Journal of Applied Gerontology

Does this Journal have an Impact Factor? Yes, this is a Journal Impact Factor Title.

2022 Journal Impact Factor :: 3.0

View complete Impact Factor data in Journal Citation Report :: Journal of Applied Gerontology
Impact Factors measure the frequency an ‘average article’ in a journal has been cited in a particular year or period. Not all journals have Impact Factors. Only journals with Impact Factors are considered in AAU rankings.
Is this journal currently indexed in MEDLINE? Yes, this is a MEDLINE Title :: Journal of Applied GerontologyMEDLINE indexes biomedical journals that have met rigorous requirements.
Is the journal currently indexed in Scopus? Yes, this is a Scopus Title - Scopus Cite Score. SNIP :: 1.516Scopus indexes academic literature in the humanities, sciences and social sciences. Journals must meet certain requirements. Scopus provides journal metrics.
Is the journal currently indexed in CINAHL? Yes, this is a CINAHL Title.CINAHL indexes journals in nursing and allied health.
Author publishing/open access fees waived or reduced? This journal doesn’t offer any waiver or reduction of author fees as a benefit of the library subscription.The library has signed some transformative/read-and-publish agreements where the publisher waives or reduces author fees due to the library subscription.

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