
Administrative Services

Information Services

The Information Services Department is responsible for expert search services , workshops and tutorials, the Information Desk ,and technical support for patrons. Questions regarding how to use and access information resources should be directed to this department. Email Information Services.

Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery

Interlibrary Loan allows you to receive journal articles and book chapters not owned by MU Libraries through the ILL@MU system.  Email Interlibrary Loan.


Patrons are referred to the circulation desk to:

  • check-out and return library materials (charge/discharge).
  • inquire about overdue notices and fines.
  • reserve study classrooms.
  • check for lost and found items inside the library.

Reserves The reserve collection, located temporarily in Ellis Library, contains major textbooks, and other books and materials placed on reserve by instructors for their students’ use including digital items in E-Reserves. Faculty may request the help of Circulation staff to add course materials to the E-Reserves system.