School of Medicine Monthly Faculty Publications

August 2021

Ranked by Impact Factor

  • Each month we provide an overview of University of Missouri School of Medicine faculty-authored articles in medicine and related fields.
  • Veterinary medical publications are kept on a separate list.
  • Full impact factors cannot be displayed due to license agreements. Also, note that impact factors are not available for all publications.

AuthorsJournalArticleImpact FactorPlumXAltmetric
Davidson, K. W., Barry, M. J., Mangione, C. M., Cabana, M., Caughey, A. B., Davis, E. M., Donahue, K. E., Doubeni, C. A., Kubik, M., Li, L., Ogedegbe, G., Pbert, L., Silverstein, M., Stevermer, J., Tseng, C. W., Wong, J. B.JAMA - Journal of the American Medical AssociationScreening for Gestational Diabetes: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement63.XXX
Davidson, K. W., Barry, M. J., Mangione, C. M., Cabana, M., Caughey, A. B., Davis, E. M., Donahue, K. E., Doubeni, C. A., Krist, A. H., Kubik, M., Li, L., Ogedegbe, G., Owens, D. K., Pbert, L., Silverstein, M., Stevermer, J., Tseng, C. W., Wong, J. B.JAMA - Journal of the American Medical AssociationScreening for Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement63.XXX
Jiang, B., Ou, W., Shamul, J. G., Chen, H., Van Belleghem, S., Stewart, S., Liu, Z., Fisher, J. P., He, X.Bioactive MaterialsRock inhibitor may compromise human induced pluripotent stem cells for cardiac differentiation in 3D18.XXX
Smith, A. M., LaValle, T. A., Shinawi, M., Ramakrishnan, S. M., Abel, H. J., Hill, C. A., Kirkland, N. M., Rettig, M. P., Helton, N. M., Heath, S. E., Ferraro, F., Chen, D. Y., Adak, S., Semenkovich, C. F., Christian, D. L., Martin, J. R., Gabel, H. W., Miller, C. A., Ley, T. J.Nature CommunicationsFunctional and epigenetic phenotypes of humans and mice with DNMT3A Overgrowth Syndrome14.XXX
Collis, R. W., Tam, I., Snyder, A., Plante, J., Grisham, E., Onate, A., Chen, J. K., Liszewski, W. J., Goldminz, A. M., Cotton, C., Hunt, R., Martin, K. L., Sheinbein, D., Yu, J.Journal of the American Academy of DermatologyEvaluating the inclusiveness of common allergens in expanded series patch tests for children in the pediatric allergic contact dermatitis registry12.XXX
Pei, Z., Liu, Y., Liu, S., Jin, W., Luo, Y., Sun, M., Duan, Y., Ajoolabady, A., Sowers, J. R., Fang, Y., Cao, F., Xu, H., Bi, Y., Wang, S., Ren, J.Metabolism: Clinical and ExperimentalFUNDC1 insufficiency sensitizes high fat diet intake-induced cardiac remodeling and contractile anomaly through ACSL4-mediated ferroptosis10.XXX
Acín-Perez, R., Petcherski, A., Veliova, M., Benador, I. Y., Assali, E. A., Colleluori, G., Cinti, S., Brownstein, A. J., Baghdasarian, S., Livhits, M. J., Yeh, M. W., Krishnan, K. C., Vergnes, L., Winn, N. C., Padilla, J., Liesa, M., Sacks, H. S., Shirihai, O. S.Redox BiologyRecruitment and remodeling of peridroplet mitochondria in human adipose tissue10.XXX
Kannan, S. R., Spratt, A. N., Cohen, A. R., Naqvi, S. H., Chand, H. S., Quinn, T. P., Lorson, C. L., Byrareddy, S. N., Singh, K.Journal of AutoimmunityEvolutionary analysis of the Delta and Delta Plus variants of the SARS-CoV-2 viruses7.XXX
Mistry, E. A., Yeatts, S., De Havenon, A., Mehta, T., Arora, N., De Los Rios La Rosa, F., Starosciak, A. K., Siegler, J. E., Mistry, A. M., Yaghi, S., Khatri, P.StrokePredicting 90-Day Outcome after Thrombectomy: Baseline-Adjusted 24-Hour NIHSS Is More Powerful Than NIHSS Score Change7.XXX
Kim, H. J., Li, M., Nichols, C. G., Davis, M. J.British Journal of PharmacologyLarge-conductance calcium-activated K+ channels, rather than KATP channels, mediate the inhibitory effects of nitric oxide on mouse lymphatic pumping6.XXX
Qu, A., Xu, Y., Yu, X., Si, Q., Xu, X., Liu, C., Yang, L., Zheng, Y., Zhang, M., Zhang, S., Xu, J.Journal of Genetics and GenomicsSporophytic control of anther development and male fertility by glucose-6-phosphate/phosphate translocator 1 (OsGPT1) in rice6.XXX
Savarirayan, R., Tofts, L., Irving, M., Wilcox, W. R., Bacino, C. A., Hoover-Fong, J., Font, R. U., Harmatz, P., Rutsch, F., Bober, M. B., Polgreen, L. E., Ginebreda, I., Mohnike, K., Charrow, J., Hoernschemeyer, D., Ozono, K., Alanay, Y., Arundel, P., Kotani, Y., Yasui, N., White, K. K., Saal, H. M., Leiva-Gea, A., Luna-González, F., Mochizuki, H., Basel, D., Porco, D. M., Jayaram, K., Fisheleva, E., Huntsman-Labed, A., Day, J. R. S.Genetics in MedicineSafe and persistent growth-promoting effects of vosoritide in children with achondroplasia: 2-year results from an open-label, phase 3 extension study6.XXX
Jacome-Sosa, M., Hu, Q., Manrique-Acevedo, C. M., Phair, R. D., Parks, E. J.JCI InsightHuman intestinal lipid storage through sequential meals reveals faster dinner appearance is associated with hyperlipidemia6.XXX
Durante, W., Behnammanesh, G., Peyton, K. J.International Journal of Molecular SciencesEffects of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors on vascular cell function and arterial remodeling4.XXX
Trujillo-Nolasco, M., Morales-Avila, E., Cruz-Nova, P., Katti, K. V., Ocampo-García, B.PharmaceuticsNanoradiopharmaceuticals based on alpha emitters: Recent developments for medical applications4.XXX
Khan, T., Seetharam, A. S., Zhou, J., Bivens, N. J., Schust, D. J., Ezashi, T., Tuteja, G., Roberts, R. M.Frontiers in Cell and Developmental BiologySingle Nucleus RNA Sequence (snRNAseq) Analysis of the Spectrum of Trophoblast Lineages Generated From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells in vitro4.XXX
Mohammaden, M. H., Nogueira, R. G., Tekle, W., Ortega-Gutierrez, S., Farooqui, M., Zevallos, C. B., Hanel, R. A., Cortez, G. M., Aghaebrahim, A., Starke, R. M., Aref, H., Elbassiouny, A., Gamea, A., Alaraj, A., Sadeh, M., Grigoryan, M., Kuybu, O., Haussen, D. C., Sheth, S. A., Maud, A., Cordina, S. M., Tanweer, O., Kan, P., Burkhardt, J. K., Grandhi, R., Siddiq, F., Hassan, A. E.Journal of NeuroInterventional SurgerySafety and efficacy of balloon-mounted stent in the treatment of symptomatic intracranial atherosclerotic disease: A multicenter experience4.XXX
Zhou, J. J., Shao, J. Y., Chen , S.R., Li, D. P., Pan, H. L.Journal of Neurosciencea2d-1–dependent NMDA receptor activity in the hypothalamus is an effector of genetic-environment interactions that drive persistent hypertension4.XXX
Johnson, S. D., Olwenyi, O. A., Bhyravbhatla, N., Thurman, M., Pandey, K., Klug, E. A., Johnston, M., Dyavar, S. R., Acharya, A., Podany, A. T., Fletcher, C. V., Mohan, M., Singh, K., Byrareddy, S. N.World Journal of GastroenterologyTherapeutic implications of SARS-CoV-2 dysregulation of the gut-brain-lung axis4.XXX
Gilman, K. E., Camden, J. M., Woods, L. T., Weisman, G. A., Limesand, K. H.Frontiers in Bioengineering and BiotechnologyIndomethacin Treatment Post-irradiation Improves Mouse Parotid Salivary Gland Function via Modulation of Prostaglandin E2 Signaling4.XXX
Duarte, R. L. M., Magalhes-da-Silveira, F. J., Gozal, D.ObesityNocturnal oximetry in bariatric surgery patients referred to overnight in-lab polysomnography4.XXX
Ramirez-Perez, F. I., Woodford, M. L., Morales-Quinones, M., Grunewald, Z. I., Cabral-Amador, F. J., Yoshida, T., Brenner, D. A., Manrique-Acevedo, C., Martinez-Lemus, L. A., Chandrasekar, B., Padilla, J.American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory PhysiologyMutation of the 5'-untranslated region stem-loop mRNA structure reduces type i collagen deposition and arterial stiffness in male obese mice4.XXX
Wang, B., Jiang, Y., Li, S. Y., Niu, R. L., Blasberg, J. D., Kaifi, J. T., Liu, G., Wang, Z. L.Translational Lung Cancer ResearchBreast metastases from primary lung cancer: A retrospective case series on clinical, ultrasonographic, and immunohistochemical features4.XXX
Zhou, Y., Li, J., Hurst, T., Chen, S. J.Frontiers in Molecular BiosciencesSHAPER: A Web Server for Fast and Accurate SHAPE Reactivity Prediction3.XXX
Fagundes, N. C. F., dApuzzo, F., Perillo, L., Puigdollers, A., Gozal, D., Graf, D ., Heo, G., Flores-Mir, C.Journal of Clinical Sleep MedicinePotential impact of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea on mandibular cortical width dimensions3.XXX
Laffey, K. G., Nelson, A. D., Laffey, M. J., Nguyen, Q., Sheets, L. R., Schrum, A. G.BMC Public HealthChronic respiratory disease disparity between American Indian/Alaska Native and white populations, 2011–20183.XXX
Acharya, A., Kavus, H., Dunn, P., Nasir, A., Folk, L., Withrow, K., Wentzensen, I. M., Ruzhnikov, M. R. Z., Fallot, C., Smol, T., Rama, M., Brown, K., Whalen, S., Ziegler, A., Barth, M., Chassevent, A., Smith-Hicks, C., Afenjar, A., Courtin, T., Heide, S., Font-Montgomery, E., Heid, C., Hamm, J. A., Love, D. R., Thabet, F., Misra, V. K., Cunningham, M., Leal, S. M., Jarvela, I., Normand, E. A., Zou, F., Helal, M., Keren, B., Torti, E., Chung, W. K., Schrauwen, I.Journal of Medical GeneticsDelineating the genotypic and phenotypic spectrum of HECW2 -related neurodevelopmental disorders3.XXX
Qureshi, A. I., Baskett, W. I., Huang, W., Shyu, D., Myers, D., Lobanova, I., Naqvi, S. H., Thompson, V. S., Shyu, C. R.Ethnicity and DiseaseEffect of race and ethnicity on in-hospital mortality in patients with COVID-20193.XXX
Brownstein, K. J., Thomas, A. L., Nguyen, H. T. T., Gang, D. R., Folk, W. R.MetabolitesChanges in the harpagide, harpagoside, and verbascoside content of field grown scrophularia lanceolata and scrophularia marilandica in response to season and shade3.XXX
Wegier, P., Belden, J. L., Canfield, S. M., Shaffer, V. A., Patil, S. J., LeFevre, M. L., Valentine, K. D., Popescu, M., Steege, L. M., Jain, A., Koopman, R. J.BMC Medical Informatics and Decision MakingHome blood pressure data visualization for the management of hypertension: using human factors and design principles3.XXX
Vacelet, L., Hupin, D., Pichot, V., Celle, S., Court-Fortune, I., Thomas, T., Garcin, A., Bartholomy, J. C., Gozal, D., Roche, F.Frontiers in PhysiologyInsulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes in Asymptomatic Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Results of the PROOF Cohort Study After 7 Years of Follow-Up3.XXX
Rohlfing, C., Hanson, S., Estey, M. P., Bordeleau, P., Little, R. R.Clinica Chimica ActaEvaluation of interference from hemoglobin C, D, E and S traits on measurements of hemoglobin A1c by fifteen methods3.XXX
Wang, H., Marrosu, E., Brayson, D., Wasala, N. B., Johnson, E. K., Scott, C. S., Yue, Y., Hau, K. L., Trask, A. J., Froehner, S. C., Adams, M. E., Zhang, L., Duan, D., Montanaro, F.Human Molecular GeneticsProteomic analysis identifies key differences in the cardiac interactomes of dystrophin and micro-dystrophin3.XXX
Layfield, L. J., Camp, S., Bowers, K., Miller, D. C.Pathology Research and PracticeSARS-CoV-2 detection by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction testing: Analysis of false positive results and recommendations for quality control measures2.XXX
Gupta, S., Sinha, N. R., Martin, L. M., Keele, L. M., Sinha, P. R., Rodier, J. T., Landreneau, J. R., Hesemann, N. P., Mohan, R. R.Translational Vision Science and TechnologyLong-term safety and tolerability of BMP7 and HGF gene overexpression in rabbit cornea2.XXX
Mohan, R. R., Balne, P. K., Muayad, M. S., Tripathi, R., Sinha, N. R., Gupta, S., An, J. A., Sinha, P. R., Hesemann, N. P.Translational Vision Science and TechnologySix-month in vivo safety profiling of topical ocular AVV5–decorin gene transfer2.XXX
Cho, J., Hogan, D., Salim, M., Pratte, E. L., King, J., Bylund, R., Hirabayashi, M. T., An, J. A.Ophthalmology and TherapyComparison of Outcomes for Laser Trabeculoplasty after Kahook Dual Blade Goniotomy Versus in Goniotomy-Naive Eyes2.XXX
Damask, C., Chen, M., Holweg, C. T. J., Yoo, B., Millette, L. A., Franzese, C.American Journal of Rhinology and AllergyDefining the Efficacy of Omalizumab in Nasal Polyposis: A POLYP 1 and POLYP 2 Subgroup Analysis2.XXX
Abidi, N. Y., Wanner, B., Brown, M ., Golda, N., Hajar, T., Rohani, P., Yu, S. S., Carr, D. R.Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.]Characterization of the 2019 Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology Standardized Letter of Recommendation2.XXX
Salinas, M., Flores, E., Lopez-Garrigos, M., Carbonell, R., Leiva-Salinas, C.Clinical BiochemistryDealing with redundant gamma glutamyl transpeptidase in primary care, when requested along with alkaline phosphatase2.XXX
Brush, P., Golda, N.Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.]Determining Sound Levels From Smoke Evacuator and Impact for Patients2.XXX
Orseth, M. L., Black, W. H., Neal, D., Golda, N., Patel, V. A., Etzkorn, J. R.Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.]Patients Value Low Local Recurrence Rates and Prevention of Re-excisions With High-Risk Tumors2.XXX
Krych, A. J., Nauert, R. F., III, Song, B. M., Cook, C. S., Johnson, A. C., Smith, P. A., Stuart, M. J.Orthopaedic Journal of Sports MedicineAssociation Between Transtibial Meniscus Root Repair and Rate of Meniscal Healing and Extrusion on Postoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Prospective Multicenter Study2.XXX
Qureshi, A. I., Pfeiffer, K., Babar, S., Huang, W., Lobanova, I., Ishfaq, M. F., French, B. R., Siddiq, F., Gomez, C. R.Journal of NeuroimagingIntra-arterial injection of lidocaine into middle meningeal artery to treat intractable headaches and severe migraine2.XXX
Soofi, M., Alpert, M. A., Barbadora, J., Mukerji, B., Mukerji, V.American Journal of the Medical SciencesHuman Laterality Disorders: Pathogenesis, Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis, and Management2.XXX
Mannem, N., Mehta, T., Nagarajan, E., Yarasi, N. K., Bollu, P. C.Current Developmental Disorders ReportsADHD and Its Therapeutics2.XXX
Salinas, M., Flores, E., Blasco, A., López-Garrigós, M., Puche, C., Asencio, A., Leiva-Salinas, C.DiagnosisCONUT: A tool to assess nutritional status. First application in a primary care population2.XXX
Friedland, A., Hernandez, A. F., Anstrom, K. J., Chen-Lim, M. L., Cohen, L. W., Currier, J. S., Forrest, C. B., Fraser, R., Fraulo, E., George, A., Handberg, E., Jackman, J., Koellhoffer, J., Lawrence, D., Leverty, R., McAdams, P., McCourt, B., Mickley, B., Naqvi, S. H., O'Brien, E. C., Olson, R., Prater, C., Rothman, R. L., Shenkman, E., Shostak, J., Turner, K. B., Webb, L., Woods, C., Naggie, S., on behalf of the, Hero Research ProgramContemporary Clinical TrialsDesign of the healthcare worker exposure response and outcomes (HERO) research platform2.XXX
Tracey, A. T., Nogueira, L. M., Alvim, R. G., Coleman, J. A., Murray, K. S.Translational Andrology and UrologyFocal therapy for primary and salvage prostate cancer treatment: a narrative review1.XXX
Oserowsky, A., Layfield, L. J., Crim, J.Skeletal RadiologyPost-arthrogram synovitis: MRI and histopathologic findings1.XXX
Kumar, P., Elfrink, J., Daniels, J. P., Aggarwal, A., Keeney, J. A.Journal of Knee SurgeryHigher Component Malposition Rates with Patient-Specific Cruciate Retaining TKA than Contemporary Posterior Stabilized TKA1.XXX
Lambrechts, M. J., Barber, J. A., Beckett, N., Smith, C. J., Li, J., Goldstein, C. L., Leary, E. V., Cook, J. L., Choma, T. J.Clinical Spine SurgerySurgical Reduction of Spondylolisthesis during Lumbar Fusion: Are Complications Associated with Slip Correction?1.XXX
Nettrour, J. F., Bailey, B. S., Burch, M. B., Clair, D. D. St, June, R. R., Olsen, N. J., Ba, D. M., Liu, G., Leslie, D. L.Arthroplasty TodayArthroplasty Rates Not Increasing in Young Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A National Database Review, 2005 Versus 20141.XXX
Arshi, J., Layfield, L. J., Esebua, M.Annals of Diagnostic PathologyMast cell infiltration and activation in the gallbladder wall: Implications for the pathogenesis of functional gallbladder disorder in adult patients1.XXX
Liu, J., Crist, B. D., Stoker, A. M., Stannard, J. P., Cook, J. L.Journal of OrthopaedicsReamer-irrigator-aspirate versus bone marrow aspirate concentrate for osteoprogenitor cell retention and osteoinductive protein release on cancellous bone1.XXX
Moore, K., Kunin, J., Alnijoumi, M., Nagpal, P., Bhat, A. P.Journal of Clinical Imaging ScienceCurrent endovascular treatment options in acute pulmonary embolism1.XXX
Nance, M., Khazi, Z., Kaifi, J., Avella, D., Alnijoumi, M., Davis, R., Bhat, A.Journal of Clinical Imaging ScienceComputerized tomography-guided microwave ablation of patients with stage i non-small cell lung cancers: A single-institution retrospective study1.XXX
Layfield, L. J. , Esebua, M.Diagnostic CytopathologyA modified Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology system for reporting respiratory cytology specimens: Implications for estimates of malignancy risk and diagnostic accuracy1.XXX
Byrne, B. J., Colan, S. D., Kishnani, P. S., Foster, M. C., Sparks, S. E., Gibson, J. B., An Haack, K., Stockton, D. W., Pena, L. D. M., Hahn, S. H., Johnson, J., Tanpaiboon, P. X., Leslie, N. D., Kronn, D., Hillman, R. E., Wang, R. Y.Cardiology in the YoungCardiac responses in paediatric Pompe disease in the ADVANCE patient cohort0.XXX
Gozal, D.Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized MedicineLaryngomalacia, GER, and sleep apnea are BRUEing - Sometimes!0.XXX
Zeng, S., Skrabisová, M., Lyu, Z., Chan, Y. O., Dietz, N., Bilyeu, K., Joshi, T.International Journal of Data Mining and BioinformaticsApplication of SNPViz v2.0 using next-generation sequencing data sets in the discovery of potential causative mutations in candidate genes associated with phenotypes0.XXX
Sharma, R., Mishra, V., Parikh, M., Soni, A., Sahota, P., Thakkar, M.Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental ResearchAntisense-induced knockdown of cAMP response element-binding protein downregulates Per1 gene expression in the shell region of nucleus accumbens resulting in reduced alcohol consumption in miceNone
Aggarwal, S., Kremer, C., Engelhard, S., Johnson, S.Journal of Current Glaucoma PracticeComparison of locally sourced pericardium and other conventional patch graft materials in a glaucoma drainage device surgeryNone
Yang, Z., Zhang, T., Layfield, L., Esebua, M.Journal of the American Society of CytopathologyPerformance of afirma gene sequencing classifier versus gene expression classifier in thyroid nodules with indeterminate cytologyNone
Olander, E. M., Brunk, S., Kesterson, J.NeoReviewsAn infant with failure to thrive and hypotoniaNone
Brekke, G. , Saint Onge, J. , Kimminau, K. , Ellis, S,Population MedicineDirect primary care: Family physician perceptions of a growing modelNone