Authors | Journal | Article | Impact Factor | PlumX | Altmetric |
Davidson, K. W., Barry, M. J., Mangione, C. M., Cabana, M., Caughey, A. B., Davis, E. M., Donahue, K. E., Doubeni, C. A., Krist, A. H., Kubik, M., Li, L., Ogedegbe, G., Pbert, L., Silverstein, M., Simon, M. A., Stevermer, J., Tseng, C. W., Wong, J. B. | JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association | Screening for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement | 63.XXX | PlumX | |
Koppisetti, R. K., Fulcher, Y. G., Van Doren, S. R. | Journal of the American Chemical Society | Fusion Peptide of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Rearranges into a Wedge Inserted in Bilayered Micelles | 14.XXX | PlumX | |
Fernandez, K., Long, K. A., Zhang, A., Shumway, N. K. | Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology | Clinical features of idiopathic anogenital pruritus in adult men: A case-control study | 12.XXX | PlumX | |
Lukowiak, T. M., Perz, A. M., Veerabagu, S. A., Lee, M. P., Neal, D., Aizman, L., Miller, C. J., Golda, N., Albertini, J. G., Holmes, T., Bar, A., Leitenberger, J., Maher, I. A., Sobanko, J. F., Chen, D., Aasi, S., Sutton, A., Higgins, H. W. Ii, Shin, T. M., Weinberger, C., Mattox, A., Wysong, A., Etzkorn, J. R. | JAMA Dermatology | Patient Quality of Life after Interpolated Flap Repair of Nasal Mohs Surgery Defects: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study | 11.XXX | PlumX | |
Foster, A., Nigam, S., Tatum, D. S., Raphael, I., Xu, J., Kumar, R., Plakseychuk, E., Latoche, J. D., Vincze, S., Li, B., Giri, R., McCarl, L. H., Edinger, R., Ak, M., Peddagangireddy, V., Foley, L. M., Hitchens, T. K., Colen, R. R., Pollack, I. F., Panigrahy, A., Magda, D., Anderson, C. J., Edwards, W. B., Kohanbash, G. | EBioMedicine | Novel theranostic agent for PET imaging and targeted radiopharmaceutical therapy of tumour-infiltrating immune cells in glioma | 9.XXX | PlumX | |
Zhu, Z., Parikh, P., Zhao, H., Givens, N. T., Beck, D. B., Willson, C. M., Bai, Q., Wakefield, M. R., Fang, Y. | Cancer Lett | Targeting immunometabolism of neoplasms by interleukins: A promising immunotherapeutic strategy for cancer treatment | 9.XXX | PlumX | |
Stauffer, E., Poutrel, S., Gozal, D., Germain, M., Prudent, M., Fort, R., Gauthier, A., Bertrand, Y., Hot, A., Connes, P. | Archivos de Bronconeumologia | Reduced Lung Diffusion Capacity Caused by Low Alveolar Volume and Restrictive Disease Are Common in Sickle Cell Disease | 8.XXX | PlumX | |
Yogendrakumar, V., Ramsay, T., Menon, B. K., Qureshi, A. I., Saver, J. L., Dowlatshahi, D. | Neurology | Hematoma Expansion Shift Analysis to Assess Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage Treatments | 7.XXX | PlumX | |
Toyoda, K., Yoshimura, S., Fukuda-Doi, M., Qureshi, A. I., Martin, R. H., Palesch, Y. Y., Ihara, M., Suarez, J. I., Okada, Y., Hsu, C. Y., Itabashi, R., Wang, Y., Yamagami, H., Steiner, T., Sakai, N., Yoon, B. W., Inoue, M., Minematsu, K., Yamamoto, H., Koga, M., the, Atach Trial Investigators, the, Samurai Investigators | International Journal of Stroke | Intensive blood pressure lowering with nicardipine and outcomes after intracerebral hemorrhage: An individual participant data systematic review | 6.XXX | PlumX | |
Rosen, G. H., Hargis, P., Murray, K. S. | J Urol | SKOPE-Study of Ketorolac vs Opioid for Pain after Endoscopy: A Double-Blinded Randomized Control Trial in Patients Undergoing Ureteroscopy. Letter | 5.XXX | PlumX | |
Anadani, M., Qureshi, A. I., Menacho, S., Grandhi, R., Yaghi, S., Jumaa, M. A., de Havenon, A. | European Stroke Journal | Race/ethnicity and response to blood pressure lowering treatment after intracerebral hemorrhage | 5.XXX | PlumX | |
Miwa, K., Koga, M., Fukuda-Doi, M., Yamamoto, H., Tanaka, K., Yoshimura, S., Ihara, M., Qureshi, A. I., Toyoda, K. | Journal of the American Heart Association | Effect of heart rate variabilities on outcome after acute intracerebral hemorrhage: A post hoc analysis of atach-2 | 5.XXX | PlumX | |
Sugimoto, J., Choi, S., Sheridan, M., Koh, I., Kudo, Y., Schust, D. J. | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | Could the human endogenous retrovirus?derived syncytialization inhibitor, suppressyn, limit heterotypic cell fusion events in the decidua? | 4.XXX | PlumX | |
Laffey, K. G., Du, J., Schrum, A. G., Ackerman, S. J. | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | Transcriptional regulation of the human il5ra gene through alternative promoter usage during eosinophil development | 4.XXX | PlumX | |
Cortes-Perez, N. G., de LeBlanc, A. M., Gomez-Gutierrez, J. G., Leblanc, J. G., Bermudez-Humarin, L. G. | Biomolecules | Probiotics and trained immunity | 4.XXX | PlumX | |
Yeh, H. I., Yu, Y. C., Kuo, P. L., Tsai, C. K.,Huang , H.T., Hwang, T. C. | Journal of Physiology | Functional stability of CFTR depends on tight binding of ATP at its degenerate ATP-binding site | 4.XXX | PlumX | |
Goswami, L. N., Chakravarty, S., Cai, Q. Y., Shapiro, E. M., Hawthorne, M. F., Ma, L. | ACS Applied Bio Materials | Amphiphilic DTPA Multimer Assembled on Icosahedral Closo-Borane Motif as High-Performance MRI Blood Pool Contrast Agent | 4.XXX | PlumX | |
Hao, F., Wang, C., Sholy, C., Cao, M., Kang, X. | Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology | Strategy for Leukemia Treatment Targeting SHP-1,2 and SHIP | 4.XXX | PlumX | |
Khalyfa, A., Trzepizur, W., Gileles-Hillel, A., Qiao, Z., Sanz-Rubio, D., Marin, J. M., Martinez-Garcia, M. A., Campos-Rodriguez, F., Almendros, I., Farre, R., Sanchez-De-la-torre, M., Garcia-Rio, F., Gozal, D. | Cancers | Heterogeneity of melanoma cell responses to sleep apnea-derived plasma exosomes and to intermittent hypoxia | 4.XXX | PlumX | |
Gudeman, A. S., Hinckel, B. B., Oladeji, L., Ray, T. E., Gersoff, W., Farr, J., Sherman, S. L. | American Journal of Sports Medicine | Evaluation of Commercially Available Knee Cartilage Restoration Techniques Stratified by FDA Approval Pathway | 4.XXX | PlumX | |
Narindrarangkura, P., Ye, Q., Boren, S. A., Khan, U., Simoes, E. J., Kim, M. S. | Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology | Analysis of Healthy Coping Feedback Messages from Diabetes Mobile Apps: Validation Against an Evidence-Based Framework | 4.XXX | PlumX | |
Sperk, M., Ambikan, A. T., Ray, S., Singh, K., Mikaeloff, F., Diez, R. C., Narayanan, A., Vesterbacka, J., Nowak, P., Sönnerborg, A., Neogi, U. | Journal of Virology | Fecal metabolome signature in the HIV-1 elite control phenotype: Enrichment of dipeptides acts as an HIV-1 antagonist but a Prevotella agonist | 4.XXX | PlumX | |
Fabricius, M. M., Hitchcock, N. M., Reuter, Z. C., Simon, M. E., Pierce, R. P. | Journal of Community Health | Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic & Telehealth Implementation in a Student Run Free Clinic | 3.XXX | PlumX | |
Gregory, D. A., Wieberg, C. G., Wenzel, J., Lin, C. H., Johnson, M. C. | Viruses | Monitoring sars-cov-2 populations in wastewater by amplicon sequencing and using the novel program sam refiner | 3.XXX | PlumX | |
Korasick, D. A., Christgen, S. L., Qureshi, I. A., Becker, D. F., Tanner, J. J. | Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics | Probing the function of a ligand-modulated dynamic tunnel in bifunctional proline utilization A (PutA) | 3.XXX | PlumX | |
Tang, C. Y., Segovia, K., McElroy, J. A., Li, T., Guan, M., Zhang, X., Misra, S., Hang, J., Wan, X. F. | Viruses | Cell-adapted mutations and antigenic diversity of influenza b viruses in missouri, 2019–2020 season | 3.XXX | PlumX | |
Campbell, A. C., Tanner, J. J., Krause, K. L. | Viruses | Optimisation of neuraminidase expression for use in drug discovery by using hek293-6e cells | 3.XXX | PlumX | |
Salinas, M., Lopez-Garrigos, M., Flores, E., Martin, E., Leiva-Salinas, C. | Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine | The clinical laboratory: A decision maker hub | 3.XXX | PlumX | |
Smith, A. L., Robinson, C., Taylor, A. B., Panagiotopoulou, O., Davis, J., Ward, C. V., Kimbel, W. H., Alemseged, Z., Ross, C. F. | Interface Focus | Comparative biomechanics of the Pan and Macaca mandibles during mastication: Finite element modelling of loading, deformation and strain regimes | 3.XXX | PlumX | |
McBride, M., Appling, C., Ferguson, B., Gonzalez, A., Schaeffer, A., Zand, A., Wang, D., Sam, A., Hart, E., Tosh, A., Fontcha, I., Parmacek, S., Beversdorf, D. | Psychopharmacology | Effects of stimulant medication on divergent and convergent thinking tasks related to creativity in adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder | 3.XXX | PlumX | |
Duarte, R. L. M., Magalhaes-Da-Silveira, F. J., Gozal, D. | Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine | Are there sex-related differences in therapeutic CPAP levels in adults undergoing in-laboratory titration? | 3.XXX | PlumX | |
Umeda, A., Ishizaka, M., Ikeda, A., Miyagawa, K., Mochida, A., Takeda, H., Takeda, K., Fukushi, I., Okada, Y., Gozal, D. | Sensors | Recent insights into the measurement of carbon dioxide concentrations for clinical practice in respiratory medicine | 3.XXX | PlumX | |
Ali, A. H., Petroski, G. F., Diaz-Arias, A. A., Al Juboori, A., Wheeler, A. A., Ganga, R. R., Pitt, J. B., Spencer, N. M., Hammoud, G. M., Rector, R. S., Parks, E. J., Ibdah, J. A. | Journal of Clinical Medicine | A model incorporating serum alkaline phosphatase for prediction of liver fibrosis in adults with obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease | 3.XXX | PlumX | |
Farré, R., Gozal, D., Montserrat, J. M. | Journal of Clinical Medicine | Alternative procedure to individual nasal pressure titration for sleep apnea | 3.XXX | PlumX | |
Martinot, J. B., Le-Dong, N. N., Cuthbert, V., Denison, S., Gozal, D., Lavigne, G., Pepin, J. L. | Nature and Science of Sleep | Artificial intelligence analysis of mandibular movements enables accurate detection of phasic sleep bruxism in osa patients: A pilot study | 3.XXX | PlumX | |
Niedbalski, P. J., Hall, C. S., Castro, M., Eddy, R. L., Rayment, J. H., Svenningsen, S., Parraga, G., Zanette, B., Santyr, G. E., Thomen, R. P., Stewart, N. J., Collier, G. J., Chan, H. F., Wild, J. M., Fain, S. B., Miller, G. W., Mata, J. F., Mugler, J. P., III, Driehuys, B., Willmering, M. M., Cleveland, Z. I., Woods, J. C. | Magnetic Resonance in Medicine | Protocols for multi-site trials using hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI for imaging of ventilation, alveolar-airspace size, and gas exchange: A position paper from the 129Xe MRI clinical trials consortium | 3.XXX | PlumX | |
Gozal, D. | Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine | Diagnostic approaches to respiratory abnormalities in craniofacial syndromes | 2.XXX | PlumX | |
Zmistowski, B., Carpenter, D. P., Chalmers, P. N., Smith, M. J., Keener, J. D. | Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery | Symptomatic aseptic loosening of a short humeral stem following anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty | 2.XXX | PlumX | |
Kaser, E. C., Zhao, L., D'Mello K, P., Zhu, Z., Xiao, H., Wakefield, M. R., Bai, Q., Fang, Y. | Med Oncol | The role of various interleukins in acute myeloid leukemia | 2.XXX | PlumX | |
D'Mello K, P., Zhao, L., Kaser, E. C., Zhu, Z., Xiao, H., Wakefield, M. R., Bai, Q., Fang, Y. | Med Oncol | The role of interleukins and the widely studied TNF-? in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma | 2.XXX | PlumX | |
Campbell, C., McColl, E., McDermott, M. P., Martens, W. B., Guglieri, M., Griggs, R. C., Straub, V., Childs, A. M., Ciafaloni, E., Shieh, P. B., Spinty, S., Butterfield, R. J., Horrocks, I., Roper, H., Maggi, L., Baranello, G., Flanigan, K. M., Kuntz, N. L., Manzur, A. Y., Darras, B. T., Kang, P., Mah, J. K., Mongini, T., Ricci, F., Morrison, L., Krzesniak-Swinarska, M., von der Hagen, M., Finkel, R. S., Kumar , A., Wicklund, M., McDonald, C. M., Henricson, E. K., Schara-Schmidt, U., Wilichowski, E., Barohn, R. J., Statland, J., Kirschner, J., Vita, G., Vita, G. L., Howard, J. F., Jr., Hughes, I., McMillan, H. J., Pegoraro, E., Bello, L., Burnette, W. B., Thangarajh, M., Chang, T., The Muscle Study, Group, Treat, N. M. D. | Neuromuscular Disorders | Health related quality of life in young, steroid-naïve boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy | 2.XXX | PlumX | |
Hoernschemeyer, D. G., Boeyer, M. E., Tweedy, N. M., Worley, J. R., Crim, J. R. | European Spine Journal | A preliminary assessment of intervertebral disc health and pathoanatomy changes observed two years following anterior vertebral body tethering | 2.XXX | PlumX | |
Aizman, L., Barbieri, J. S., Feit, E. M., Lukowiak, T. M., Perz, A. M., Shin, T. M., Miller, C. J., Golda, N., Leitenberger, J. J., Carr, D. R., Nijhawan, R. I., Hasan, A., Eisen, D. B., Etzkorn, J. R. | Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.] | Preferences for Prophylactic Oral Antibiotic Use in Dermatologic Surgery: A Multicenter Discrete Choice Experiment | 2.XXX | PlumX | |
McCrae, C. S., Mazurek, M. O., Curtis, A. F., Beversdorf, D. Q., Deroche, C. B., Golzy, M., Sohl, K. A., Ner, Z. H., Davis, B. E., Stearns, M. A., Nair, N. | BMJ Open | Protocol for targeting insomnia in school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder without intellectual disability: A randomised control trial | 2.XXX | PlumX | |
Anderson, C. L., Evans, V., Gorham, L., Liu, Z., Johnson, C. R., Carney, P. R. | Epilepsy and Behavior | Seizure frequency, quality of life, behavior, cognition, and sleep in pediatric patients enrolled in a prospective, open-label clinical study with cannabidiol | 2.XXX | PlumX | |
Mata, J., Guan, S., Qing, K., Tustison, N., Shim, Y., Mugler, J. P., III, Altes, T., Huaromo, J., Mehrad, B. | Tomography | Evaluation of regional lung function in pulmonary fibrosis with xenon-129 mri | 2.XXX | PlumX | |
Wittauer, M., Burch, M. A., McNally, M., Vandendriessche, T., Clauss, M., Rocca, G. J. D., Giannoudis, P. V., Metsemakers, W. J., Morgenstern, M. | Injury | Definition of long-bone nonunion: A scoping review of prospective clinical trials to evaluate current practice | 2.XXX | PlumX | |
Mazurek, M. O., Sadikova, E., Cheak-Zamora, N., Hardin, A., Huerta, I., Sohl, K., Malow, B. A. | Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders | They deserve the “same level of care that any other person deservesâ€: Caregiver perspectives on healthcare for adults on the autism spectrum | 2.XXX | PlumX | |
Bailey, J., Rosen, G. H., Murray, K. S. | Urology | Show Me How Video: Straight-Up Approach to Bedside Ureteral Stents | 2.XXX | PlumX | |
Brewster, G. S., Molinari, V., McCrae, C., Beckstead, J., D?Aoust, R., Rowe, M. | Western Journal of Nursing Research | Cognitive Function and Sleep in Caregivers of Persons Living with Dementia | 2.XXX | PlumX | |
Qureshi, A. I., Huang, W., Lobanova, I., Ishfaq, M. F., French, B. R., Siddiq, F., Gomez, C. R. | World Neurosurgery | Repeat Revascularization over 10 Years Following Carotid Endarterectomy or Carotid Stent Placement: An Analysis of Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy Versus Stenting Trial | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
Tanaka, T., Bradford, T., Litofsky, N. S. | World Neurosurgery | Severity of Preoperative HbA1c and Predicting Postoperative Complications in Spine Surgery | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
Stensby, J. D., Pringle, L. C., Crim, J. | Clinics in Sports Medicine | MRI of the Meniscus | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
Weber, T., Ge, B., Tanaka, T., Litofsky, N. S. | Journal of Clinical Neuroscience | The impact of poor post-operative glucose control on neurosurgical surgical site infections (SSI) | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
French, J., Weber, T., Ge, B., Litofsky, N. S. | World Neurosurgery | Postoperative Delirium in Patients After Brain Tumor Surgery | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
Leary, E., Zachary, I., Kyeong, N. Y. | Community Mental Health Journal | Regional Differences in Serious Psychological Distress and Overall Physical and Mental Health | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
Saak, J. C., Mannix, A., Stilley, J., Sampson, C. | AEM Education and Training | Diversity begets diversity: Factors contributing to emergency medicine residency gender diversity | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
Cook, J. L., Rucinski, K., Crecelius, C. R., Cunningham, S., Guess, T. M. | Journal of Knee Surgery | Prospective, Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing a Novel Motion-Assistive Device to Standard Physical Therapy for Initial Management of Knee Range of Motion after Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
Wolfe, P. N., Campfield, B. D., Crist, B. D., Keeney, J. A., Smith, M. J., Cook, J. L., Stoker, A. M. | Journal of Orthopaedics | Bacterial DNA screening to characterize surgical site infection risk in orthopaedic patients | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
Hassan, A. E., Ringheanu, V. M., Preston, L., Tekle, W. G., Qureshi, A. I. | Interventional Neuroradiology | Acute intracranial stenting with mechanical thrombectomy is safe and efficacious in patients diagnosed with underlying intracranial atherosclerotic disease | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
Bedewi, M. A., Alhariqi, B. A., Aldossary, N. M., Gaballah, A. H., Sandougah, K. J. | Medicine | Shear wave elastography of the scalene muscles in healthy adults: A preliminary study | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
Grubbs, C., 3rd, Morris, L., Jarrett, J. B. | The Journal of family practice | This is not the time to modify a HTN regimen | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
Beversdorf, D. Q., Nagaraja, H. N., Bornstein, R. A., Scharre, D. W. | Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology | The Effect of Donepezil on Problem-solving Ability in Individuals with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Study | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
Tassone, P., Galloway, T., Dooley, L., Zitsch, R., III | Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology | Orocutaneous Fistula After Oral Cavity Resection and Reconstruction: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
Reken, J., Gardner, M., Acton, J., Nevel, R. J. | Clinical Pediatrics | Elevated Alkaline Phosphatase in a 10-Year-Old With Cystic Fibrosis | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
Hooshmand, S. J., Govindarajan, R., Bostick, B. P. | American Journal of Case Reports | Cardiomyopathy, proximal myopathy, camptocormia, and novel filamin c (Flnc) variant: A case report | 1.XXX | PlumX | |
Tarun, T., Kumar, S., Johnson, J., Chockalingam, A. | European Heart Journal - Case Reports | A case report on transient cardiomyopathy with cytokine storm in SARS-CoV-2 | 0.XXX | PlumX | |
Zhao, L., Huang, L., Signaigo, N. J., Zhai, K., Zhu, Z., Sarris, M. D., Wakefield, M. R., Yang, W., Fang, Y. | Clinical Laboratory | A COVID-19 young male patient with pneumonia and liver injury | 0.XXX | PlumX | |
Perkins, T., McDonald, K., Clem, D. | Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography | Case Study of a Rare Incidence of a Leiomyosarcoma Mass Occluding the Distal Femoral Vein | 0.XXX | PlumX | |
Katyal, N., Singla, P., Idiculla, P. S., Narula, N., Govindarajan, R. | Journal of clinical neuromuscular disease | Dichlorphenamide for Refractory Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis | None | PlumX | |
Mateo, K. F., Hirai, T., Isaac, D., Ko, F., Hung, W., Ngai, G. | Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management | Remdesivir Reduces Time to Recovery in Adults Hospitalized with COVID-19: A Meaningful Step in Therapeutic Discovery | None | PlumX | |
Aggarwal, A., Lindegaard, V. | Psychopharmacology bulletin | Can a 'Shot' Help Prevent Youth Re-Incarceration? Case Report on Use of a Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotic in Incarcerated Youth | None | None | None |