School of Medicine Monthly Faculty Publications

February 2022

Ranked by Impact Factor

  • Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields.
  • Veterinary medical publications are kept on a separate list.
  • Full impact factors cannot be displayed due to license agreements. Also, note that impact factors are not available for all publications.

AuthorsJournalArticleImpact FactorPlumXAltmetric
Kibbi, N., Owen, J. L., Worley, B.,Wang , J.X., Harikumar, V., Downing, M. B., Aasi, S. Z., Aung, P. P., Barker, C. A., Bolotin, D., Bordeaux, J. S., Cartee, T. V., Chandra, S., Cho, N. L., Choi, J. N., Chung, K. Y., Cliby, W. A., Dorigo, O., Eisen, D. B., Fujisawa, Y., Golda, N., Halfdanarson, T. R., Iavazzo, C., Jiang, S. I. B., Kanitakis, J., Khan, A., Kim, J. Y. S., Kuzel, T. M., Lawrence, N., Leitao, M. M., Jr., Maclean, A. B., Maher, I. A., Mittal, B. B., Nehal, K. S., Ozog, D. M., Pettaway, C. A., Ross, J. S., Rossi, A. M., Servaes, S., Solomon, M. J., Thomas, V. D., Tolia, M., Voelzke, B. B., Waldman, A., Wong, M. K., Zhou, Y., Arai, N., Brackett, A., Ibrahim, S. A., Kang, B. Y., Poon, E., Alam, M.JAMA OncologyEvidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Extramammary Paget Disease22.XXX
Smyth, D. S., Trujillo, M., Gregory, D. A., Cheung, K., Gao, A., Graham, M., Guan, Y., Guldenpfennig, C., Hoxie, I., Kannoly, S., Kubota, N., Lyddon, T. D., Markman, M., Rushford, C., San, K. M., Sompanya, G., Spagnolo, F., Suarez, R., Teixeiro, E., Daniels, M., Johnson, M. C., Dennehy, J. J.Nature CommunicationsTracking cryptic SARS-CoV-2 lineages detected in NYC wastewater14.XXX
Sheng, Z. F., Zhang, H., Zheng, P., Chen, S., Gu, Z., Zhou, J. J., Phaup, J. G., Chang, H. M., Yeh, E. T. H., Pan, H. L., Li, D. P.Cardiovascular researchImpaired Kv7 channel activity in the central amygdala contributes to elevated sympathetic outflow in hypertension10.XXX
Qureshi, A. I., Baskett, W. I., Huang, W., Lobanova, I., Hasan Naqvi, S., Shyu, C. R.Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of AmericaReinfection With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in Patients Undergoing Serial Laboratory Testing8.XXX
Hsu, A. L., Ohler, A. M., Goldstein, A., Truong, S., Tang, C. Y., Wan, X. F., McElroy, J. A.Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of AmericaCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Disease Severity: Pregnant vs Nonpregnant Women at 82 Facilities8.XXX
Nowak, R. J., Coffey, C. S., Goldstein, J. M., Dimachkie, M. M., Benatar, M., Kissel, J. T., Wolfe, G. I., Burns, T. M., Freimer, M. L., Nations, S., Granit, V., Smith, A. G., Richman, D. P., Ciafaloni, E., Al-Lozi, M. T., Sams, L. A., Quan, D., Ubogu, E., Pearson, B., Sharma, A., Yankey, J. W., Uribe, L., Shy, M., Amato, A. A., Conwit, R., O'Connor, K. C., Hafler, D. A., Cudkowicz, M. E., Barohn, R. J., the Neuro, Next N. N. BeatMG Study TeamNeurologyPhase 2 Trial of Rituximab in Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody-Positive Generalized Myasthenia Gravis: The BeatMG Study7.XXX
Govindarajan, R., Vu, A. T. N., Salas, R. M. E.,Miller , A. M., Sandness, D. J., Said, R. R., Southerland, A. M., Fernandez, A., Romano, S., Sennott, B. J., Patino-Murillas, J., Soni, M.NeurologyAccelerated Implementation of a Virtual Neurology Clerkship Amid a Global Crisis7.XXX
Snarski, P., Sukhanov, S., Yoshida, T., Higashi, Y., Danchuk, S., Chandrasekar, B., Tian, D., Rivera-Lopez, V., Delafontaine, P.Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular BiologyMacrophage-Specific IGF-1 Overexpression Reduces CXCL12 Chemokine Levels and Suppresses Atherosclerotic Burden in Apoe-Deficient Mice7.XXX
Martín-Montero, A., Gutiérrez-Tobal, G. C., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., Vaquerizo-Villar, F., Álvarez, D., Del Campo, F., Gozal, D., Hornero, R.SleepHeart rate variability as a potential biomarker of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea resolution5.XXX
Chen, S., Siedhoff, H. R., Zhang, H., Liu, P., Balderrama, A., Li, R., Johnson, C., Greenlief, C. M., Koopmans, B., Hoffman, T., DePalma, R. G., Li, D. P., Cui, J., Gu, Z.Neurobiology of DiseaseLow-intensity blast induces acute glutamatergic hyperexcitability in mouse hippocampus leading to long-term learning deficits and altered expression of proteins involved in synaptic plasticity and serine protease inhibitors5.XXX
Qian, G., Adeyanju, O., Sunil, C., Huang, S. K., Chen, S. Y., Tucker, T. A., Idell, S., Guo, X.American Journal of PathologyDedicator of Cytokinesis 2 (DOCK2) Deficiency Attenuates Lung Injury Associated with Chronic High-Fat and High-Fructose Diet–Induced Obesity4.XXX
Mossine, V. V., Waters, J. K., Gu, Z., Sun, G. Y., Mawhinney, T. P.ACS Chemical NeuroscienceBidirectional Responses of Eight Neuroinflammation-Related Transcriptional Factors to 64 Flavonoids in Astrocytes with Transposable Insulated Signaling Pathway Reporters4.XXX
Liu, X., Wang, A., Chen, Z., Cui, Y., Hao, H., Domeier, T. L., Sun, Q., Liu, Z.BiomedicinesTempol Preserves Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Male Mice with Ambient Fine Particulate Matter Exposure3.XXX
Sharma, M., Singh, V., Sharma, R., Koul, A., McCarthy, E. T., Savin, V. J., Joshi, T., Srivastava, T.BiomedicinesGlomerular Biomechanical Stress and Lipid Mediators during Cellular Changes Leading to Chronic Kidney Disease3.XXX
LeFevre, N., St Louis, J.American family physicianBehavioral Interventions for Smoking Cessation3.XXXNoneNone
Young, B. E., Padilla, J., Finsen, S. H., Fadel, P. J., Mortensen, S. P.EndocrinologyRole of Endothelin-1 Receptors in Limiting Leg Blood Flow and Glucose Uptake During Hyperinsulinemia in Type 2 Diabetes3.XXX
Hsu, A. L., Johnson, T., Phillips, L., Nelson, T. B.Open Forum Infectious DiseasesSources of Vaccine Hesitancy: Pregnancy, Infertility, Minority Concerns, and General Skepticism3.XXX
Foeldvari, I., Klotsche, J., Hinrichs, B., Helmus, N., Kasapcopur, O., Adrovic, A., Sztajnbok, F., Terreri, M. T., Anton, J., Smith, V., Katsicas, M., Kostik, M., Vasquez-Canizares, N., Avcin, T., Feldman, B., Janarthanan, M., Santos, M. J., Sawhney, S., Schonenberg-Meinema, D., Sifuentes-Giraldo, W. A., Alexeeva, E., Appenzeller, S., Battagliotti, C., Berntson, L., Bica, B., Costa-Reis, P., Eleftheriou, D., Kallinich, T., Lehman, T., Marrani, E., Minden, K., Nielsen, S., Nuruzzaman, F., Patwardhan, A., Khubchandani, R., Stanevicha, V., Uziel, Y., Torok, K. S.Arthritis Care and ResearchUnderdetection of Interstitial Lung Disease in Juvenile Systemic Sclerosis3.XXX
Sharma, R., Parikh, M., Mishra, V., Zuniga, A., Sahota, P., Thakkar, M.Brain Research BulletinSleep, sleep homeostasis and arousal disturbances in alcoholism3.XXX
Beversdorf, D. Q., Sohl, K., Levitskiy, D., Tennant, P., Goin-Kochel, R. P., Shaffer, R. C., Confair, A., Middleton, F. A., Hicks, S. D.Frontiers in PsychiatrySaliva RNA Biomarkers of Gastrointestinal Dysfunction in Children With Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Potential Implications for Precision Medicine3.XXX
Katyal, N., Narula, N., Govindarajan, R., Sahota, P.International Journal of Telemedicine and ApplicationsSetting Up a Teleneurology Clinic during COVID-19 Pandemic: Experience from an Academic Practice3.XXX
Nall, R. W., Beloate, L. N., Meyerink, M. E., Penaloza, T., Doolittle, J., Froeliger, B., Kalivas, P. W., Garcia-Keller, C.Addiction BiologyAssessing combined effects of varenicline and N-acetylcysteine on reducing nicotine seeking in rats3.XXX
Ali, A. H., Al Juboori, A., Petroski, G. F., Diaz-Arias, A. A., Syed-Abdul, M. M., Wheeler, A. A., Ganga, R. R., Pitt, J. B., Spencer, N. M., Hammoud, G. M., Rector, R. S., Parks, E. J., Ibdah, J. A.Journal of Clinical MedicineThe Utility and Diagnostic Accuracy of Transient Elastography in Adults with Morbid Obesity: A Prospective Study3.XXX
Bogner, A. N., Tanner, J. J.Organic and Biomolecular ChemistryStructure-affinity relationships of reversible proline analog inhibitors targeting proline dehydrogenase2.XXX
Campion, E. M., Cralley, A., Sauaia, A., Buchheit, R. C., Brown, A. T., Chance Spalding, M., LaRiccia, A., Moore, S., Tann, K., Leskovan, J., Camazine, M., Barnes, S. L., Otaibi, B., Hazelton, J. P., Jacobson, L. E., Williams, J., Castillo , R., Stewart, N. J., Elterman, J. B., Zier, L., Goodman, M., Elson, N., Miner, J., Hardman, C., Kapoen, C., Mendoza, A. E., Schellenberg, M., Benjamin, E., Wakam, G. K., Alam, H. B., Kornblith, L. Z., Callcut, R. A., Coleman, L. E., Shatz, D. V., Burruss, S., Linn, A. C., Perea, L., Morgan, M., Schroeppel, T. J., Stillman, Z., Carrick, M. M., Gomez, M. F., Berne, J. D., McIntyre, R. C., Urban, S., Nahmias, J., Tay, E., Cohen , M., Moore, E. E., McVaney, K., Burlew, C. C.Journal of Trauma and Acute Care SurgeryPrehospital end-tidal carbon dioxide is predictive of death and massive transfusion in injured patients: An Eastern Association for Surgery of Trauma multicenter trial2.XXX
Barbirou, M., Miller, A., Manjunath, Y., Ramirez, A. B., Ericson, N. G., Staveley-Ocarroll, K. F., Mitchem, J. B., Warren, W. C., Chaudhuri, A. A., Huang, Y., Li, G., Tonellato, P. J., Kaifi, J. T.Current Issues in Molecular BiologySingle Circulating-Tumor-Cell-Targeted Sequencing to Identify Somatic Variants in Liquid Biopsies in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients2.XXX
Cost, I. N., Sellers, K. C., Rozin, R. E., Spates, A. T., Middleton, K. M., Holliday, C. M.Journal of experimental biology2D and 3D visualizations of archosaur jaw muscle mechanics, ontogeny and phylogeny using ternary diagrams and 3D modeling2.XXX
Ortiz Torres, M., Ziu, E., Agunbiade, S., Carr, S. B., Litofsky, N. S.Brain SciencesBifrontal Osteoplastic Flap: An Option to Decrease Infection in Bifrontal Craniotomies with Skull Base Osteotomies2.XXX
Minen, M. T., Khanns, D., Guiracocha, J., Ehrlich, A., Khan, F. A., Ali, A. S., Birlea, M., Singh, N. N., Peretz, A., Larry Charleston, I. V.BMC Health Services ResearchThe role of urgent care centers in headache management: a quality improvement project2.XXX
Siedhoff, H. R., Chen, S., Song, H., Cui, J., Cernak, I., Cifu, D. X., DePalma, R. G., Gu, Z.Frontiers in NeurologyPerspectives on Primary Blast Injury of the Brain: Translational Insights Into Non-inertial Low-Intensity Blast Injury2.XXX
Narindrarangkura, P., Boren, S. A., Khan, U., Day, M., Simoes, E. J., Soon, M.Primary Care Diabetes SEE-Diabetes, a patient-centered diabetes self-management education and support for older adults: Findings and information needs from patients’ perspectives2.XXX
Layfield, L. J., Crim, J. R.American journal of clinical pathologyDestructive Arthropathy of the Femoral Head2.XXX
Stokes, S. C., Rubalcava, N. S., Theodorou, C. M., Bhatia, M. B., Gray, B. W., Saadai, P., Russo, R. M., McLennan, A., Bichianu, D. C., Austin, M. T., Marwan, A. I., Alkhoury, F., Diagnosis, Apsa Fetal, Therapy, CommitteeInjuryRecognition and management of traumatic fetal injuries2.XXX
Digala, L. P., Prasanna, S., Rao, P., Qureshi, A. I., Govindarajan, R.BMC NeurologyImpact of COVID-19 infection among myasthenia gravis patients- a Cerner Real-World DataTM study2.XXX
Iqbal, A. M., Li, K. Y., Aznaurov, S. G., Lugo, R. M., Venkataraman, R., Gautam, S.Journal of Interventional Cardiac ElectrophysiologyCatheter ablation for atrial fibrillation can be safely performed without invasive hemodynamic monitoring: A multi-center study2.XXX
Collins, A. B., Zhao, L., Zhu, Z., Givens, N. T., Bai, Q., Wakefield, M. R., Fang, Y.UrologyImpact of COVID-19 on Male Fertility2.XXX
Minkove, S. J., Geiger, G., Llibre, J. M., Montgomery, M. W., West, N. E., Chida, N. M., Antar, A. A. R., Dandachi, D., Weld, E. D., Consortium, Hiv-Covid-AIDS research and therapyClinical outcomes after IL-6 blockade in patients with COVID-19 and HIV: a case series2.XXX
Ortiz, M., Herbert, J., Hika, B., Biedermann, G., Phillips, L., Wexler, A., Litofsky, N. S.Journal of Clinical NeuroscienceLinac-based hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for metastases involving the brainstem1.XXX
Crim, J., Salmon, S., Waranch, C., Elfrink, J., Layfield, E., Stensby, J. D.Skeletal RadiologyUpdate on MRI findings of osteomyelitis of long bones in the adult population1.XXX
Sumner, D. R., Hildebrandt, S., Nesbitt, A., Carroll, M. A., Smocovitis, V. B., Laitman, J. T., Beresheim, A. C., Ramnanan, C. J., Blakey, M. L.Anatomical RecordRacism, structural racism, and the American Association for Anatomy: Initial report from a task force1.XXX
Knigge, R. P., Hardin, A. M., Middleton, K. M., McNulty, K. P., Oh, H. S., Valiathan, M., Duren, D. L., Sherwood, R. J.Anatomical RecordCraniofacial growth and morphology among intersecting clinical categories1.XXX
McDonald, T. C.,Shah, S. A., Hargiss, J. B., Varghese, J., Boeyer, M. E., Pompliano, M., Neal, K., Lonner, B. S., Larson, A. N., Yaszay, B., Newton, P. O., Hoernschemeyer, D. G., Harms Nonfusion Study, GroupSpine DeformityWhen successful, anterior vertebral body tethering (VBT) induces differential segmental growth of vertebrae: an in vivo study of 51 patients and 764 vertebrae1.XXX
Kanake, S., Chitturi, K., Karuparthi, P. R., Hirai, T.Cardiovascular Revascularization MedicineTotally robotic three-vessel percutaneous coronary intervention with total occlusion using robotic automation1.XXX
Singh, K., Weitlich, J. D., Zitsch, B. P., Schweser, K. M., Cook, J. L., Crist, B. D.Journal of Orthopaedic TraumaWhich Surgical Approach Provides Maximum Visualization and Access for Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Femoral Head Fractures?1.XXX
Kong, A. P., Robbins, R. M., Stensby, J. D., Wissman, R. D.Journal of Knee SurgeryThe Lateral Knee Radiograph: A Detailed Review1.XXX
Rao, R. K., McConnell, D. D., Litofsky, N. S.Brain InjuryThe impact of cigarette smoking and nicotine on traumatic brain injury: a review1.XXX
Buelter, J., Smith, J. B., Carel, Z. A., Kinsey, D., Kruse, R. L., Vogel, T. R., Bath, J.Annals of Vascular SurgeryPreoperative HbA1c and Outcomes following Lower Extremity Vascular Procedures1.XXX
Roth, A. J., Curtis, A. F., Rowe, M. A., McCrae, C. S.Journal of Cognitive PsychotherapyUsing Telehealth to Deliver Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia to a Caregiver of a Person With Alzheimer’s Disease0.XXX
Abdulrazaq, A., Smith, R., Digala, L. P., Govindarajan, R.Journal of clinical neuromuscular diseaseMinimal Manifestations With Eculizumab Therapy in a Patient With Refractory Generalized Seropositive Myasthenia GravisNone
Digala, L. P., Prasanna, S., Rao, P., Qureshi, A. I., Govindarajan, R.Journal of clinical neuromuscular diseaseFive Cases of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease With Positive COVID-19 Infection Reported Using Cerner Real-World Dataâ„¢None
Duarte, R. L. M., Magalhães-da-Silveira, F. J., Gozal, D.PulmonologySex-dependent GOAL screening performance in adults at risk for obstructive sleep apneaNone
Horner, K. J., Fiala, K.JBJS Case ConnectorCalcaneocuboid Ligament Complex Reconstruction for Cuboid Syndrome in a 14-Year-Old Athlete: A Case ReportNone
Sheehan, L., Bichianu, D., Obi, O., Mazuru-Witten, D.NeoReviewsNewborn with a Large Intracranial MassNone
Zweig, A., Tunink, C., Morris, L., Prasad, S.The Journal of family practiceSkip that repeat DXA scan in these postmenopausal womenNone