School of Medicine Monthly Faculty Publications

August 2024

Ranked by Impact Factor

  • Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields.
  • Veterinary medical publications are kept on a separate list.
  • Full impact factors cannot be displayed due to license agreements. Also, note that impact factors are not available for all publications.

AuthorsJournalArticleImpact FactorPlumXAltmetric
Nicholson, W. K., Silverstein, M., Wong, J. B., Chelmow, D., Coker, T. R., Davis, E. M., Jaén, C. R., Krousel-Wood, M., Lee, S., Li, L., Rao, G., Ruiz, J. M., Stevermer, J., Tsevat, J., Underwood, S. M., Wiehe, S.JAMAScreening and Supplementation for Iron Deficiency and Iron Deficiency Anemia During Pregnancy: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement63.XXX
Grattoni, A., Korbutt, G., Tomei, A. A., García, A. J., Pepper, A. R., Stabler, C., Brehm, M., Papas, K., Citro, A., Shirwan, H., Millman, J. R., Melero-Martin, J., Graham, M., Sefton, M., Ma, M., Kenyon, N., Veiseh, O., Desai, T. A., Nostro, M. C., Marinac, M., Sykes, M., Russ, H. A., Odorico, J., Tang, Q., Ricordi, C., Latres, E., Mamrak, N. E., Giraldo, J., Poznansky, M. C., de Vos, P.Nature Reviews EndocrinologyHarnessing cellular therapeutics for type 1 diabetes mellitus: progress, challenges, and the road ahead31.XXX
McAdams, Z. L., Gustafson, K. L., Russell, A. L., Self, R., Petry, A. L., Lever, T. E., Ericsson, A. C.Gut MicrobesSupplier-origin gut microbiomes affect host body weight and select autism-related behaviors12.XXX
Jiang, Y., Immadi, M. S., Wang, D., Zeng, S., On Chan, Y., Zhou, J., Xu, D., Joshi, T.Journal of Advanced ResearchIRnet: Immunotherapy response prediction using pathway knowledge-informed graph neural network11.XXX
Aiello, L. P., Hainsworth, D., et al,JAMA OphthalmologyUltra-Widefield and Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study 7-Field Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy7.XXX
Agarwal, H., Bynum, R. C., Saleh, N., Harris, D., MacCuaig, W. M., Kim, V., Sanderson, E. J., Dennahy, I. S., Singh, R., Behkam, B., Gomez-Gutierrez, J. G., Jain, A., Edil, B. H., McNally, L. R.Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and NanobiotechnologyTheranostic nanoparticles for detection and treatment of pancreatic cancer6.XXX
Davis, M. J., Castorena-Gonzalez, J. A., Li, M., Zawieja, S. D., Simon, A. M., Geng, X., Srinivasan, R. S.JCI InsightConnexin-45 is expressed in mouse lymphatic endothelium and required for lymphatic valve function6.XXX
Cai, D., Chen, S. Y.CellsADAR1 Is Essential for Smooth Muscle Homeostasis and Vascular Integrity5.XXX
Limberg, J. K., Ott, E. P., Pipkins, A. M., Lis, E. C., Gonsalves, A. M., Harper, J. L., Manrique-Acevedo, C.Journal of PhysiologyRole of the peripheral chemoreceptors in cardiovascular and metabolic control in type 2 diabetes4.XXX
Morton, A. B., Jacobsen, N. L., Diller, A. R., Kendra, J. A., Golpasandi, S., Cornelison, D. D. W., Segal, S. S.Journal of PhysiologyInducible deletion of endothelial cell Efnb2 delays capillary regeneration and attenuates myofibre reinnervation following myotoxin injury in mice4.XXX
Owuocha, L. F., Mitchum, M. G., Beamer, L. J.Frontiers in Plant ScienceStructural insights into binding of polyglutamylated tetrahydrofolate by serine hydroxymethyltransferase 8 from soybean4.XXX
Maudrie, T. L., Clyma, K. R., Nguyen, C. J., O'Keefe, V. M., Reinhardt, M., Segrest, V., Lewis, M. E., Stanger-McLaughlin, T., Redvers, N., Young, P., Flanagan, H., Hare-RedCorn, E. L., Dubray, E. M., Norris, A., Bray, K. E., Blue Bird Jernigan, V.Current Developments in Nutrition“It Matters Who Defines It”—Defining Nutrition through American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Worldviews3.XXX
Jia, G., Lastra, G., Bostick, B. P., LahamKaram, N., Laakkonen, J. P., Ylä-Herttuala, S., Whaley-Connell, A.American journal of physiology. Renal physiologyThe mineralocorticoid receptor in diabetic kidney disease3.XXX
Chen, Z., Chen, S., Andrabi, S. M., Zhao, G., Xu, Y., Ouyang, Q., Busquets, M. E., Qian, X., Gautam, S., Chen, P. Y., Xie, J., Yan, Z.AIChE JournalMultifunctional porous soft composites for bimodal wearable cardiac monitors3.XXX
Lewis, J. E., Ward, C. V., Kimbel, W. H., Kidney, C. L., Brown, F. H., Quinn, R. L., Rowan, J., Lazagabaster, I. A., Sanders, W. J., Leakey, M. G., Leakey, L. N.Journal of Human EvolutionA 4.3-million-year-old Australopithecus anamensis mandible from Ileret, East Turkana, Kenya, and its paleoenvironmental context3.XXX
Cecilia Belzarena, A., Cook, J. L.Journal of Bone OncologyDoes liquid nitrogen recycled autograft for treatment of bone sarcoma impact local recurrence rate? A systematic review3.XXX
Kwok, C. S., Qureshi, A. I., Phillips, A., Lip, G. Y. H., Hanif, W., Borovac, J. A.DiagnosticsThe Burden of Inpatient Hospitalizations with Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Diseases in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes: Insights from the National Inpatient Sample in the US3.XXX
Cortese, R.Current Opinion in Pulmonary MedicineEpigenetics and aging: Relevance for sleep medicine2.XXX
Kocum, C. G., Cam, Y., Shay, D. A., Schweizer, T. A., Konrad, E. R., Houska, T. K., Sardina, C. A., Schachtman, T. R., Vieira-Potter, V. J., Will, M. J.Frontiers in Integrative NeuroscienceVoluntary wheel running access produces opposite effects in male and female rats on both palatable diet consumption and associated ventral striatal opioid- and dopamine-related gene expression2.XXX
Williams, M., Schoenig, M., Almashharawi, L., Eichman, D., Allred, S., Adler, L., Hanford, J., Goodman, J., Vachharajani, A.Journal of PerinatologyEffect of maternal diabetes on time to full oral feedings in infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit2.XXX
Qureshi, A. I., Bhatti, I. A., Gillani, S. A., Beall, J., Cassarly, C. N., Gajewski, B., Martin, R. H., Suarez, J. I., Kwok, C. S.Journal of NeuroimagingPrevalence, trends, and outcomes of cerebral infarction in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in the USA2.XXX
Gonsalves, A. M., Baker, S. E., Jacob, D. W., Harper, J. L., Manrique-Acevedo, C. M., Limberg, J. K.Physiological ReportsEffect of endothelin-1 on the blood pressure response to acute hypoxia and hyperoxia in healthy young men2.XXX
Garlapaty, A. R., Sullentrup, A. N., Christian, T., Rucinski, K., Crist, B.InjuryPre-injury methamphetamine use is associated with increased length of hospital stay in rural orthopaedic trauma patients2.XXX
Subramanian, S., Tangka, F. K. L., Hoover, S., Mathews, A., Redwood, D., Smayda, L., Ruiz, E., Silva, R., Brenton, V., McElroy, J. A., Lusk, B., Eason, S.Cancer Causes and ControlOptimizing tracking and completion of follow-up colonoscopy after abnormal stool tests at health systems participating in the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionÂ’s Colorectal Cancer Control Program2.XXX
Al-Salihi, M. M., Gillani, S. A., Saha, R., Abd Elazim, A., Al-Jebur, M. S., Dalal, S. S., Siddiq, F., Ayyad, A., Gomez, C. R., Qureshi, A. I.Topics in Stroke RehabilitationOutcomes of stroke patients undergoing percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis2.XXX
Le, Q., Hirai, T., Lombardi, W. L., Azzalini, L.Catheterization and Cardiovascular InterventionsUse of dual-lumen microcatheter pullback injection in complex percutaneous coronary intervention2.XXX
Gillani, S. A., Al-Salihi, M. M., Ahmed, R., Bhatti, I. A., Beall, J., Cassarly, C. N., Gajewski, B., Martin, R. H., Suarez, J. I., Qureshi, A. I.Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular DiseasesEvaluating the strength and quality of evidence in american heart association/American stroke association's guidelines for aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage and spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage2.XXX
Gillani, S. A., Ma, X., Huang, Y., Bains, N. K., Fakih, R., Siddiq, F., French, B. R., Gomez, C. R., Lyden, P. D., Qureshi, A. I.Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular DiseasesEffect of post thrombolytic intracerebral hemorrhage volume on 90-day outcomes in acute ischemic stroke patients2.XXX
Mittal, S., Pogorzelski, K., Huxel, C., Siva, C., Rao, D.Clinics and PracticeAn Atypical Case of Extrapulmonary Sarcoidosis with Severe Hypercalcemia as Initial Presentation, Successfully Treated with Glucocorticoids1.XXX
Butcher, C., Abbott, B. M., Grange, D., Fete, M., Meyer, B., Spinka, C., Fete, T.American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part APrevalence rates for ectodermal dysplasia syndromes1.XXX
ElNemer, W., Badin, D., Kurian, S. J., Parent, S., Miyanji, F., Hoernschemeyer, D., Alanay, A., Sponseller, P. D.Spine DeformityAssociations of overweight status with spinal curve correction and complications in patients undergoing vertebral body tethering: a multicenter retrospective review1.XXX
Moore, M. B., Gilrain, K., Brosig, C., Leffler, J. M., Gupta, S., Fizur, P.Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical SettingsCurrent Landscape of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers: Roles and Structural Models1.XXX
Neal, K. M., Boeyer, M., Craver, E. C., Crook, J. E., Kiebzak, G. M.Spine DeformityImproving prediction of progression of idiopathic scoliosis based on curve size and skeletal maturity1.XXX
Williams, J., Rucinski, K., Stannard, J. P., Pridemore, J., Stoker, A. M., Crecelius, C., Nuelle, C. W., Cook, J. L.KneeDonor-recipient age- or sex-mismatched osteochondral allografts do not adversely affect cumulative graft survival rates after transplantation in the knee1.XXX
Peacock, M., Drumm, B., Klein, P., Raymond, J., Huo, X., Chen, Y., Abdalkader, M., Schonewille, W. J., Liu, X., Hu, W., Li, C., Ji, X., Alemseged, F., Liu, L., Siegler, J. E., Nagel, S., Strbian, D., Sacco, S., Yaghi, S., Qureshi, M. M., Fischer, U., Aguiar de Sousa, D., Yamagami, H., Michel, P., Puetz, V., Mujanovic, A., Marto, J. P., Kristoffersen, E. S., Sandset, E. C., Demeestere, J., Hanning, U., Novakovic, R., Kenmuir, C., Agid, R., Romoli, M., Diana, F., Lobotesis, K., Roi, D., Masoud, H. E., Ma, A., Zhu, Y., Sang, H., Sun, D., Ton, M. D., Raynald, M. D., Li, F., Nasreldein, A., Jesser, J., Kaesmacher, J., Weyland, C. S., Meyer, L., Yeo, L. L. L., Yang, Q., Thomalla, G., Yang, P., Poli, S., Campbell, B. C. V., Qureshi, A. I., Chen, H. S., Zaidat, O. O., Qiu, Z., Nogueira, R. G., Jovin, T. G., Miao, Z., Nguyen, T. N., Banerjee, S.Interventional NeuroradiologyBasilar artery occlusion management: An international survey of gender influence on management1.XXX
Horner, K. J., Fiala, K. C., Summerhays, B., Schweser, K. M.Journal of Foot and Ankle SurgeryClinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Nitinol Compression Staples for Midfoot and Chopart Arthrodesis1.XXX
Richards, J. A., Mays, L. M., Woodard, D. R., DeFroda, S. F., Nuelle, C. W.Arthroscopy TechniquesModified MacIntosh (Over-the-Top Iliotibial Band Autograft) Technique for Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Using Knotless All-Suture Anchor Fixation1.XXX
Richards, J. A., Haralson, W. G., Woodard, D. R., Nuelle, C. W., DeFroda, S. F.Arthroscopy TechniquesArthroscopic Suprapectoral Biceps Tenodesis: A Knotless, Onlay, All-Suture Anchor Technique1.XXX
Camazine, M., Coorts, J., Christian, T., Schlesselman, C., Kruse, R. L., Bath, J., Vogel, T. R.VascularIntraluminal crossing of infrainguinal SFA chronic total occlusions may offer patency superiority compared to subintimal crossing1.XXX
Camazine, M., Schesselman, C., Zachary, I., Bath, J., Vogel, T. R.VascularRetrograde open mesenteric stenting and outcomes for acute mesenteric ischemia1.XXX
Kundert, C. F., Sobule, R. M., Ithman, M.Journal of the American Academy of Physician AssistantsNeurocognitive changes in a patient receiving esketamine for treatment-resistant depression0.XXX
Indermun, S., Baswaraj, D., Regunath, H., Kumar, S.Infectious Diseases in Clinical PracticeDetermining the Relationship of Bacteria Associated with Dental Disease and Infective Endocarditis: A Cross-sectional Study0.XXX
Crosby, H., Smothers, J.Evidence-Based PracticeDoes hypoglossal nerve stimulation decrease disease severity in those with obstructive sleep apnea?None
Guess, J., Tunink, C.Evidence-Based PracticeDoes apixaban strike out on stroke prevention in subclinical atrial fibrillation?None
Sobieski, R., Tunink, C.Evidence-Based PracticeLatch onto health: Exploring childhood asthma protection through breastfeedingNone
Laffey, K. G., Nelson, A. D., Laffey, M. J., Nguyen, Q., Sheets, L. R., Schrum, A. G.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthRegional Differences in American Indian/Alaska Native Chronic Respiratory Disease Disparity: Evidence from National Survey ResultsNone
Chambers, C., Chitwood, B., Smith, C. J., Miao, Y.iRADIOLOGYElevating theranostics: The emergence and promise of radiopharmaceutical cell-targeting heterodimers in human cancersNone
Nuelle, C. W., de Albuquerque, J. B., Kfuri, M.Journal of Cartilage and Joint PreservationKnee valgus deformity: indications and outcomes for a high tibial medial closing-wedge osteotomyNone
Pacult, M. A., Karsy, M., Evans, J. J., Kim, W., Pacione, D. R., Gardner, P. A., Fernandez-Miranda, J. C., Zada, G., Rennert, R. C., Silverstein, J. M., Kim, A. H., Kshettry, V. R., Chicoine, M. R., Little, A. S.Journal of Neurological Surgery, Part B: Skull BaseA Multicenter Study of Unplanned Hospital Readmissions after Transsphenoidal Surgery for Cushing's DiseaseNone
Chen, C. B., Chugh, S., Rao, D.Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and TherapeuticsIron Pill–Induced Gastritis in a Pediatric Patient Taking Ferrous Sulfate TabletsNone