School of Medicine Monthly Faculty Publications

February 2023

Ranked by Impact Factor

  • Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields.
  • Veterinary medical publications are kept on a separate list.
  • Full impact factors cannot be displayed due to license agreements. Also, note that impact factors are not available for all publications.

AuthorsJournalArticleImpact FactorPlumXAltmetric
Force, U. S. Preventive Services Task, Mangione, C. M., Barry, M. J., Nicholson, W. K., Cabana, M., Chelmow, D., Coker, T. R., Davis, E. M., Donahue, K. E., Jaen, C. R., Kubik, M., Li, L., Ogedegbe, G., Pbert, L., Ruiz, J. M., Stevermer, J., Wong, J. B.JAMASerologic screening for genital herpes infection: US Preventive Services Task Force reaffirmation recommendation statement63.XXX
Davis, M. J., Earley, S., Li, Y. S., Chien, S.Physiological reviewsVascular mechanotransduction29.XXX
Cortese, R., Adams, T. S., Cataldo, K. H., Hummel, J., Kaminski, N., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., Gozal, D.European Respiratory JournalSingle-cell RNA-seq uncovers cellular heterogeneity and provides a signature for paediatric sleep apnoea16.XXX
Cai, D., Sun, C., Murashita, T., Que, X., Chen, S. Y.Circulation ResearchADAR1 Non-Editing Function in Macrophage Activation and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm16.XXX
Zulkifli, M., Spelbring, A. N., Zhang, Y., Soma, S., Chen , S. , , L., Le, T., Shanbhag, V., Petris, M. J., Chen, T. Y., Ralle, M., Barondeau, D. P., Gohil, V. M.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaFDX1-dependent and independent mechanisms of elesclomol-mediated intracellular copper delivery9.XXX
Wang, C., Nistala, R., Cao, M., Pan, Y., Behrens, M., Doll, D., Hammer, R. D., Nistala, P., Chang, H. M., Yeh, E. T. H., Kang, X.Cell ReportsDipeptidylpeptidase 4 promotes survival and stemness of acute myeloid leukemia stem cells7.XXX
Merchant, F. M., Akula, D. N., Barber, M. J., Coleman, K., Futyma, P., Gautam, S., Grubman, E. M., Hurwitz, J. L., Monfredi, O. J., Morin, D. P., Rajagopalan, B., Stiles, M. K., Tung, R., Zahwe, F., Han, J. K., Heart Rhythm Society Communications, CommitteeHeart RhythmHeart Rhythm Society Communications Committee update5.XXX
Jacobsen, N. L., Morton, A. B., Segal, S. S.Skeletal MuscleAngiogenesis precedes myogenesis during regeneration following biopsy injury of skeletal muscle5.XXX
Badawy, M., Revzin, M. V., Consul, N., Soliman, M., Ganeshan, D. M., Heymann, J. C., Gaballah, A. H., Rao Korivi, B., Morani, A. C., Javadi, S., Elsayes, K. M.Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, IncParaneoplastic Syndromes from Head to Toe: Pathophysiology, Imaging Features, and Workup5.XXX
Marshall, K. D., Klutho, P. J., Song, L., Roy, R., Krenz, M., Baines, C. P.Journal of the American Heart AssociationCardiac Myocyte-Specific Overexpression of FASTKD1 Prevents Ventricular Rupture After Myocardial Infarction5.XXX
Focosi, D., Quiroga, R., McConnell, S., Johnson, M. C., Casadevall, A.International Journal of Molecular SciencesConvergent Evolution in SARS-CoV-2 Spike Creates a Variant Soup from Which New COVID-19 Waves Emerge4.XXX
Badran, M., Bender, S. B., Gozal, D.International Journal of Molecular SciencesCardiovascular Disease in Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Putative Contributions of Mineralocorticoid Receptors4.XXX
Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M., Cubillos, C., Veatch, O. J., Garcia-Rio, F., Gozal, D., Martinez-Garcia, M. A.CancersPotential Pathophysiological Pathways in the Complex Relationships between OSA and Cancer4.XXX
Huettner, F., Lutter, C., Zuehlke, C., Kfuri, M., Tischer, T., Harrer, J.American Journal of Sports MedicineDetermination of Standard Values for Knee Version in a Healthy Population4.XXX
Kriz, J. P., DeFroda, S., Staffa, S. J., Kriz, P. K.American Journal of Sports MedicineEffect of High School Showcase Exposures and Timing of Ulnar Collateral Ligament Tear on Professional Baseball Careers in Elite Pitchers4.XXX
Plucani do Amaral, F., Wang , J. , Williams, J., Tuleski, T. R., Joshi, T., Ferreira, M. A. R., Stacey, G.MicroorganismsMapping Genetic Variation in Arabidopsis in Response to Plant Growth-Promoting Bacterium Azoarcus olearius DQS-4T4.XXX
Large, E. E., Chapman, M. S.Frontiers in MicrobiologyAdeno-associated virus receptor complexes and implications for adeno-associated virus immune neutralization4.XXX
Sun, H. , Ye, E., Paixao, L., Ganglberger, W., Chu, C. J., Zhang, C., Rosand, J., Mignot, E., Cash, S. S., Gozal, D., Thomas, R. J., Westover, M. B.Neurobiology of agingThe sleep and wake electroencephalogram over the lifespan3.XXX
Fookes, F., Polo Parada, L., Fidalgo, M.SensorsA Robust Method for the Elaboration of SiO2-Based Colloidal Crystals as a Template for Inverse Opal Structures3.XXX
Kelly, S. C., Thorne, P. K., Leary, E. V., Emter, C. A.Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)Sex and diet, but not exercise, alter cardiovascular ACE2 and TMPRSS2 mRNA levels in aortic banded swine3.XXX
Kampourakis, T., Kalogeris, T. J., Singh, R. R., Quedan, D., McDonald, K. S., Root, D. D.Biophysical journalMyosin S2 stabilizer peptide decreases recovery rates of contraction3.XXX
Hanft, L. M., Kalogeris, T. J., Campbell, K. S., Biesiadecki, B. J., McDonald, K. S.Biophysical journalThin filament regulation of striated muscle power output: implications for targets to improve failing human hearts3.XXX
Camerota, M., McGowan, E. C., Aschner, J., Stroustrup, A., Karagas, M. R., Conradt, E., Crowell, S. E., Brennan, P. A., Carter, B. S., Check, J., Dansereau, L. M., DellaGrotta, S. A., Everson, T. M., Helderman, J. B., Hofheimer, J. A., Kuiper, J. R., Loncar, C. M., Marsit, C. J., Neal, C. R., O?Shea, T. M., Pastyrnak, S. L., Sheinkopf, S. J., Smith, L. M., Zhang, X., Lester, B. M.Pediatric ResearchPrenatal and perinatal factors associated with neonatal neurobehavioral profiles in the ECHO Program3.XXX
Hirabayashi, M. T., Gharabagi, A. P., Hesemann, N. P., Johnson, S. M., Webel, A. D., Petroski, G. F., Davis, G. R.Journal of Refractive SurgerySpherical Aberration of Cataractous Eyes and Its Relationship With Age, Ocular Biometry, and Various IOL Platforms2.XXX
Formslag, C. R., Zhao, L., Heslin, A. J., Lewis, C. C., Miller, C. W., Bai, Q., Wakefield, M. R., Fang, Y.Medical OncologyThe past, present, and future of immunotherapy for colorectal cancer2.XXX
Edwards , C., Drumm, B., Siegler, J. E., Schonewille, W. J., Klein, P., Huo, X., Chen, Y., Abdalkader, M., Qureshi, M. M., Strbian, D., Liu, X., Hu, W., Ji, X., Li, C., Fischer, U., Nagel, S., Puetz, V., Michel, P., Alemseged, F., Sacco, S., Yamagami, H., Yaghi, S., Strambo, D., Kristoffersen, E. S., Sandset, E. C., Mikulik, R., Tsivgoulis, G., Masoud, H. E., de Sousa, D. A., Marto, J. P., Lobotesis, K., Roi, D., Berberich, A., Demeestere, J., Meinel, T. R., Rivera, R., Poli, S., Ton, M. D., Zhu, Y., Li, F., Sang, H., Thomalla, G., Parsons, M., Campbell, B. C. V., Zaidat, O. O., Chen, H. S., Field, T. S., Raymond, J., Kaesmacher, J., Nogueira, R. G., Jovin, T. G., Sun, D., Liu, R., Qureshi, A. I., Qiu, Z., Miao, Z., Banerjee, S., Nguyen, T . N.Journal of NeuroimagingBasilar artery occlusion management: Specialist perspectives from an international survey2.XXX
Qureshi, A. I., Lodhi, A., Ma, X., Tao, C., Li , R., Xu, P., Hu, W., for Endovascular Treatment for Acute Basilar Artery Occlusion Registry, InvestigatorsJournal of NeuroimagingIntraarterial thrombolytics as an adjunct to mechanical thrombectomy in patients with basilar artery occlusion2.XXX
Manrique-Acevedo, C., Soares, R. N., Smith, J. A., Park, L. K., Burr, K., Ramirez-Perez, F. I., McMillan, N. J., Ferreira-Santos, L., Sharma, N., Olver, T. D., Emter, C. A., Parks, E. J., Limberg, J. K., Martinez-Lemus, L. A., Padilla, J.American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiologyImpact of sex and diet-induced weight loss on vascular insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes2.XXX
Curtis, A. F., Costa, A. N., Musich, M., Schmiedeler, A., Jagannathan, S., Connell, M., Atkinson, A., Miller, M. B., McCrae, C. S.Behavioral Sleep MedicineSex as a moderator of the sleep and cognition relationship in middle-aged and older adults: A preliminary investigation2.XXX
Meyers, M., Porter, J., Morris, L., Lefevre, W.Rural and remote healthLessons learned through the implementation of a rural longitudinal integrated clerkship at the University of Missouri-Columbia2.XXX
Maciel, J. G., Salmon, C. E. G., Hosseini, B. S., Azevedo-Marques, P. M., Paula, F. J. A., Nogueira-Barbosa, M. H.Brazilian journal of medical and biological research = Revista brasileira de pesquisas medicas e biologicasFeatures of lumbar spine texture extracted from routine MRI correlate with bone mineral density and can potentially differentiate patients with and without fragility fractures in the spine1.XXX
Reddy, P. J., Manning, B. T., Bezold, W., Garlapaty, A., Cook, J. L., Schweser, K.Journal of OrthopaedicsBiomechanical comparison of nitinol compression staples versus fully threaded lag screws for talonavicular arthrodesis1.XXX
Lefevre, N.FP essentialsCommon Issues in Prenatal Care: Fetal Growth RestrictionNoneNoneNone
Kohsaka, S., Ejiri, K., Takagi, H., Watanabe, I., Gatate, Y., Fukushima, K., Nakano, S., Hirai, T.JACC: AsiaDiagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies for Stable Coronary Artery Disease Following the ISCHEMIA TrialNone