School of Medicine Monthly Faculty Publications

February 2020

Ranked by Impact Factor

  • Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields.
  • Veterinary medical publications are kept on a separate list.
  • Full impact factors cannot be displayed due to license agreements. Also, note that impact factors are not available for all publications.

AuthorsJournalArticleImpact FactorPlumXAltmetric
Harris, A., G. Guidoboni, B. Siesky, S. Mathew, A. C. Verticchio Vercellin, L. Rowe and J. ArcieroProgress in Retinal and Eye ResearchOcular blood flow as a clinical observation: Value, limitations and data analysis18.XXX
Khalyfa, A., D. Gozal, W. C. Chan, J. Andrade and B. PrasadThe European respiratory journalCirculating plasma exosomes in obstructive sleep apnoea and reverse dipping blood pressure16.XXX
Hou, P., P. W. Kang, A. D. Kongmeneck, N. D. Yang, Y. Liu, J. Shi, X. Xu, K. M. F. White, M. A. Zaydman, M. A. Kasimova, G. Seebohm, L. Zhong, X. Zou, M. Tarek and J. CuiNature CommunicationsTwo-stage electro–mechanical coupling of a KV channel in voltage-dependent activation14.XXX
Xie, Y., C. Zhang, X. Hu, C. Zhang, S. P. Kelley, J. L. Atwood and J. LinJournal of the American Chemical SocietyMachine Learning Assisted Synthesis of Metal-Organic Nanocapsules14.XXX
Neill, B. C., N. Golda, E. W. Seger, J. Wick, J. Whitsitt, A. Huber, T. Chu, G. A. Potts, P. Chow, S. Moore, J. W. Fakhoury, A. Rajpara and T. L. H. HockerJournal of the American Academy of DermatologyDetermining patient understanding of commonly used dermatology terms: A multicenter cross-sectional survey12.XXX
Wasala, N. B., Y. Yue, W. Lostal, L. P. Wasala, N. Niranjan, R. J. Hajjar, G. J. Babu and D. DuanMolecular TherapySingle SERCA2a Therapy Ameliorated Dilated Cardiomyopathy for 18 Months in a Mouse Model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy12.XXX
Ppin, J. L., C. Letesson, N. N. Le-Dong, A. Dedave, S. Denison, V. Cuthbert, J. B. Martinot and D. GozalJAMA network openAssessment of Mandibular Movement Monitoring With Machine Learning Analysis for the Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea10.XXX
Wu, Q., F. Xu, L. Liu, S. N. Char, Y. Ding, B. I. Je, E. Schmelz, B. Yang and D. JacksonProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaThe maize heterotrimeric G protein β subunit controls shoot meristem development and immune responses9.XXX
Ivanova, N., Q. Liu, C. Agca, Y. Agca, E. G. Noble, S. N. Whitehead and D. F. CechettoJournal of NeuroinflammationWhite matter inflammation and cognitive function in a co-morbid metabolic syndrome and prodromal Alzheimer's disease rat model9.XXX
Selvakumar, G. P., M. E. Ahmed, R. Thangavel, D. Kempuraj, I. Dubova, S. P. Raikwar, S. Zaheer, S. S. Iyer and A. ZaheerBrain, Behavior, and ImmunityA role for glia maturation factor dependent activation of mast cells and microglia in MPTP induced dopamine loss and behavioural deficits in mice8.XXX
Morris, L., J. Tran and M. DuvicAmerican Journal of Clinical DermatologyNon-Classic Signs of Sézary Syndrome: A Review8.XXX
Feng, L., F. Zhang, H. Zhang, Y. Zhao, B. C. Meyers and J. ZhaiPlant physiologyAn Online Database for Exploring Over 2,000 Arabidopsis Small RNA Libraries6.XXX
Haspel, J. A., R. Anafi, M. K. Brown, N. Cermakian, C. Depner, P. Desplats, A. E. Gelman, M. Haack, S. Jelic, B. S. Kim, A. D. Laposky, Y. C. Lee, E. Mongodin, A. A. Prather, B. Prendergast, C. Reardon, A. C. Shaw, S. Sengupta, . Szentirmai, M. Thakkar, JCI InsightPerfect timing: Circadian rhythms, sleep, and immunity — An NIH workshop summary6.XXX
Yobi, A., C. Bagaza, A. Batushansky, V. Shrestha, M. L. Emery, S. Holden, S. Turner-Hissong, N. D. Miller, T. P. Mawhinney and R. AngeloviciPlant JournalThe complex response of free and bound amino acids to water stress during the seed setting stage in Arabidopsis6.XXX
Wasala, N. B., S. J. Chen and D. DuanExpert Opinion on Drug DiscoveryDuchenne muscular dystrophy animal models for high-throughput drug discovery and precision medicine6.XXX
Patterson, A. L., J. W. George, A. Chatterjee, T. J. Carpenter, E. Wolfrum, D. W. Chesla and J. M. TeixeiraHuman reproduction (Oxford, England)Putative human myometrial and fibroid stem-like cells have mesenchymal stem cell and endometrial stromal cell properties6.XXX
Chen, J., X. Wang, W. Zhang, S. Zhang and F. J. ZhaoPlant Cell and EnvironmentProtein phosphatase 2A alleviates cadmium toxicity by modulating ethylene production in Arabidopsis thaliana6.XXX
von Thaden, A., C. Nowak, A. Tiesmeyer, T. E. Reiners, P. C. Alves, L. A. Lyons, F. Mattucci, E. Randi, M. Cragnolini, J. Galin, Z. Hegyeli, A. C. Kitchener, C. Lambinet, J. M. Lucas, T. Mlich, L. Ramos, V. Schockert and B. CocchiararoMolecular Ecology ResourcesApplying genomic data in wildlife monitoring: Development guidelines for genotyping degraded samples with reduced single nucleotide polymorphism panels5.XXX
Dick, R. A., C. Xu, D. R. Morado, V. Kravchuk, C. L. Ricana, T. D. Lyddon, A. M. Broad, J. R. Feathers, M. C. Johnson, V. M. Vogt, J. R. Perilla, J. A. G. Briggs and F. K. M. SchurPLoS PathogensStructures of immature EIAV Gag lattices reveal a conserved role for IP6 in lentivirus assembly5.XXX
Nguyen, P. H., K. P. Sigdel, K. G. Schaefer, G. A. K. Mensah, G. M. King and A. G. RobertsBiochemical PharmacologyThe effects of anthracycline drugs on the conformational distribution of mouse P-glycoprotein explains their transport rate differences5.XXX
Housh, A. B., M. S. Matthes, A. Gerheart, S. L. Wilder, K. E. Kil, M. Schueller, J. M. Guthrie, P. McSteen and R. FerrieriInternational Journal of Molecular SciencesAssessment of a18f-phenylboronic acid radiotracer for imaging boron in maize4.XXX
Lim, R. R., M. E. Wieser, R. R. Ganga, V. A. Barathi, R. Lakshminarayanan, R. R. Mohan, D. P. Hainsworth and S. S. ChaurasiaInternational Journal of Molecular SciencesNOD-like receptors in the eye: Uncovering its role in diabetic retinopathy4.XXX
Delong, R. K., J. Dean, G. Glaspell, M. Jaberi-Douraki, K. Ghosh, D. Davis, N. Monteiro-Riviere, P. Chandran, T. Nguyen, S. Aryal, C. Russell Middaugh, S. Chan Park, S. O. Choi and M. RamaniACS Applied Bio MaterialsAmino/Amido Conjugates Form to Nanoscale Cobalt Physiometacomposite (PMC) Materials Functionally Delivering Nucleic Acid Therapeutic to Nucleus Enhancing Anticancer Activity via Ras-Targeted Protein Interference4.XXX
Cummings, K. J. and J. C. LeiterExperimental NeurologyTake a deep breath and wake up: The protean role of serotonin preventing sudden death in infancy4.XXX
Srilatha, M., N. Patyal and M. S. SaddalaJournal of Integrative AgricultureFunctional analysis and screening small molecules to RpfF protein in Xanthomonas oryzae involved in rice bacterial blight disease4.XXX
Yi, Z. Y., T. G. Meng, X. S. Ma, J. Li, C. H. Zhang, Y. C. Ouyang, H. Schatten, J. Qiao, Q. Y. Sun and W. P. QianJournal of Cellular PhysiologyCDC6 regulates both G2/M transition and metaphase-to-anaphase transition during the first meiosis of mouse oocytes4.XXX
Morris, K. M., M. M. Hindle, S. Boitard, D. W. Burt, A. F. Danner, L. Eory, H. L. Forrest, D. Gourichon, J. Gros, L. W. Hillier, T. Jaffredo, H. Khoury, R. Lansford, C. Leterrier, A. Loudon, A. S. Mason, S. L. Meddle, F. Minvielle, P. Minx, F. Pitel, J. PBMC BiologyThe quail genome: Insights into social behaviour, seasonal biology and infectious disease response4.XXX
Das, N. A., A. J. Carpenter, A. Belenchia, A. R. Aroor, M. Noda, U. Siebenlist, B. Chandrasekar and V. G. DeMarcoCellular SignallingEmpagliflozin reduces high glucose-induced oxidative stress and miR-21-dependent TRAF3IP2 induction and RECK suppression, and inhibits human renal proximal tubular epithelial cell migration and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition4.XXX
Hilliard, K. A., V. A. Blaho, C. D. Jackson and C. R. BrownFASEB JournalLeukotriene B4 receptor BLT1 signaling is critical for neutrophil apoptosis and resolution of experimental Lyme arthritis4.XXX
de Canha, M. N., S. Komarnytsky, L. Langhansova and N. LallFrontiers in PharmacologyExploring the Anti-Acne Potential of Impepho [Helichrysum odoratissimum (L.) Sweet] to Combat Cutibacterium acnes Virulence4.XXX
Beche, E., J. D. Gillman, Q. Song, R. Nelson, T. Beissinger, J. Decker, G. Shannon and A. M. ScabooTheoretical and Applied GeneticsNested association mapping of important agronomic traits in three interspecific soybean populations4.XXX
Hagely, K. B., H. Jo, J. H. Kim, K. A. Hudson and K. BilyeuTheoretical and Applied GeneticsMolecular-assisted breeding for improved carbohydrate profiles in soybean seed4.XXX
Boeyer, M. E., E. V. Leary, R. J. Sherwood and D. L. DurenArchives of Disease in ChildhoodEvidence of the non-linear nature of skeletal maturation4.XXX
Baker, B. S., M. S. Stannard, D. L. Duren, J. L. Cook and J. P. StannardClinical orthopaedics and related researchDoes Blood Flow Restriction Therapy in Patients Older Than Age 50 Result in Muscle Hypertrophy, Increased Strength, or Greater Physical Function? A Systematic Review4.XXX
Fait, A., A. Batushansky, V. Shrestha, A. Yobi and R. AngeloviciPlant ScienceCan metabolic tightening and expansion of co-expression network play a role in stress response and tolerance?4.XXX
Limberg, J. K., D. P. Casey, J. D. Trinity, W. T. Nicholson, D. W. Wray, M. E. Tschakovsky, D. J. Green, Y. Hellsten, P. J. Fadel, M. J. Joyner and J. PadillaAmerican journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiologyAssessment of resistance vessel function in human skeletal muscle: guidelines for experimental design, Doppler ultrasound, and pharmacology4.XXX
Bracht, J. R., V. J. Vieira-Potter, R. De Souza Santos, O. K. z, B. F. Palmer and D. J. CleggAnnals of the New York Academy of SciencesThe role of estrogens in the adipose tissue milieu4.XXX
Wang, H., T. T. Lim, C. Duong, W. Zhang, C. Xu, L. Yan, Z. Mei and W. WangMicroorganismsLong-term mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of swine manure with corn stover and microbial community analysis4.XXX
Fujie, S., N. Hasegawa, K. Sanada, T. Hamaoka, S. Maeda, J. Padilla, L. A. Martinez-Lemus and M. IemitsuAgingIncreased serum salusin-α by aerobic exercise training correlates with improvements in arterial stiffness in middle-aged and older adults3.XXX
Ahsan, N., R. S. Wilson, R. S. P. Rao, F. Salvato, M. Sabila, H. Ullah and J. A. MiernykJournal of proteome researchMass Spectrometry-Based Identification of Phospho-Tyr in Plant Proteomics3.XXX
Adkins, P. R. F., A. C. Ericsson, J. R. Middleton and M. C. WitzkeJournal of Dairy ScienceThe effect of intramammary pirlimycin hydrochloride on the fecal microbiome of early-lactation heifers3.XXX
Stefani, R. M., S. Barbosa, A. R. Tan, S. Setti, A. M. Stoker, G. A. Ateshian, R. Cadossi, G. Vunjak-Novakovic, R. K. Aaron, J. L. Cook, J. C. Bulinski and C. T. HungBiotechnology and BioengineeringPulsed electromagnetic fields promote repair of focal articular cartilage defects with engineered osteochondral constructs3.XXX
Ng'Oma, E., P. A. Williams-Simon, A. Rahman and E. G. KingBMC GenomicsDiverse biological processes coordinate the transcriptional response to nutritional changes in a Drosophila melanogaster multiparent population3.XXX
Saddala, M. S., A. Lennikov, A. Bouras and H. HuangBMC GenomicsRNA-Seq reveals differential expression profiles and functional annotation of genes involved in retinal degeneration in Pde6c mutant Danio rerio3.XXX
Alexander, G. L., C. Deroche, K. Powell, A. S. Mohammad, L. Popejoy and R. KoopmanJournal of Medical SystemsForecasting Content and Stage in a Nursing Home Information Technology Maturity Instrument Using a Delphi Method3.XXX
Acevedo, M. B., M. Teran-Garcia, K. K. Bucholz, J. C. Eagon, B. D. Bartholow, N. A. Burd, N. Khan, B. Rowitz and M. Y. PepinoSurgery for Obesity and Related DiseasesAlcohol sensitivity in women after undergoing bariatric surgery: a cross-sectional study3.XXX
Shen, Y., Y. Guan, J. J. Hummel, C. R. Shyu and J. B. MitchemBMC cancerImmunogenomic pathways associated with cytotoxic lymphocyte infiltration and survival in colorectal cancer3.XXX
Agca, C., D. Klakotskaia, E. G. Stopa, T. R. Schachtman and Y. AgcaJournal of Alzheimer's disease : JADOvariectomy Influences Cognition and Markers of Alzheimer's Disease3.XXX
Yurasek, A. M., M. B. Miller, R. K. Pritschmann, A. F. Curtis and C. S. McCraeJournal of Sleep ResearchNegative mood as a mediator of the association between insomnia severity and marijuana problems in college students3.XXX
Birchler, J. A. and N. C. SwyersExperimental Cell ResearchEngineered minichromosomes in plants3.XXX
Wang, Y., J. Li, F. Dong, W. Yue, Y. C. Ouyang, Z. B. Wang, Y. Hou, H. Schatten and Q. Y. SunJournal of cell scienceCENP-T regulates both the G2/M transition and anaphase entry by acting through CDH1 in meiotic oocytes3.XXX
Sacco, R., G. Guidoboni, J. W. Jerome, G. Bonifazi, N. M. Marazzi, A. C. V. Vercellin, M. S. Lang and A. HarrisLifeA theoretical approach for the electrochemical characterization of ciliary Epithelium3.XXX
Agtuca, B. J., S. A. Stopka, T. R. Tuleski, F. P. Do Amaral, S. Evans, Y. Liu, D. Xu, R. A. Monteiro, D. W. Koppenaal, L. Pa?a-Toli?, C. R. Anderton, A. Vertes and G. StaceyMolecular Plant-Microbe InteractionsIn-situ metabolomic analysis of Setaria viridis roots colonized by beneficial endophytic bacteria3.XXX
Tuleski, T. R., J. Kimball, F. P. Do Amaral, T. P. Pereira, M. Z. Tadra-Sfeir, F. De Oliveira Pedrosa, E. M. De Souza, P. Balint-Kurti, R. A. Monteiro and G. StaceyMolecular Plant-Microbe InteractionsHerbaspirillum rubrisubalbicans as a phytopathogenic model to study the immune system of Sorghum bicolor3.XXX
Moraes, J. G. N., S. K. Behura, T. W. Geary and T. E. SpencerBiology of reproductionAnalysis of the uterine lumen in fertility-classified heifers: I. Glucose, prostaglandins, and lipids†3.XXX
Pfeiffer, C. A., A. E. Meyer, K. E. Brooks, P. R. Chen, J. Milano-Foster, L. D. Spate, J. A. Benne, R. F. Cecil, M. S. Samuel, L. A. Ciernia, C. M. Spinka, M. F. Smith, K. D. Wells, T. E. Spencer, R. S. Prather and R. D. GeisertBiology of reproductionAblation of conceptus PTGS2 expression does not alter early conceptus development and establishment of pregnancy in the pig†3.XXX
Scherer, L. D., V. A. Shaffer, T. Caverly, J. DeWitt and B. J. Zikmund-FisherMedical Decision MakingMedical Maximizing-Minimizing Predicts Patient Preferences for High- and Low-Benefit Care3.XXX
Haake, A., K. Nguyen, L. Friedman, B. Chakkamparambil and G. T. GrossbergExpert Opinion on Drug SafetyAn update on the utility and safety of cholinesterase inhibitors for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease3.XXX
Duarte, R. L. M., F. J. Magalhes-Da-silveira, T. S. Oliveira-E-s, J. A. Silva, F. C. Q. Mello and D. GozalNature and Science of SleepObstructive sleep apnea screening with a 4-item instrument, named GOAL questionnaire: Development, validation and comparative study with no-apnea, STOP-bang, and NoSAS3.XXX
Thompson, A. M., W. Wiedermann, K. C. Herman and W. M. ReinkePrevention ScienceEffect of Daily Teacher Feedback on Subsequent Motivation and Mental Health Outcomes in Fifth Grade Students: a Person-Centered Analysis3.XXX
Matott, M. P., E. M. Hasser and D. D. KlineNeuroscienceSustained Hypoxia Alters nTS Glutamatergic Signaling and Expression and Function of Excitatory Amino Acid Transporters2.XXX
Ericsson, A. C., A. R. Personett, H. Rindt, M. E. Grobman and C. R. ReineroPLoS ONERespiratory dysbiosis and population-wide temporal dynamics in canine chronic bronchitis and non-inflammatory respiratory disease2.XXX
Ibeto, L., A. Antonopoulos, P. Grassi, P. C. Pang, M. Panico, S. Bobdiwala, M. Al-Memar, P. Davis, M. Davis, J. N. Taylor, P. Almeida, M. R. Johnson, R. Harvey, T. Bourne, M. Seckl, G. Clark, S. M. Haslam and A. DellPLoS ONEInsights into the hyperglycosylation of human chorionic gonadotropin revealed by glycomics analysis2.XXX
Hackley, S. A., T. Hirao, K. Onoda, K. Ogawa and H. MasakiPsychophysiologyAnterior insula activity and the effect of agency on the Stimulus-Preceding Negativity2.XXX
Saddala, M. S., A. Lennikov and H. HuangJournal of ProteomicsPlacental growth factor regulates the pentose phosphate pathway and antioxidant defense systems in human retinal endothelial cells2.XXX
Anbari, A. B., A. Wanchai and R. GravesSupportive Care in CancerBreast cancer survivorship in rural settings: a systematic review2.XXX
Cabrera-Aguilera, I., B. Benito, M. Tajes, R. Farr, D. Gozal, I. Almendros and N. FarrFrontiers in NeurologyChronic Sleep Fragmentation Mimicking Sleep Apnea Does Not Worsen Left-Ventricular Function in Healthy and Heart Failure Mice2.XXX
Welby, L., H. Caudill, G. Yitsege, A. Hamad, F. Bunyak, I. E. Zohn, T. Maynard, A. S. LaMantia, D. Mendelowitz and T. E. LeverFrontiers in NeurologyPersistent Feeding and Swallowing Deficits in a Mouse Model of 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome2.XXX
Maleki, Z., S. Muller, L. Layfield, M. T. Siddiqui, N. Rekhtman and L. PantanowitzCancer CytopathologyPulmonary sclerosing pneumocytoma: Cytomorphology and immunoprofile2.XXX
Rolbiecki, A. J., D. P. Oliver, K. Washington, J. J. Benson and L. JorgensenJournal of Loss and TraumaPreliminary Results of Caregiver Speaks: A Storytelling Intervention for Bereaved Family Caregivers2.XXX
Mesa, A. M., J. Mao, M. K. Nanjappa, T. I. Medrano, S. Tevosian, F. Yu, J. Kinkade, Z. Lyu, Y. Liu, T. Joshi, D. Wang, C. S. Rosenfeld and P. S. CookePhysiological genomicsMice lacking uterine enhancer of zeste homolog 2 have transcriptomic changes associated with uterine epithelial proliferation2.XXX
de Souza, S. C. R., L. Sodek, J. C. Polacco and P. MazzaferaActa Physiologiae PlantarumUrease deficiency alters nitrogen metabolism and gene expression in urease-null soybean without affecting growth or productivity under nitrate supply2.XXX
Lynn, A., E. Piotter, E. Harrison and C. GalenAmerican Journal of BotanySexual and natural selection on pollen morphology in Taraxacum2.XXX
Zhao, Q., J. Shen, J. Lu, F. Li, Q. Jiang and Y. WangBMJ OpenClinical efficacy, safety and tolerability of aliskiren monotherapy: A protocol for an umbrella review2.XXX
Fisher, D. R., J. Fidel and C. A. MaitzCancer Biotherapy and RadiopharmaceuticalsDirect Interstitial Treatment of Solid Tumors Using an Injectable Yttrium-90-Polymer Composite2.XXX
Rosenfeld, C. S., J. P. Hekman, J. L. Johnson, Z. Lyu, M. T. Ortega, T. Joshi, J. Mao, A. V. Vladimirova, R. G. Gulevich, A. V. Kharlamova, G. M. Acland, E. E. Hecht, X. Wang, A. G. Clark, L. N. Trut, S. K. Behura and A. V. KukekovaGenes, Brain and BehaviorHypothalamic transcriptome of tame and aggressive silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes) identifies gene expression differences shared across brain regions2.XXX
Bachmaier, S., G. S. DiFelice, B. Sonnery-Cottet, W. A. Douoguih, P. A. Smith, L. J. Pace, D. Ritter and C. A. WijdicksOrthopaedic Journal of Sports MedicineTreatment of Acute Proximal Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears—Part 2: The Role of Internal Bracing on Gap Formation and Stabilization of Repair Techniques2.XXX
Zheng, H., C. Chen, C. Liu, Q. Song and S. ZhouInsect Molecular BiologyRhythmic change of adipokinetic hormones diurnally regulates locust vitellogenesis and egg development2.XXX
Puig, J., J. Shankar, D. Liebeskind, M. Terceo, K. Nael, A. M. Demchuk, B. Menon, D. Dowlatshahi, C. Leiva-Salinas, M. Wintermark, G. Thomalla, Y. Silva, J. Serena, S. Pedraza and M. EssigJournal of NeuroimagingFrom “Time is Brain” to “Imaging is Brain”: A Paradigm Shift in the Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke2.XXX
Hanberry, B. and P. HanberryPeerJRapid digitization to reclaim thematic maps of white-tailed deer density from 1982 and 2003 in the conterminous US2.XXX
Chan, W. S., N. D. Dautovich, J. P. H. McNamara, A. Stripling, J. M. Dzierzewski, K. McCoy and C. S. McCraeBehavioral Sleep MedicineSleep Discrepancy in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Brief Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Insomnia in Older Adults2.XXX
Gulbrandsen, T. R., R. M. Hulick, A. J. Polk, J. M. Weldy, K. L. Howell, C. A. Spitler and B. D. CristInjuryDoes sagittal surgical approach affect sagittal plane alignment and pilon fracture outcomes?2.XXX
Seven, Y., K. Hull, K. Madsen, J. Ferron, L. Peters-Sanders, X. Soto, E. S. Kelley and H. GoldsteinJournal of Speech, Language, and Hearing ResearchClasswide extensions of vocabulary intervention improve learning of academic vocabulary by preschoolers2.XXX
Khangura, R. S., B. P. Venkata, S. R. Marla, M. V. Mickelbart, S. Dhungana, D. M. Braun, B. P. Dilkes and G. S. JohalG3 (Bethesda, Md.)Interaction Between Induced and Natural Variation at oil yellow1 Delays Reproductive Maturity in Maize2.XXX
Luckman, C., S. A. Wagovich, C. Weber, B. Brown, S. E. Chang, N. E. Hall and N. Bernstein RatnerJournal of Fluency DisordersLexical diversity and lexical skills in children who stutter2.XXX
Chun, J., M. Yu, J. Kim and A. KimJournal of Psychoactive DrugsE-Cigarette, Cigarette, and Dual Use in Korean Adolescents: A Test of Problem Behavior Theory2.XXX
Digala, L. P. and R. GovindarajanClinical Neurophysiology PracticeThickening fraction as a measure of ultrasonographic diaphragm dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis2.XXX
Giordano, V., M. Kfuri, W. Belangero, A. Venturini, A. C. Silva, E. M. Soares, R. E. Pires and H. A. KochJournal of Experimental OrthopaedicsNon-locked and locked small fragment straight plates have a similar behavior in buttressing the posteromedial shear tibial plateau fragment: a biomechanical analysis of three different fixations2.XXX
Dyroff, S., L. J. Layfield and J. CrimSkeletal RadiologyAngiosarcoma arising in massive localized lymphedema1.XXX
Bowleg, L., J. S. Massie, S. L. Holt, A. Heckert, M. Teti and J. M. TschannCulture, Health and SexualityHow black heterosexual men’s narratives about sexual partner type and condom use disrupt the main and casual partner dichotomy: ‘we still get down, but we not together’1.XXX
Qiu, W., C. Xu, X. Xiao and D. XuCurrent GenomicsComputational prediction of ubiquitination proteins using evolutionary profiles and functional domain annotation1.XXX
Dissel, S., E. Morgan, V. Duong, D. Chan, B. van Swinderen, P. Shaw and T. ZarsJournal of NeurogeneticsSleep restores place learning to the adenylyl cyclase mutant rutabaga1.XXX
Mishra, A., P. Cronley, M. Ganesan, D. J. Schulz and T. ZarsJournal of NeurogeneticsDopaminergic neurons can influence heat-box place learning in Drosophila1.XXX
McElroy, J. A., C. D. Kassotis and S. C. NagelNew SolutionsIn Our Backyard: Perceptions About Fracking, Science, and Health by Community Members1.XXX
Wuri, L., C. Agca and Y. AgcaReproduction, Fertility and DevelopmentMorphometric, subcellular, in vitro fertilisation and embryonic developmental assessment of mouse oocytes produced by anti-inhibin serum or pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin superovulation1.XXX
Vazmitsel, M. A., V. Grammatopoulou, J. Yao and J. R. BatanianCytogenetic and Genome ResearchA Novel Variant Rearrangement of the Rare Aberration dic(17;20)(p11.2;q11.2) Characterized by Array-CGH as an Insertion in a Patient with Myelodysplastic Syndrome of Multilineage Dysplasia (MDS-MLD)1.XXX
Bani-Ahmed, A. and C. M. CirsteaExperimental Brain ResearchIpsilateral primary motor cortex and behavioral compensation after stroke: a case series study1.XXX
Schlag, A. N., T. Johnson, A. Vinayak, A. Kuvaldina, O. T. Skinner and B. G. Wustefeld-JanssensJournal of Small Animal PracticeComparison of methods to determine primary tumour size in canine apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma1.XXX
Barnas, J. and S. D. BallMeasurement in Physical Education and Exercise ScienceValidation of a Skinfold Prediction Equation Based on Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry to Estimate Body Fat Percentage in Women1.XXX
Abdelbaset, A. E., M. I. Hamed, M. F. N. Abushahba, M. S. Rawy, A. S. M. Sayed and J. J. AdamoviczVeterinary WorldToxoplasma gondii seropositivity and the associated risk factors in sheep and pregnant women in El-Minya Governorate, Egypt1.XXX
McFarland, B. A., N. AlKhalifah, M. Bohn, J. Bubert, E. S. Buckler, I. Ciampitti, J. Edwards, D. Ertl, J. L. Gage, C. M. Falcon, S. Flint-Garcia, M. A. Gore, C. Graham, C. N. Hirsch, J. B. Holland, E. Hood, D. Hooker, D. Jarquin, S. M. Kaeppler, J. Knoll,BMC research notesMaize genomes to fields (G2F): 2014-2017 field seasons: genotype, phenotype, climatic, soil, and inbred ear image datasets1.XXX
Laughon, K., T. Bloom, A. F. Amar and K. DebnamJournal of American College HealthConceptualizing an approach to secondary prevention of relationship violence among college students1.XXX
Wray, R. J., N. Hansen, D. Ding and J. MastersJournal of American College HealthEffects of a campus-wide tobacco-free policy on tobacco attitudes, norms and behaviors among students, staff and faculty1.XXX
Hickey, S., A. Whitson, L. Jones, L. Wibbenmeyer, C. Ryan, R. Fey, J. Litt, R. Fabia, L. Cancio, W. Mohr, J. Twomey, A. Wagner, A. Cochran and J. K. BaileyJournal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn AssociationGuidelines for Thrombolytic Therapy for Frostbite1.XXX
Woodman, N. and A. T. WilkenJournal of MammalogyComparative functional skeletal morphology among three genera of shrews: Implications for the evolution of locomotor behavior in the Soricinae (Eulipotyphla: Soricidae)1.XXX
Washington, K. T., K. Kukulka, R. Govindarjan and D. R. MehrJournal of Palliative CareEngaging Specialist Palliative Care in the Management of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Patient-, Family-, and Provider-Based Approach1.XXX
Stormont, M. and W. M. ReinkeJournal of Applied School PsychologyEnhancing the Outcomes of Tier 2 Interventions through Planful Adaptations1.XXX
Schrader, E., A. D. Delehanty, A. Casler, E. Petrie, A. Rivera, K. Harrison, T. Paterniti, L. Sebastiany, C. Nottke, K. Sohl, S. E. Levy and A. M. WetherbyClinical PediatricsIntegrating a New Online Autism Screening Tool in Primary Care to Lower the Age of Referral1.XXX
Vazmitsel, M., M. Esebua and L. J. LayfieldDiagnostic CytopathologyCytologic features of sebaceous, lymphadenoma, and sebaceous lymphadenocarcinoma: Differential diagnostic considerations1.XXX
Jones, A., J. Pope, K. Osei-Boadi Anguah and D. EricksonTopics in Clinical NutritionMini nutritional assessment score as a potential predictor of pressure ulcers in elderly nursing home patients with dementia0.XXX
Patel, D. and K. L. MartinJournal of the Dermatology Nurses' AssociationErythematous Papules and Vesicles in the Diaper Region0.XXX
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