anchor socket creation: cadaveric and clinical comparisons2.XXX
Sellers, G. S., Poirier, M. A., Mayberry, T. G., Cowan, B. C., Wakefield, M. R., Fang, Y.Medical OncologyFrom conventional to cutting edge: an exploration of osteosarcoma treatments2.XXX
Sun, C., Goyal, N., Wang, Y., Tharp, D. L., Kumar, S., Altes, T. A.Frontiers in Cardiovascular MedicineConditional diffusion-generated super-resolution for myocardial perfusion MRI2.XXX
Al-kharabsheh, Y. E., Said, A., Ismaiel, I. A., Khawaja, I., Altaher, M., Bani-Ahmed, A., Cirstea, C. M.Frontiers in NeurologySelective dorsal rhizotomy long-term effects on functional motility in Jordanian children with spastic cerebral palsy2.XXX
García Delgado, G., Shammi, U., Ruppel, M., Altes, T., Mugler, J., Meyer, C., Qing, K., de Lange, E., Mata, J., Ruset, I., Hersman, F. W., Thomen, R.NMR in BiomedicineQuantification of Spatial Ventilation Defect Sparsity in Hyperpolarized Gas Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Lungs Utilizing a Three-Dimensional Clustering Algorithm2.XXX
Anzalone, A. J., Geary, C. R., Dai, R., Watanabe-Galloway, S., McClay, J. C., Campbell, J. R.BMC Health Services ResearchLower electronic health record adoption and interoperability in rural versus urban physician participants: a cross-sectional analysis from the CMS quality payment program2.XXX
Baumann, J. R., Garlapaty, A. R., Cook, J. L., DeFroda, S. F.Orthopaedic Journal of Sports MedicineRecent Trends in Quadriceps Tendon and Patellar Tendon Injuries in the National Football League2.XXX
Kwok, C. S., Gibbs, T., Majeed, M., Borovac, J. A., Will, M., Schwarz, K., Haq, M. A. U., Lip, G. Y. H., Qureshi, A., Holroyd, E.Journal of Thrombosis and ThrombolysisThe impact of thrombophilia on in-hospital outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome: insights from the United States National Inpatient Sample2.XXX
Elbert, E., Schmidt, K. L., Doctor, E., Tassone, P., Galloway, T.American Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Medicine and SurgerySocial determinants of health and donor site morbidity in head and neck reconstructive limbs1.XXX
Todderud, J., Milbrandt, T., Baroncini, A., Petcharaporn, M., Marks, M., Hoernschemeyer, D., Newton, P., Parent, S., Alanay, A., Miyanji, F., Lonner, B., Neal, K., Yaszay, B., Blakemore, L., Shah, S., Haber, L., Samdani, A., Larson, A. N.Spine DeformityOutcomes and complications of vertebral body tethering by patient gender1.XXX
Rider, A., Oh, L., Bhat, R., Gottlieb, M., Lo, B., Luhanga, U., Gue, S., Laenngfeld, J., Greenberger, S., Hill, J., Heidt, J.JACEP OpenVirtual Learning in Emergency Medicine Residency Programs1.XXX
Garlapaty, A. R., Jones, M., Baumann, J., Gunn, C., Cook, J. L., DeFroda, S. F.Journal of OrthopaedicsCharacterization of distal biceps tendon and triceps tendon injuries in National Football League players from 2009 to 20221.XXX
Haralson, W. G., Brinkley, C., Cebulko, J., Hawkins, S., Leary, E., Stannard, J. P., Rocca, G. J. D., Crist, B., Schweser, K.Journal of Foot and Ankle SurgeryEarly weight bearing is not associated with short-term complications in ankle fractures1.XXX
Beyer, J. J., Richards, J. A., Woodard, D. R., Cook, J. L., Crist, B. D., DeFroda, S. F.Arthroscopy TechniquesArthroscopic Hip Labral Reconstruction With Fresh Meniscal Allograft1.XXX
Achmat, G., Erasmus, C., Kanaley, J., November, R., Leach, L.Health SA GesondheidImpact of physical activity on cardiovascular health in firefighters: Scoping review1.XXX
Gann, L. S., Hamid, A., Kunin, J. R., Flors, L., Walker, C. M.Seminars in RoentgenologyNoncardiac Chest Computed Tomography: Don't Forget to Look at the Heart!0.XXX
Jamil, A., Gruner, B., Jamil, J., Bach, A., Severance, T., Ebersol, K., Hesemann, L. E.Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood TransfusionAnemia Management in Pediatric Chronic Kidney Disease: Current Challenges and Treatment Strategies0.XXX
Jozefowski, N., Eikani, C., Lingampalli, N., Lawler, P., Barrett, A., Hoyt, A., Pickles, A., Huggins, E., Agel, J., Seymour, R., Nguyen, M., Marmor, M., Levack, A. E., Sims, S., Kellam, J., Dumpe, J., Working, Z., Schweser, K.OTA InternationalThe Impact of National Orthopaedic Fracture Registries: A Systematic ReviewNone
Mori-Kreiner, A., Aggarwal, A., Bordoloi, M.Psychopharmacology bulletinHallucinogen-Persisting Perception Disorder in a 16-Year-Old AdolescentNoneNoneNone